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Will the new AKM suck ?

AKM dispersion  

137 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the AKM will have horrible dispersion?

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ok how can I tell a AKM ''sucks' having only screen shots and rumors?

I always facepalm on topics like this, people don't even try to look up the capabilities of a gun.

They all think like a yolo cod kid, pull the trigger till it stops... hit noting? = crap gun.

Like thew m4, defald it's bad in +400m having lots of flyers.

Still there are so many mags to be found for the m4 and lots of ammo.


It's only up to the person to know how a gun preforms and than use it in a way it will fit.

Target at 400m? have a defald m4? 1.move closer 2.leave it be and find more parts for the m4.

Come on plan things out.

It's only alpha gun balance is some thing for the beta.

Now in alpha stuff will be put in the game to see if they can get it to work to some degree.(prob still buggly but not game chrasing)

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ok how can I tell a AKM ''sucks' having only screen shots and rumors?

I always facepalm on topics like this, people don't even try to look up the capabilities of a gun.

They all think like a yolo cod kid, pull the trigger till it stops... hit noting? = crap gun.

Like thew m4, defald it's bad in +400m having lots of flyers.

Still there are so many mags to be found for the m4 and lots of ammo.

It's only up to the person to know how a gun preforms and than use it in a way it will fit.

Target at 400m? have a defald m4? 1.move closer 2.leave it be and find more parts for the m4.

Come on plan things out.

It's only alpha gun balance is some thing for the beta.

Now in alpha stuff will be put in the game to see if they can get it to work to some degree.(prob still buggly but not game chrasing)

Balance I keep hearing this word and I cringe each time.

Why balance anything why not just treat the guns like they are in real life. The balance by adjusting the loot tables.

Their attempt to make the accessories more than just cosmetic has resulted in dayz having the worst shooting in not only any Bohemia interactive game to date but also any zombie shooter I have played.

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Balance I keep hearing this word and I cringe each time.

Why balance anything why not just treat the guns like they are in real life. The balance by adjusting the loot tables.

Their attempt to make the accessories more than just cosmetic has resulted in dayz having the worst shooting in not only any Bohemia interactive game to date but also any zombie shooter I have played.


yep, i miss the days of the mod where you could find an AS50 if you were lucky and just ended people... though the real thing was the M107, my all time favorite from those days, just sounded like a roaring lion^^


balance is important in CoD like games, in games where you have to actually work for getting a good gun balance has no need to be


i just want my zeroing-on-800 meters dayz mod AKM please, with an attachable PSo scope and no random spray or "magic parts" like the M4

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Balance I keep hearing this word and I cringe each time.



I don't, but only because as far as I'm concerned realism is balance. 

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I don't, but only because as far as I'm concerned realism is balance.

As it should be.

Real life balances itself.

The mosin Nagant should not be more accurate than an M4 or sks yet without realism it is in dayz.

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Do you guys think the new akm will plauged with the same problems that the rest of the weapons suffer from , the insane dispersion and unrealistic handling ?

Im going to say YES on this one just because i feel like theres going to be some attachment gimmicks you are going to 100% need to make it function properly. Ak will probably need a drum for the best pvp experience, possibly an extended stock and maybe a rare as hell scope. Who really knows though?

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Hello there


At first the AKM may well "suck".


Dont forget Arma's weapons were very "off" in many areas too and were still being officially tweaked relatively recently.


From my unofficial and imperfect tests it does appear to be a large amount of dispersion in DAYZ's weapons compared to Arma's.


BUT, it's incredibly early days (no pun intended) and although its good to raise the issue on dispersion its far better to make a bugreport on it and get it upvoted than to continually rail about it here.


Why not make or collate vids together with more facts like AppleJ did and go from there?


The more constructiveness you put in the more attention it will receive.


This thread isnt really bringing much to the table.





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As it should be.

Real life balances itself.

The mosin Nagant should not be more accurate than an M4 or sks yet without realism it is in dayz.

Im sure the mosin was never meant to go over 800 m in accuracy like a modern day sniper rifle with little issues. Hopefully the wind they add to it will give it increased difficulty,


Even this guy in the video was having issues with the weapon due to the high winds when firing it. Thats without a scope though.


Edited by Deathlove

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Balance I keep hearing this word and I cringe each time.

Why balance anything why not just treat the guns like they are in real life. The balance by adjusting the loot tables.

Their attempt to make the accessories more than just cosmetic has resulted in dayz having the worst shooting in not only any Bohemia interactive game to date but also any zombie shooter I have played.

I must agree with this.

Having the better guns harder to find and more away from player spawns is a good idea.

It rewards spending a long time gathering good gear to be better.

There is more to balance than the way a gun performs.

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Still I wanna craddle this baby in my arms!!

Atleast before they (hoepfully) add Sa vz.58.


I guess, that before Beta phase is upon us, we can't expect so much of balancing in most of departments...

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I hope the current dispersion is just a placeholder for the gun sway they will (hopefully) add in the future.

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The AKM is very powerful and accurate, don't fire it Full Auto like a crazy gunman

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Im sure the mosin was never meant to go over 800 m in accuracy like a modern day sniper rifle with little issues. Hopefully the wind they add to it will give it increased difficulty,


Even this guy in the video was having issues with the weapon due to the high winds when firing it. Thats without a scope though.



4 moa for a mosin that seems about right with surplus ammo.

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Just quick google shows what the moa should the guns have. Generally it should be easily under 10 but guns moa is between 20-40...

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The AKM is very powerful and accurate, don't fire it Full Auto like a crazy gunman

But you know all the kids will lol.

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But you know all the kids will lol.

It's going to be their fault then if they don't hit

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Innacuracy because of recoil and dispersion are two different things though.

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The AKM is very powerful and accurate, don't fire it Full Auto like a crazy gunman

I can see it already.

Some 1 using the AKM +PSO as a sniper.

Telling every one:''I'm not a crazed gunman i'm a assassin, the difference bein one is a job and the other's mental sickness''

+1 if you get the reference

Edited by (DD)DutchB4k
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The random dispersion might pose a strong threat to the assasins sanity however.

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Lol, a poll on something that isn't even in game yet wondering if it will suck?  I don't even..........  :facepalm:

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I just hope that AKM mag (30 rnd) will not be as rare as pistol ones.

Would be crazy if only M4's mags were all over the military places.

Edited by Hombre

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They are doing inaccuracy all too wrong, really.


The guns should be as accurate as we see them in Arma 2, but should have increased amounts of sway, depending on specific statistics. For example, after running for quite a while, it should be a lot harder to hold your weapon steady, but when crouching, standing still, or prone - especially - you should be able to hold that gun as stable as scaffolding.


We also need a system to mount our guns onto windows and walls temporarily for increased stability, and the same with bipods, and we also need to see more subtle attachments, such as the CQB stock slightly changing maneuverability but not affecting accuracy as it currently does and make the magpul parts result in an easy to aim M4, perhaps make it quicker to stabilize?


All in all, we need sway and unstable rifles that act like they do in real life.

Exactly this a million times over. Making it so that it uses actual ballistics and "physical" bullets instead of a "gamey" dispersion cone is the only acceptable option. I do sincerely feel that we only have the stupid shooting mechanics that we do currently so that they could justify thier crappy attachment sysetm and make them "worth" finding. I almost wish they just threw the attachments out the window and port the A2 guns as they currently exist in A2

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In the mod it was considerably difficult to keep the AK on target when engaging in full auto (as it should), so I used semi auto at all times. I'll do the same in SA for sure. 

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I'd like to see it be decent, but Rocket will probably make it worse than the M4's handling.

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Lol, a poll on something that isn't even in game yet wondering if it will suck?  I don't even..........  :facepalm:


Hence why it asks what people think will happen not if they know if the akm will suck.


Even then some people such as GEWs know the akm will suck by looking at the games files and seeing the insane 27 moa accuracy.

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