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Wrongly Accused, Global Ban

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I, like many, use a shared PC. So when I logged onto DayZ today, and tried to connect to a server, I was denied access due to a Battleye Global Ban. At first, I thought it was just a bug, I tried again on a different server, and another, and another. None worked, all the same message, I had been banned. 


I had never used hacks, partly because I have no clue about hacks, why even bother hacking it defeats the purpose of the game. But I do use a shared PC, so the next logical solution I drew was that some c**t had decided to turn my PC into some sort of twelvie hacks orgy. Possibly my brother. So now, I have sent an appeal to Battleye, however I read in their automated reply "Please understand that we cannot lift your ban even if your account was hacked or used by someone else." So, thanks to a combination of ridiculous software and outside interference, I can no longer enjoy a game I spent $30 on, which is a lot of money. Not to mention, I believe the ban is going to affect ArmA 2 as well, so add another $30. Even if I got that money back, I'd still be pissed, because DayZ was my all time favourite multi player game and ranked number 4 on my top 10 list. 


I'm just wondering if anyone here has a solution, maybe even Steam Support could help, I don't know though. Any help would be appreciated. 

Edited by sergeantwtf

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Possibly my brother.



I have lost count about how many times we have heard this excuse. And it really isn't. As per ToS you are the one responsible for your account and that your computer is free of malicious software.


Furthermore, we can't help you here, as we're not dealing with Global Bans, as mentioned - contact BE support.

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