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Which can be more harmful than unlimited ammo?

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I don't know if it is a bug or a way of hacking.

I just know the unlimited ammo can stay in the game, transmit to other players when the former is dead or something.

I just know the game has a rediculous weight count that a player can bear thousands of thousand bullets.

I just know the weapons don't lose its durability then when a prestine M4 fires  thousands of thousand bullets it is still a prestine M4.

I just know the survivors are so poor against the cheaters.

I just don't know how difficult the devs can't resolve the problem.

And I just don't know what can ruin more pleasure than unlimited ammo. > :(

Edited by msy

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butt heart? Because you losed your gear because of cheater? Don't get attached to your gear, you do not need anything except rags and can-opener.

Just find food, open and eat full pack and move along, find someone- talk, that's your main weapon and you will not lose anything upon meeting someone, you do not need to ruin gear, to hold breath, waste ammo, you simply do not need those things.Need water? Go on pump station - free water.

Zombie- punch them in head while walking in circles, you can beat that way even 5 zombies at once.

What else do you need?Tell me if i am wrong, that's you need canteen,clothing or 4 weapons(Mosin on shoudler, m4 in hands, edge of izh-12 and 3 pistols with 3 mags for each) rofl, those items just waste of time,energy and health.

Because all you need to win this game - get Healthy status. Then - nothing to do except talking with ppl, but as we see ppl are dumb and just pew in you without a reason.

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  On 5/4/2014 at 12:03 PM, msy said:

I don't know if it is a bug or a way of hacking.

I just know the unlimited ammo can stay in the game, transmit to other players when the former is dead or something.

I just know the game has a rediculous weight count that a player can bear thousands of thousand bullets.

I just know the weapons don't lose its durability then when a prestine M4 fires  thousands of thousand bullets it is still a prestine M4.

I just know the survivors are so poor against the cheaters.

I just don't know how difficult the devs can't resolve the problem.

And I just don't know what can ruin more pleasure than unlimited ammo. > :(

All I can do is share your frustration, remind myself that the devs are aware of the problem and hope they find a solution soon. I believe it's because ammo is stored on the client, but I think they are working on changing that.

Edited by Dallas

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  On 5/4/2014 at 12:03 PM, msy said:


I just don't know how difficult the devs can't resolve the problem.

They know about it and are working on it.

Rocket did a post on reddit about it, It's all part of alpha, Hackers expose security vulnerabilities, And they are able to fix them. ;D 

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For F*ck Sake Electi, can you be more boring than this? Unless you are drunk or dyxlexic.

What is wrong with this community? I don't get it...

One single question and some of the most intelligent people (that ever roamed the earth) are jumping high with 

some pre-written answers that are not even remotely related to the question asked. 


The OP asked something that was 100% technical and you answer "don't get attached to your gear,

go find food" and al that non related shit? WTF?!

Are you under-aged or just slow by design?


P.S. For the moderators: i deserve my warnings, and to be honest i am proud to wear them if this is 

how this forum should "evolve". God help us...

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Killed a guy yesterday, upon looking into his gear 300,000 m4 rounds. So sad......You can't even use that many, pointless.

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What can be more harmful than unlimited ammo? Well...

In the mod there were reports of exploding cows raining from the sky, immortal and invisible people spawned rocket launchers, tactical nukes, tanks and aircraft carriers, there were 'nyan cat' cars driving around spouting colours out the back, and whole servers got teleported to a 'thunderdome' at regular intervals.

I think the Standalone looks pretty good in comparison.


That said, is unlimited ammo really such a gamebreaker? I understand that it could make a big difference in an extended firefight, but in the small kerfluffles I have been part of, I hardly ever go through a full mag/clip before I or the other guy is dead.


Not defending its existence mind, just saying that it's a lot less harmful than some of the stuff mentioned above.

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  On 5/4/2014 at 2:08 PM, Max Planck said:

That said, is unlimited ammo really such a gamebreaker? I understand that it could make a big difference in an extended firefight, but in the small kerfluffles I have been part of, I hardly ever go through a full mag/clip before I or the other guy is dead.


The problem with it is that you can fire off 50.000 rounds without ever reloading, so you have a giant advantage over any player, who doesnt "exploit this bug".

Basicly you can lay down supressive fire for 10 mins straight, and the opponent has no change of surviving such an encounter tbh.

So imagine if theres 2 or perhaps even 3 people, running around together, with this "setup". It would be impossible to kill all of them unless you are in a much larger group.


Now if only it worked exactly like the regular ammunition, but it doesnt.


I will agree, we saw much worse hacks/exploits in the mod, but running into a guy who can spray at you for several minutes, without ever reloading, is game breaking, in some way.

Hopefully they will find a fix for it soon, but i have no idea how difficult that might be :)

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  On 5/4/2014 at 2:42 PM, Byrgesen said:

The problem with it is that you can fire off 50.000 rounds without ever reloading, so you have a giant advantage over any player, who doesnt "exploit this bug".

Basicly you can lay down supressive fire for 10 mins straight, and the opponent has no change of surviving such an encounter tbh.

So imagine if theres 2 or perhaps even 3 people, running around together, with this "setup". It would be impossible to kill all of them unless you are in a much larger group.


Not really.

If people have to do that then it's no doubt because they suck at shooting.


You can still sneak up on them and shoot them in the back of the head unlimited ammo doesn't make one an omnipotent badass people are still easy to fool.

I don't think I've encountered anyone with unlimited ammo because I only take them on when they're not prepared, unlimited ammo means nothing.


EDIT not that I wouldn't want it out of the game.

Edited by UltimateGentleman
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  On 5/4/2014 at 2:08 PM, Max Planck said:

What can be more harmful than unlimited ammo? Well...

In the mod there were reports of exploding cows raining from the sky, immortal and invisible people spawned rocket launchers, tactical nukes, tanks and aircraft carriers, there were 'nyan cat' cars driving around spouting colours out the back, and whole servers got teleported to a 'thunderdome' at regular intervals.

I think the Standalone looks pretty good in comparison.

That said, is unlimited ammo really such a gamebreaker? I understand that it could make a big difference in an extended firefight, but in the small kerfluffles I have been part of, I hardly ever go through a full mag/clip before I or the other guy is dead.

Not defending its existence mind, just saying that it's a lot less harmful than some of the stuff mentioned above.

Well, i ran into a guy in a building, we both had m4's, i had a 60 rnd mag while he had a 30 rnd, he died. Now imagine if he had unlimited ammo? So yes, it is game breaking, as well as wall glitching, and wall hacking. And it wasnt an extended firefight either.

Atm, standalone is just eye candy, it looks better than the mod, but its still hollow. standalone doesnt have exploding cows yet coz there arent any cows, or cars to make rainbows.

ive worked in the telecoms industries, what i learned is always make a solid foundation for a program, add in the eye candies later. Wall glitching, editing pbo files and hacking should be top priority. These are your fundamentals, there is no such thing as a hack proof program, focus on your fundamentals so you can easily patch it later.

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  On 5/4/2014 at 6:19 PM, Frothyboot18 said:

Atm, standalone is just eye candy, it looks better than the mod, but its still hollow. standalone doesnt have exploding cows yet coz there arent any cows, or cars to make rainbows.


It's hollow because it's far from done yet, we are still a year away from even entering the beta phase.

And just as the SA does not have cows or cars, the mod didn't have tactical nukes or aircraft carriers, yet they appeared from time to time.

Hacking/cheating is a problem, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was in the mod.


Moving data handling from the client to the server has helped a lot, and as more stuff starts to get handled by the server it will help even more.

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Im sure in the mod having a "banned" item could earn you a BE ban. Found a few dead hackers with like TWS AS50, but me and my group always left stuff like that alone. Might have just been admins checking logs and updating community ban list.....speaking of which, will all that be coming back? 

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  On 5/4/2014 at 12:19 PM, Electi said:

butt heart? Because you losed your gear because of cheater? Don't get attached to your gear, you do not need anything except rags and can-opener.

Just find food, open and eat full pack and move along, find someone- talk, that's your main weapon and you will not lose anything upon meeting someone, you do not need to ruin gear, to hold breath, waste ammo, you simply do not need those things.Need water? Go on pump station - free water.

Zombie- punch them in head while walking in circles, you can beat that way even 5 zombies at once.

What else do you need?Tell me if i am wrong, that's you need canteen,clothing or 4 weapons(Mosin on shoudler, m4 in hands, edge of izh-12 and 3 pistols with 3 mags for each) rofl, those items just waste of time,energy and health.

Because all you need to win this game - get Healthy status. Then - nothing to do except talking with ppl, but as we see ppl are dumb and just pew in you without a reason.

What a shitty boring way to play the game...


I mean, not only are you not taking part in any of the games features, but if I were to walk across you and you started talking with the mentality that "talking is your best weapon". I'd shoot you on sight quicker than you could say "I'm a bandit and you got no gear".

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  On 5/4/2014 at 12:03 PM, msy said:

I don't know if it is a bug or a way of hacking.

I just know the unlimited ammo can stay in the game, transmit to other players when the former is dead or something.

I just know the game has a rediculous weight count that a player can bear thousands of thousand bullets.

I just know the weapons don't lose its durability then when a prestine M4 fires  thousands of thousand bullets it is still a prestine M4.

I just know the survivors are so poor against the cheaters.

I just don't know how difficult the devs can't resolve the problem.

And I just don't know what can ruin more pleasure than unlimited ammo. > :(



The short answer.. EVERYTHING..   The Longer answer...


Maybe you forgot about Wall Glitching,  Teleport Hacking,  ESP (see people and items anywhere in the 1k Render distance). 


Unlimited Ammo won't keep a better player from killing you.. Unlimited bad shots.. are still bad shots.  We've killed more people that have these then have lived.. They didn't put up a better fight because they didn't need to reload.. IF I engage you and I didn't kill you in 60 bullets.. I'm already dead..  Unlimited ammo sucks... but IT gives no real edge.. Just makes the cheaters back into fighting shape quicker..

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  On 5/4/2014 at 6:19 PM, Frothyboot18 said:

Well, i ran into a guy in a building, we both had m4's, i had a 60 rnd mag while he had a 30 rnd, he died. Now imagine if he had unlimited ammo? So yes, it is game breaking, as well as wall glitching, and wall hacking. And it wasnt an extended firefight either.

Atm, standalone is just eye candy, it looks better than the mod, but its still hollow. standalone doesnt have exploding cows yet coz there arent any cows, or cars to make rainbows.

ive worked in the telecoms industries, what i learned is always make a solid foundation for a program, add in the eye candies later. Wall glitching, editing pbo files and hacking should be top priority. These are your fundamentals, there is no such thing as a hack proof program, focus on your fundamentals so you can easily patch it later.



And I've killed at least 30 people with these clips with less then 20 shots from an M4.  The ONLY, and I mean ONLY time I could see unlimited ammo helping is if I'm 2 on 1, and they're pushing me.. Stopping and covering to reload could get you killed there.. But otherwise its a nonissue.  Just because you killed guy with a 30 clip ONE time a game breaker does not make..   Congrats on your first kill though. 

Edited by Psymon

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  On 5/4/2014 at 6:43 PM, Karmaterror said:

Im sure in the mod having a "banned" item could earn you a BE ban. Found a few dead hackers with like TWS AS50, but me and my group always left stuff like that alone. Might have just been admins checking logs and updating community ban list.....speaking of which, will all that be coming back? 

The BE/BEC system is already in, it's just that admins have no access to implement the already huge community ban list. Although I wouldn't want that anyways in the public servers, and plus checking logs would be pointless right now because we would have one BIG ass log that would take 1000 years to check through. xD Wait, til the private hives come out in Q3. 

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