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GPS & Nightvision Feature Wishlist

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  • Add VERY rare loot spawns for the Battery/Charger
  • Add the NVGs to spawn ONLY at NWAF so they you have to travel long and hard to get night vision. 
  • Make the Batteries rechargeable, at a charging base or something. 


  • Make a hunter's and a military GPS. 
  • Make the hunter version in yellow or camouflage (maybe orange?)
  • Make sure players have to pull it out to use it
  • Make it like Minecraft where  you can pull the map out and look where you are going while you have the map out. 
  • Make the military version have a satellite map



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Dat Bubbles Avatar doe.

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But AFAIK, a screen in a screen (both working at the same time) will eat lots of ressources.


Also, I don't like NV at all.

(but the NV-goggles are in the gamefiles already...)

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If NVGs are already in the game files, then it looks like it's too late to say you don't like them.

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The images below are of the GPS' I suggested in my recent thread. :)



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Military GPS - Left


Hunter's GPS - Right


As you can see, the Military GPS can set waypoints and detect heat signatures, while the hunter's GPS can only be used as an aerial map.

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and why u open an extra topic?




theres an edit function dude...

Edited by quantum2k6

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Correction, Hunter's GPS can set waypoints. But let's just say it wouldn't in game. That would be very balanced ;)

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Wow! Didn't know there was an edit function! What magic :)

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Be honest, while electronic gimmicks are kind of fun and run on electricity ( players actually had to change batteries every day if they ran them as they would do right now -> 24/7 )...do you really need every electronic device to help you know where you are on a 180km² map? I don't need a GPS where i live and it's like 10 times bigger as the Chernarussian area and there are a ton more streets. I'm already waiting for the GPS failed a long time ago posters...

Edited by Enforcer

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Satelite based services like internet, mobile phones and also GPS would not work anyway after some time...allthough modern satelites have a long life time they need constant finetuning and adjusting by the control centers to work properly...

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Be honest, while electronic gimmicks are kind of fun and run on electricity ( players actually had to change batteries every day if they ran them as they would do right now -> 24/7 )...do you really need every electronic device to help you know where you are on a 180km² map? I don't need a GPS where i live and it's like 10 times bigger as the Chernarussian area and there are a ton more streets. I'm already waiting for the GPS failed a long time ago posters...


Satelite based services like internet, mobile phones and also GPS would not work anyway after some time...allthough modern satelites have a long life time they need constant finetuning and adjusting by the control centers to work properly...

There you go.

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But AFAIK, a screen in a screen (both working at the same time) will eat lots of ressources.


Also, I don't like NV at all.

(but the NV-goggles are in the gamefiles already...)

aint nothing wrong with some vision of night.

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long and hard


first thing that caught my eye...


anyways nightvision is feasible but she be uber rare.

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anyways nightvision is feasible but she be uber rare.


Impossible...everyone in my street owns at least 2 devices. And we always meet up every night and they only cost 3000€ a piece. Should be very common imo ;)

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My wish for night vision is that it only illuminates the area of within a certain radius form your character and the rest gets darker and darker as you go further. Balance is key to here because we dont want to give NVG players an enormous advantage over players without them.

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My wish for night vision is that it only illuminates the area of within a certain radius form your character and the rest gets darker and darker as you go further. Balance is key to here because we dont want to give NVG players an enormous advantage over players without them.

Balance is not key, especially for super-rare items like GPS & NVGs.

If you were lucky enough to find a pair of NVGs, you should have a good advantage over those who do not. NVGs aren't useful in the daytime (Which I'm sure many people will stick to regardless of changes) and there are plenty of alternate light sources that are and/or will be available (flashlights, head-torches, camp fires, lanterns, etc.)

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Satelite based services like internet, mobile phones and also GPS would not work anyway after some time...allthough modern satelites have a long life time they need constant finetuning and adjusting by the control centers to work properly...

Mobile phones don't use satellites.

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Mobile phones don't use satellites.



what I meant was satellite communication in general....

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Be honest, while electronic gimmicks are kind of fun and run on electricity ( players actually had to change batteries every day if they ran them as they would do right now -> 24/7 )...do you really need every electronic device to help you know where you are on a 180km² map? I don't need a GPS where i live and it's like 10 times bigger as the Chernarussian area and there are a ton more streets. I'm already waiting for the GPS failed a long time ago posters...

No, but in a zombie apocalypse set in modern day, it would be VERY helpful.

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if they add GPS i want a Jaevlin with thermal mode and top-down attack options :) no more roof top saftey for campers. ever. again.

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I don't want NVG's like we had in Arma 2 I would rather have some sort of monocular type night vision device that is used the same way as binoculars. No running around with night vision on all the time. They should also require special batteries and they should not last long either.



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I don't want NVG's like we had in Arma 2 I would rather have some sort of monocular type night vision device that is used the same way as binoculars. No running around with night vision on all the time. They should also require special batteries and they should not last long either.



That would totally devalue NVGs. seriously? do some people just want to be constantly miserable in the SA? i have an idea. let them play 27/7 night with only food and mele in the loot table. I know i've made a few troll-y suggestions like Hinds and tanks, but seriously. NIGHT TIME IS CRAP IN THE SA. the sheer fact that 90% of people would rather change servers 5 times to find a daytime one then play night is testiment to that. I dont care how realisitic or unrealistic night time is, if 80% of players would rather re organize on another server then play at night you need to consider that maybe, just maybe, it's not an enjoyable element to a majority of your players.

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My answer to you is: learn to play at night.


I don't know about those 90% people. IMO playing during the night its the shit. Not knowing if there is a guy camping near that barrack and he will shoot you as soon as you turn on your lantern, running through the dark and have zombies chase you all the way to Stary Sobor. That's fun for me. I don't want the SA to turn out like the mod did, where you got them CoD snipers on the hill in elektro 24/7 with NVGs and DMR's shooting everything that moves. Night time should be a terrifying experience, the infected should be more active and more aware.

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