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DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

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Refer to the example and my post. People have long gone from natural path to only self-preserve. We want to destroy, rule, overcome the nature. But that is completely another story.

You will see that some people just think they are better than everyone else, that they do everything better than others. Overall are superior species somewhat. But it is their choice. Nothing you can do about it.

Now we almost reached the entry point of the discussion. ;)

Maybe a true survival game is impossible to be made. "Wait, oh shit I died (**shortly enrages**), lets try again. That's a sandbox, life does not provide.

But please, we don't need to go into detail. My point was, please don't give those young adults all the excuses for being rude and whatnot because you believe, this is how things are ought to be. We have the choice, no one is forced to be a dipshit. Nature is cruel, but has no such intentions.

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Yet we can go on on with the discussion that the impetus of the FPS crowd, which hangs around the Airfields or bigger "hotspots", is anything but self-preservation.



You just argue for the sake of arguing, nothing but YOUR play style will do, and nothing else will please you. Your like a impetuous 14 year old.


If you rather my squad camp a respawn point and kill bambi's, we could do that if you would prefer.


Or we could just run up and down the coast on your server, and just RUIN your game.


You wont be happy untill we are gone, which will never happen, because there are more of us, and we are stronger then your type.


And you wonder why people deliberately do things to piss you off.

Edited by gwartham

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You just argue for the sake of arguing, nothing but YOUR play style will do, and nothing else will please you. Your like a impetuous 14 year old.


If you rather my squad camp a respawn point and kill bambi's, we could do that if you would prefer.


Or we could just run up and down the coast on your server, and just RUIN your game.


You wont be happy untill we are gone, which will never happen, because there are more of us, and we are stronger then your type.


And you wonder why people deliberately do things to piss you off.

What are you trying to say? Do you want to troll me with stupidity?

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No see apparently there is no room in this game for any playstyle but yours, like some little snob.


For me there is room for your playstyle.


But go ahead, keep it up hotshot!


Stupidity eh?


See those are internet words, you wouldnt say that in real life to me now would ya :)

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Do you give a shit about my playstyle?


Why is your playstyle more important then mine?


That's what this is really about.


People thinking that its their game, when its not.


Its not your game to dictate to anyone else how to play, and its not mine.


I'm not trying to dictate your gameplay, your trying to dictate mine.


Seems rather easy to play the game you want, go west my friend, go west.


Don't wanna play my game? Stay away from the hotspots. If you choose to play in the hotspots, then you choose the risk, and I don't want to hear any crying about it.


Its a big map if ya didn't notice.

Wow, if you got rid of your omnipresent verbal hostility, it would be so much more pleasant to talk to you.


You know what the main difference is?

My playstyle does not harm yours: for you, it makes no difference who you shoot at: Koser, PvPer, Hero/Bandit, Survivalist, Simulationist,... every playstyle can be named here.


Mindless PvP style however does influence all/most other styles negatively when (!go on reading!) it is done by too many. That sadly is the case at the moment. 8 out of 10 interactions end in silent killing (my own numbers from my own experience). On veteran servers, it's between 6-7 out of 10. 


I'll give an example:

I was roleplaying a doctor who woke up after an infection that his friends thought to be the Z-virus. They left him behind. He survives (it was not Z-virus) and tries to find them again, and tries to help others, finish the UN mission he was with, etc. I have questionairs to ask survivors, I would offer help and medical examination, etc etc... a lot of "fluff" and mainly of course verbal interaction.

I was offering quite a bit and got a lot of good reactions, fun roleplay, and quality interaction on that char.


I haven't played the char any more after he was shot dead without a word in a completely irrelevant, random situation by a random player. 

It felt disappointing and even though I had decided before that meaningless death by PvP/Kos could be ignored, my motivation to play the char again still took a hit. 


That's the difference.

I do not harm your gaming experience.

You harm mine, however.

Now, it is the internet, so you of course do not care.

Young men + internet + competitive environment.... *shrugs* I know.


But at least I explained it in detail and if you actually read it, it was worth writing it. ;)

Enjoy the game, and yes: your advice actually works. I am looking for quality somewhere else than the hot zones or the spawn zones. It works.


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No see apparently there is no room in this game for any playstyle but yours, like some little snob.


For me there is room for your playstyle.


But go ahead, keep it up hotshot!


Stupidity eh?


See those are internet words, you wouldnt say that in real life to me now would ya :)

What are you talking about? Where the heck you got that from?

I dislike how the game - which is ought to be a survival game - does provide too much space so that FPS folks can run around as survival wouldn'd be any serious problem.

And besides of that, I personally do dislike people who behave like baboons. Is nothing personal. I just know there are times when it is unappropiated to discuss things with a baboon. Good news, atm we still are talking.

Edited by Ken Bean

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See, its YOUR game, only YOUR rules apply, and you cant stand anyone playing the same game you are playing it differently then you


The ultimate in internet snobbery.


How am I ruining your game again?


You actually believe that if a pandemic happened, that everybody would play nice?


LA Riots, Katrina ring any bells for you?


Now tell me you would let random strangers into your group, into the same group with your wife, your children.


Trusting fools are dead fools, even worse, they end up killing others.


So sorry if I don't put a "roleplaying" spin on it. But if I was to, we would be those guys who protect what they got. The militants who are smart enough to know better. We take care of our own.


But you dont care, its not YOUR playstyle, so you talk down to it.



And once again you resort to a personal insult.


So are you going to tell me you would talk to me like that in real life, or are you talking like that because its the internet, and you don't have to worry about a poke in the nose?


I thought you did not separate internet from reality?

Edited by gwartham

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See, its YOUR game, only YOUR rules apply, and you cant stand anyone playing the same game you are playing it differently then you


The ultimate in internet snobbery.


How am I ruining your game again?


You actually believe that if a pandemic happened, that everybody would play nice?


LA Riots, Katrina ring any bells for you?


Now tell me you would let random strangers into your group, into the same group with your wife, your children.


Trusting fools are dead fools, even worse, they end up killing others.


So sorry if I don't put a "roleplaying" spin on it. But if I was to, we would be those guys who protect what they got. The militants who are smart enough to know better. We take care of our own.


But you dont care, its not YOUR playstyle, so you talk down to it.



And once again you resort to a personal insult.

Sorry, to whom you are talking to? I don't really see the connection.

The game however as it is now has flawes. Maybe encourages a certain playstile too much.

Eventually a survial mechanic would suit a survival game well.

At least, also in LA Riots and Katarina, not forget the other rest of the world, like Fukushima or India, most people still managed to stay normal. Some lost the plot, but not even 10%. And they certainly had not your fabolous k/d ratio, nor did they respawn, nor do they still "rock the place".

Edited by Ken Bean

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Sorry, to whom you are talking to? I don't really see the connection.

The game however as it is now has flawes. Maybe encourages a certain playstile too much.

Eventually a survial mechanic would suit a survival game well.

At least, also in LA Riots and Katarina, not forget the other rest of the world, like Fukushima or India, most people still managed to stay normal. Some lost the plot, but not even 10%. And they certainly had not yout k/d ratio, nor did they respawn, nor do they still "rock the place".




My point is, while LA and Katrina were devastating, they are minor compared to the hell Dayz would be, and look what happened.


They were temporary problems in a civilized world, in dayz, assuming they ever get to 200 players per server, that would still be less then 1 person per square kilometer.


I don't know you, I don't know what you have seen, but I do know what I have seen, and I promise you I have seen atrocities that would wake you in the night, and it wasn't  a worldwide pandemic that caused them.


Rape, murder, genocide, cant really put those aspects into a video game.


So yah, I don't really have much faith in society when the "shit" truly hits the "fan".


Romero had it right.


Anyways, bedtime, Hasta.

Edited by gwartham

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My point is, while LA and Katrina were devastating, they are minor compared to the hell Dayz would be, and look what happened.


They were temporary problems in a civilized world, in dayz, assuming they ever get to 200 players per server, that would still be less then 1 person per square kilometer.


I don't know you, I don't know what you have seen, but I do know what I have seen, and I promise you I have seen atrocities that would wake you in the night, and it wasn't  a worldwide pandemic that caused them.


Rape, murder, genocide, cant really put those aspects into a video game.


So yah, I don't really have much faith in society when the "shit" truly hits the "fan".


Romero had it right.


Anyways, bedtime, Hasta.

I think that most DayZ freshies once had the faith (maybe even you) and didn't expect a total pvp deathmatch.

As said, we have a constant row of bad pvp experiences that constantly outweights the positve.

That's why most people who are fresh to the game and don't know nothing at first actually try to team up.

Just try to understand this. If you were in such a situation in real life, you most likely would be glad to find another survivor in the very first place. Grabbing a gun, heading to town to take out other survivor basically is just insane - even in a zombie apocalypse.

Yes, it's a game, and therefore you don't need to justify your actions.

But tell me, what are you doing in a zombie survival game if you don't really play it as such?

Wouldn't you be better catered with Arma 3?

Better engine, more weapons, folks meet there to fight each other...

You would at least not ruin a zombie survivor's game.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Now we almost reached the entry point of the discussion. ;)

Maybe a true survival game is impossible to be made. "Wait, oh shit I died (**shortly enrages**), lets try again. That's a sandbox, life does not provide.

But please, we don't need to go into detail. My point was, please don't give those young adults all the excuses for being rude and whatnot because you believe, this is how things are ought to be. We have the choice, no one is forced to be a dipshit. Nature is cruel, but has no such intentions.

And no one is forced. They are what they are, by their choice. They don't need excuses and definitely my point isn't one.

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Something that takes a while for players to accept in DayZ is very simple.


You are not a hero (or anti hero), nobody is in this game. You are literally the filler cast of an evolving story. Only a few players will ever get to live anything that resemble an "heroic adventure".

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I think that most DayZ freshies once had the faith (maybe even you) and didn't expect a total pvp deathmatch.

As said, we have a constant row of bad pvp experiences that constantly outweights the positve.

That's why most people who are fresh to the game and don't know nothing at first actually try to team up.

Just try to understand this. If you were in such a situation in real life, you most likely would be glad to find another survivor in the very first place. Grabbing a gun, heading to town to take out other survivor basically is just insane - even in a zombie apocalypse.

Yes, it's a game, and therefore you don't need to justify your actions.

But tell me, what are you doing in a zombie survival game if you don't really play it as such?

Wouldn't you be better catered with Arma 3?

Better engine, more weapons, folks meet there to fight each other...

You would at least not ruin a zombie survivor's game.


Um I am playing a zombie survival game, just currently its a very bad one.


I don't have to worry about zombies, even as a fresh spawn, the only thing I have to worry about are OTHER PLAYERS.


Again, if it would make you feel better, I could bury my bullshit in roleplaying terms, but that would be that, bullshit.


Sorry I kinda grew out of role playing a long time ago.


Fact is tho I fill a very valid role in a survival horror game.


Consider us the militant survivors. The airbase is ours, and we will kill anybody who dares trespass.


Oh I might add we usually play o clan servers or anybody who puts BANDITS WILL BE KOS  on thier host name.


Sad thing is I know that my version of a zombie survival game is far more realistic then yours.


Besides you should be thanking us, as you know as well as I do why people goto the airbases.

Edited by gwartham

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People claim they are fine with others but go on hours of arguing how one or another would not be possible.

Play how you want. It won't make any difference. It is all good. What makes the game what it is, is that people have never seen how individuals really act and think. They live in a highly controlled box where everyone is strictly limited to what the most see appropriate. And when they see real human nature, theycan't accept it.

It is widely known that while many people claim to be waiting for apolyptical event, you don't really want it. Because it will be nothing you could imagine. It is not because it would actually be bad - nature would recover in the long run, corrupted systems would collapse. Real reason why you don't want it is because you and other 50% of mankind would die within week, other 25% in few months. Just because you will never expect what is out there.

My advice is, if you want to play real survival game with real survival aspects - go to camping into the woods for two weeks with knife only. You'll get the survival and no bandits to shoot you.

If you want survival to include more than one person, expect more than one way of behavior.

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People claim they are fine with others but go on hours of arguing how one or another would not be possible.

Play how you want. It won't make any difference. It is all good. What makes the game what it is, is that people have never seen how individuals really act and think. They live in a highly controlled box where everyone is strictly limited to what the most see appropriate. And when they see real human nature, theycan't accept it.

It is widely known that while many people claim to be waiting for apolyptical event, you don't really want it. Because it will be nothing you could imagine. It is not because it would actually be bad - nature would recover in the long run, corrupted systems would collapse. Real reason why you don't want it is because you and other 50% of mankind would die within week, other 25% in few months. Just because you will never expect what is out there.

My advice is, if you want to play real survival game with real survival aspects - go to camping into the woods for two weeks with knife only. You'll get the survival and no bandits to shoot you.

If you want survival to include more than one person, expect more than one way of behavior.

Most of us have experiences with the mod and with kos. And I doubt that this game has anything to do with reality. However I don't know why some folks - if you dare to criticize PvP interactions - always understands "ban pvp". It is an appreciated aspect of the game.

But you clearly can see that it got so oppressive, that effectively players just avoid each other - or join the death match club around Berenzino to play some capture the flag without even having a flag, currently.

Now some may criticize that oppressive playstile, and others just defend it as it would be critically endangered.

The game needs more survival aspects. "Go camping in the woods" is a nice task and we'll see this ingame hopefully quite soon as well.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Most of us have experiences with the mod and with kos. And I doubt that this game has anything to do with reality. However I don't know why some folks - if you dare to criticize PvP interactions - always understands "ban pvp". It is an appreciated aspect of the game.

But you clearly can see that it got so oppressive, that effectively players just avoid each other - or join the death match club around Berenzino to play some capture the flag without even having a flag, currently.

Now some may criticize that oppressive playstile, and others just defend it as it would be critically endangered.

The game needs more survival aspects. "Go camping in the woods" is a nice task and we'll see this ingame hopefully quite soon as well.

It is not one or another to be prefered but all of the variations together.


Hopefully the game will expand and bring more choices to it but I will eat my hat if people change because of that. What you see in DayZ today, will be there tomorrow. And days after that till game is finished. And later when it is forgotten.


Survival camping is nice thing to spend your time with in physical world as well. And provides some useful skills that may become handy at some point or another.

Edited by SGT. Kalme

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It is not one or another to be prefered but all of the variations together.

This probably means that 75% of the player you meet ingame kill you right away - and the remaining 25% later. ;-D

But does folks really think that this is how a zombie apocalypse works?

I mean aside from Kathrina?

(where obviously everyone shot his neighbour and his dog in the face to not to ruin his fancy pants)

Edited by Ken Bean

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This probably means that 75% of the player you meet ingame kill you right away - and the remaining 25% later. ;-D

But does folks really think that this is how a zombie apocalypse works?

I mean aside from Kathrina?

(where obviously everyone shot his neighbour and his dog in the face to not to ruin his fancy pants)


I have only been killed once by a bug. I do have encountered cool guys who have helped me and who I have helped in exchange. I never stick to people I run into.


I go around, from one side of the map to another and see players quite often. I don't rush to speak to them. Situational awareness will increase the odds of surviving.


I will tell you how apocalyptic event would turn out. There would be people who could kill for less than can of beans. Majority of people couldn't survive the wilds just like that.

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People, please. It's not about people being unfriendly in the game, it's about people having nothing else to do than killing each other...

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I have only been killed once by a bug. I do have encountered cool guys who have helped me and who I have helped in exchange. I never stick to people I run into.


I go around, from one side of the map to another and see players quite often. I don't rush to speak to them. Situational awareness will increase the odds of surviving.


I will tell you how apocalyptic event would turn out. There would be people who could kill for less than can of beans. Majority of people couldn't survive the wilds just like that.

Yeah, sure thing, some are old and stuff. But frankly, we had this kind of anarchy situation most of the time in human evolution. Organisations like countries just exist maybe since around 10.ooo bc. There will be some immediate craziness, that will go away by time. Just a fallout of a just broken civilisation. The chance for every average Joe to become king.

There are a few who play last man standing, they are taken out sooner or later, they'll not succeed. Humanan life just regroups, founds social groups or fails. That's how it works since its beginning.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Yeah, sure thing, some are old and stuff. But frankly, we had this kind of anarchy situation most of the time in human evolution. Organisations like countries just exist maybe since around 10.ooo bc. There will be some immediate craziness, that will go away by time. Just a fallout of a just broken civilisation. The chance for every average Joe to become king.

There are a few who play last man standing, they are taken out sooner or later, they'll not succeed.


But mankind have never been so dependant of the system that could easily collapse. A war in a 3rd world countries doesn't affect much because their infrastructure is built inside their close community. For modern countries, if electricity providance stop, communications are down, production is zero then the panic will come. And that is what let's say war brings. Because power stations and communication is primary target for any agressor. But there could be other reason what cause those systems to collapse. And because peoples lives depend on what stores sell, what companies provide, they will not hold hands and sing around bonfire till life is good again.


It is off-topic but in comparison to apocalyptic game like dayz, reality wouldn't be much prettier. 

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But mankind have never been so dependant of the system that could easily collapse. A war in a 3rd world countries doesn't affect much because their infrastructure is built inside their close community. For modern countries, if electricity providance stop, communications are down, production is zero then the panic will come. And that is what let's say war brings. Because power stations and communication is primary target for any agressor. But there could be other reason what cause those systems to collapse. And because peoples lives depend on what stores sell, what companies provide, they will not hold hands and sing around bonfire till life is good again.


It is off-topic but in comparison to apocalyptic game like dayz, reality wouldn't be much prettier.

Kathrina was no system collaps. This just was

1) "Whoa, dangerous, I need to get away. - and maybe need that Waterbottle - such a pity, the vendor already run away, lets take it"

-> I don't really see this as anarchy. Just a reasonable decission.

2) "Whoa, chaos! Great chance to get this TV. I sure need that later in my lifing room. If I'm quick, I may get away."

-> Also not really is anarchy, just thiefs logic.

3) "Omg, omg, omg... Don't what to die. End of ages, we all gona die...!

-> Not anarchy, just panicing.

Sure I forgott something. But that's not really anarchy.

Most will realize that if a situation is going bad, really bad, they are just going to save themselfes first. Yep, they totally forget that TV, just running away. Maybe stumbling about someone, not really caring, just getting away. Some help and risk their own lifes in order to help complete stranger, do what they can, but the rest just...

Untill they calmed down. Then they are starting to think and talk about it. Did you see.... and so on.

Now they have something to talk about, they are almost friends. :-D

Edited by Ken Bean

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Kathrina was no system collaps. This just was

1) "Whoa, dangerous, I need to get away. - and maybe need that Waterbottle - such a pity, the vendor already run away, lets take it"

-> I don't really see this as anarchy. Just a reasonable decission.

2) "Whoa, chaos! Great chance to get this TV. I sure need that later in my lifing room. If I'm quick, I may get away."

-> Also not really is anarchy, just thiefs logic.

3) "Omg, omg, omg... Don't what to die. End of ages, we all gona die...!

-> Not anarchy, just panicing.

Sure I forgott something. But that's not really anarchy.

Most will realize that if a situation is going bad, really bad, they are just going to save themselfes first. Yep, they totally forget that TV, just running awy. Maybe stubling about someone, not really caring, getting away.


I wasn't thinking about Katrina at all.


Anarchy comes when it crap hits the fan. Not momentally but it will. Every step of agression against collapsed system will be a step towards it.

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I wasn't thinking about Katrina at all.


Anarchy comes when it crap hits the fan. Not momentally but it will. Every step of agression against collapsed system will be a step towards it.

What I tried to say is that in such a situation, they either die almost immediatly, get away and find a group or ... it really wasnt that bad.

Edited by Ken Bean

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What I tried to say is that in such a situation, they either die almost immediatly, get away and find a group or ... it really wasnt that bad.


I believe it wasn't. But it was temporary chaos. Now break down the infrastructure of one whole nation. When there is no one to react fast and no resources to start eliminating the damage, it will escalate into worse and worse.

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