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Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

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Found out, my walkie talkie, when I right click it, does not show any option to turn it ON/OFF. There is just inspect and detach/attach battery.


edit: also closed sardines does not have icon in inventory, unless you open them. it was the same on experimental though.

Edited by Hombre
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So you didn't read the change log? They're zombies! Head damage only!

Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)

Pretty sure it's you who did not fully read the changelog...  The portion that discusses zombies taking near endless body shots is listed under "known issues"...  If you had been playing on experimental or following the development of .44 over the past week you would know that zombies taking 10+ fire axe hits is not fully intended...  .45, the experimental patch that was pushed yesterday has zombies back to dieing in very limited body hits...

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so the patch is not at all adressing the outrageous ammo duping that is going on right now? great....


might as well play wasteland arma 2 then, at least there everyone has a bazillion ammo

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so the patch is not at all adressing the outrageous ammo duping that is going on right now? great....


might as well play wasteland arma 2 then, at least there everyone has a bazillion ammo

Shh! Don't talk about the bugs! This is ALPHA and that's code for "feedback is not desired" apparently. ;)

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Found out, my walkie talkie, when I right click it, does not show any option to turn it ON/OFF. There is just inspect and detach/attach battery.


edit: also closed sardines does not have icon in inventory, unless you open them. it was the same on experimental though.


Sardines, Tuna and damn I forgot what it was again but three or more items are missing the picture

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I have lags at main menu, but it did happens before. First what i did it was join to any public server, after log i get kicked. When i tried to join another server "600 secs to respawn"... it fucked-up me so much. Delete spawn time after kick, please.

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Not able to play til later today, can anyone take screenies to demonstrate those new fixes:

Animations: Iron sights now use all 3 parameters for min, max and init zoom. Values of these params tweaked.
Animations: Player's "naked eye" max zoom level lowered. It allows for the same max zoom as iron sights.



Edited by zeroy99

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after log i get kicked. When i tried to join another server "600 secs to respawn"... it fucked-up me so much. Delete spawn time after kick, please.


Yup, happened to me a lot on experimental, session lost after a few time after connecting a server, crashing and connecting again, and joining a server and having a imminent server restart.


The penalty is longer now, maybe the penalty should be lowered again until joining the same server penalty is fixed?

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Waiting months for a couple of things to be changed and that's during alpha + new teams to work on the game development.


So, one month is a couple of months?


Please keep it on topic - which isn't the development speed. There are other threads about that.

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Constant desync, That is all




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So, I can't play at the minute because I get constant Desync no matter how many people on server, what server I am on. Have tried all the usual fixes, verify game cache, reboot computer, got latest drivers for gpu, ran in compatibility mode. Nothing has worked 

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This list might look disappointingly short but it contains some serious development, particularly: 'Server: New guaranteed messaging system for network traffic'. I imagine that was a lot of work and it has fixed wall clipping and improved server performance, greatly reducing the sheer amount of information being thrown between the clients and at the server. I've been playing this build a lot on the experimental servers and it doesn't disappoint, the gameplay is smooth and the new controls are lovely.

Edited by YorkMorgan
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New red dot sights on M4 is terribad :( It's not believable either. While scoped in I can see my M4 Buttstock, but when you go 3rd person, you can tell by the animation (and logic) that the character wouldn't be able to see the buttstock. Its too zoomed out. Was better before the patch.

Scratch that. All Guns have this way too much zoomed out ironsights now. :(

Also as someone said: worse FPS in towns

Edit: They should make the level of zoom in ironsights independant of zoom level in non-ironsights. So i can always have max zoomed ironsights if i want to but unzoomed shooting from hip. But even then, the zoomlevel does not seem believable, as explained above.

Edited by Khanarac
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Please keep it on topic - which isn't the development speed. There are other threads about that.

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I'm easy to please. Just to have a mission now to hunt down the new crossbow makes this update awesome!


Also being able to use the frying pan and cooking pots for zombie skull smashers is pretty sweet,


Thanks gang! Looking forward to the future!

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This patch brings all the stuff that has been tyested on exp.for the last dayz  like new mouse movment, throwing /physics,  time acc.and guaranteed messages. Beside this it comes with some cool new items like track suits, crossbows and binos...I am sure new features like fireplaces  animals and cooking etc will be tested on exp first and then brought to stable asap...that"s the best way!


But having a new town in the patch notes that is not there ..... :blush:  :D

Edited by Private Evans
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Currently i am playing on Regular server, called by my friend to join him on Hardcore but when i joined i get 340 seconds timer. WTF?

I did not played on Hardcore 2 days ago.


edit: TImer just run out, but i got character from Regular hive. WTH???

edit2: Tried another server, looks like the other one was "broken", Regular but 3pv off

Edited by belphegor_goatzombie
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So i spawned in as usual right next to a zombie. I pulled my axe out and hit it but it didnt go down, 5 hits later i pulled out my m4 and tore it open, but called in a horde of zombies. I used the axe again and i had to finish off the zombie with a gun. Why has the axe been turned to shit, now i have no option to take out zombies quietly, and i cant run away from them either, also is there a new melee weapon that is better than the fire axe?

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So i spawned in as usual right next to a zombie. I pulled my axe out and hit it but it didnt go down, 5 hits later i pulled out my m4 and tore it open, but called in a horde of zombies. I used the axe again and i had to finish off the zombie with a gun. Why has the axe been turned to shit, now i have no option to take out zombies quietly, and i cant run away from them either, also is there a new melee weapon that is better than the fire axe?




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