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Petard have me a gun XD

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Ok, some guy who was hero have me a magnum. He obviously had been to a military base because he had decked out guns. I being a bandit couldn't pass up the opportunity to get his stuff. I i acted like i was hero. We went to a police station. And saw a glitch zombie. While he was looking at it i shot him in the temple. Lesson learned. Never trust anyone especially if you just merry them and have them a gun that was fully loaded.

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I've learned not to trust a long time ago ^^ I am alive for a long time now just because I'm not making new friends on a server. 



  On 4/20/2014 at 7:47 PM, ManInTheWall said:

OPs translation:

I'm an ass and proud of it


Why is there no dislike button? OP is not an ass just because YOU said so. He is a bandit and he has his right to be one. I like bandits more than stupid heroes

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  On 4/20/2014 at 7:49 PM, MetapoliC said:

I've learned not to trust a long time ago ^^ I am alive for a long time now just because I'm not making new friends on a server. 




Why is there no dislike button? OP is not an ass just because YOU said so. He is a bandit and he has his right to be one. I like bandits more than stupid heroes


Yeah me too. You can shoot them in the face with a smile from ear to ear.

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I'm kind of confused about the title OP. Which of you was the retard?

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  On 4/20/2014 at 7:49 PM, MetapoliC said:

 OP is not an ass 

Yeah no, obviously shooting someone who's being friendly and risks his life for you is not being an ass, my bad, please forgive me.

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Hello there and welcome to the forums.


One thing you might want to remember: do not use the r-word around here, please. And be a bit nicer with your next post. Then all will be well.

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