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We need server restart warnings

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So I was on the outskirts of Electro today, my first time in DayZ for a while. I needed a drink so I decided to head towards the pump outside the green house on sniper hill. I hear gun shots and figured they were close by. "Yay some impromptu Electro sniper hunting" I thought, so I crept around through the bushes, prone, waiting to get some idea of the direction of the shots. I hear more shots, and begin to close in to the location. Got right behind where I thought the shots were coming from, and decided to wait it out to see if they fire again, just to make certain...


"No message received for 10 seconds"


I was getting so into the moment, and my heart was pounding at the tension, wondering whether or not I had what it takes to outdo another player, and it all came to nothing because the server restarted. 


We really need warnings for when servers restart. I don't give a fuck about when players are kicked or have a bad connection etc. I just want the red text at the side to say "warning server restarting in 10 mins" etc. Then at least I would have known to either not bother with my pursuit or to have sped it up a bit.

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Some servers do have them- I know ours has a five and one minute warning.

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Some servers do have them- I know ours has a five and one minute warning.

Are you talking about mod or SA?

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Some servers do have them- I know ours has a five and one minute warning.

Make a tutorial please for all.

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Server restart messages are handled by a third party program called BEC (BattlEye Extended Controls)


Its down the sever host to allow the use of BEC as admins for the standalone dont have full access to the server files.


As far as i know only Vilayer currently have this feature,


So we need admins to hassle their server hosts to give them the option to install BEC, or even add the option for restart warnings straight to the control panel.

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Vilayer does? Never noticed any of there servers letting me know, maybe they were serverr crashes, thoug i havent played on vilayer since 0.44

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Vilayer does? Never noticed any of there servers letting me know, maybe they were serverr crashes, thoug i havent played on vilayer since 0.44


There was a post a while ago showing a Vilayer control panel with the option to install BEC, though i havent seen in game either, so dont know for sure that its working,

Also it still relies on the admin actually setting up the messages and the BEC scheduler isnt the most user friendly thing for new admins.

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Gamingdeluxe servers certainly have BEC enabled.

Our SA server is through gamingdeluxe, but I don't know how to enable the warnings. As far as I know, ever since we got the server last month it has automatically had the warnings. Wish I could help more, but I didn't set up the server, just am an admin on it. Edited by Lord Ikka

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With MPGS you can install the BattlEye configuration files Addon which enables RCON. With this installed you can use 3rd party messaging like this one for server restart messages among others.  ;)


BEC would be better but MPGS does not have that option as of yet. 

Edited by R.Neville

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Ok, so if you want to setup a BEC Restart you have to have a BEC Scheduler.xml, then you go and write what times you want BEC to tell the server when restart is. Also, ONLY TWO time examples are 00:00:00 (This is a direct given time so the server will restart at for example 9-am if you put 09:00:00, BUT this is not recommended due to the fact that it doesn't not follow your server's timezone and start so if you do do this method then it will be off in when it does restart warnings). or 000000 (The better restart type, this one gives out restart warnings after so much time has past wihin the server start so it's more accurate when to give the messages. Such as 030000 will be 3 hours after server start). Here is my example of a Scheduler I have made, below.


OR If you don't give a crap about mine and just wanna know how to do this directly then go here.  http://ibattle.org/install-and-configure/setting-up-the-scheduler/


*Warning, it's long as Waterworld.* (I took out some info and replaced it with a *** and shortened it.)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>
    <job id="0">
        <cmd>say -1 This DayZ Standalone server is brought to you by * and www.Vilayer.com.</cmd>    
    <job id="1">
        <cmd>say -1 ***.</cmd>    
    <job id="2">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 1 hour.</cmd>    
                 (Some have been edited out for time saving.)
    <job id="21">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 1 minute.</cmd>    
    <job id="22">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 45 seconds.</cmd>    
    <job id="23">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 30 seconds.</cmd>    
    <job id="24">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will restart in 15 seconds.</cmd>    
If you still don't understand just follow the link or PM me if you need help.
Edited by DJ SGTHornet
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Thankyou for this, now hopefully servers will have warnings, request this be pinned or atleast sgt hornets post.

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Ok, second informational post on BEC scheduler. I will be explaining the importance of each Job section.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>        (This one is how it's written and displayed, I would not touch this one UNLESS you know what you're doing).
<?xml-stylesheet href="acs.xsl" type="text/xsl" ?>                          (This one is it's style and format, I would not touch this one UNLESS you know what you're doing).
<Scheduler>                  (Beginning of Scheduler BEC script).
 <job id="0">               ((Also, beginning of Job Section) This displays what "job" it is and how important it is when it runs, so 0 is obviously first message going to be displayed and so on and so on. So, you ALWAYS no matter what keep it numerical and in order. No, "0" job ID then "23" Job ID, or it will not work and mess up your Scheduler. Also, the numbers allowed are 0 - Infinite (Ideally) but I would suggest no more than 50-60 Job IDs).
 <time>002100</time>               (This one is obvious, it's when the server will restart, so like before in my previous post. You want to put the time you want it to display warning message OR what ever message you want in 00:00:00 or 000000. Remember though 00:00:00 is a direct given time when it gives restart warnings or random messages but it does not follow the server's time so be weary of this. Second "remember this" is 000000 is how much time after server restart to display your wanted message or restart warning).
 <delay>000000</delay>          (This is like it suggests a delay, so if you want the message to be delayed put a time. I though would recommend NOT touching this).
 <day>1,2,3,4,5,6,7</day>        (This is which days you want to display the message, so you can edit this so your message displays on certain days or every day.
 <loop>1</loop>                        (This is a loop, so it will loop the message after the same time is reached on the server).
 <cmd>say -1 This DayZ Standalone server is brought to you by *** and ***.</cmd>    (This is the direct command to allow BEC to give this message warning out, I would NOT touch anything within this statement other than your desired message wanted).
 <cmdtype>0</cmdtype>            (No, need to touch this, as it's a script to tell the server whether you want the command given in external (1) form or internal (0) form).
 </job>                                 (End of Job Section.)
 <Scheduler>                  (End of Scheduler BEC script).
Yea, now your done!
Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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Honestly if you play on the same servers you usually get the restart times down anyway.  I know the servers I play on reset at either 840 or 940 am and then every 4 hours after it's at them times within a few minutes almost always (unless there was a server crash/unexpected restart which almost never happens). 

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Thank you for this, now hopefully servers will have warnings, request this be pinned or at least sgt hornet's post.

No problem, if you need any more help with it just PM me. Or google "BattleEye Extended Controls".

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