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Semi-Automatic and Auto indicator.

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Would love to see some type of indicator to tell if the m4 is on Semi or full. Even if it was specifically on the gun model itself, we have a bipod that deploys, hopefully we get a fire selector switch that moves as well. Its a great way to end up dead when you go to spray a room CQC style and you get a bang click haha

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Yup its absolutely needed.


It's one of those things that devs thought would not be immersive enough but ends up making the game suffer.


Just like the crappy compass system. Over complicates the compass when it worked fine in arma 2 and arma 3 by simply holding k.

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They've said they're going to add it, but to the gun itself like you mentioned.  I just don't think it's a priority for them right now, as they don't care much about weapon balance/tweaks in general.


And the compass is awesome, I'm all for more immersive systems, there should be as little hud as possible.  I think you should manually have to check your mags as well, as they initially said it would be.  I'm hoping that's still on the table.

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Would love to see some type of indicator to tell if the m4 is on Semi or full. Even if it was specifically on the gun model itself, we have a bipod that deploys, hopefully we get a fire selector switch that moves as well. Its a great way to end up dead when you go to spray a room CQC style and you get a bang click haha

They should port over the ARMA 3 fire system they have for the Stand alone. It gives you a clear indication of what full automatic, burst and single fire is when you press the F key.

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They should port over the ARMA 3 fire system they have for the Stand alone. It gives you a clear indication of what full automatic, burst and single fire is when you press the F key.


No that would make too much sense.


It's not clunky enough for dayz bro.

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No that would make too much sense.


It's not easy mode enough for dayz bro.



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If easy mode means having information easily readable for something you would inherently know in real life then yes.


Knowing what firemode your weapon is in takes no longer than a second in real life this is why a hud element is acceptable although the ammo counter is not needed. 


The compass is another example of something that is literally done in 2 seconds but turns into a cumbersome clunky mess in standalone due to having to take the compass out open the lid using the scroll wheel, bringing it up to read it.

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I'm not a fan of the idea of having to look at the side of the rifle model to check my firing mode. I have no doubt doing so will feel super clunky... and in real life you can just check it with your darn fingers.

And as people never fail to mention... Rocket did say he was going for authenticity and not zee strikt realism, no?

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oh, I would be fine with a simple Semi or Auto indicator under the range display, I know I checked my weapon status with my right thumb for years haha, didn't have to bring my weapon up to the high port to see if it was on safe or not. 


I also love red orchestras method of ammunition check, pull the mag off, and get an approximation IE This mag feels half full, this mag feels almost empty. Unless you are using those window paned mags, you'll never have a definite count on a mag you haven't loaded yourself and counted your own shots from.

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What would be extremely cool is if you could press a key and your character brought up your weapon and you were able to examine all parts of it as if it were in your hand. This would solve the issue mentioned above. I may make a separate topic about this myself. 

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I'm not a fan of the idea of having to look at the side of the rifle model to check my firing mode. I have no doubt doing so will feel super clunky... and in real life you can just check it with your darn fingers.

And as people never fail to mention... Rocket did say he was going for authenticity and not zee strikt realism, no?

But you don't like it when they add guns that could feel a wee bit out of touch. Like the B95, FNX-45, Amphibia, Colt Python, Tactical 1911, CZ-75 SP-01... you know what? I have no point. Their weapon choices suck in general. It's not really authentic to find any of those, at least to someone who knows a lot about guns.

I guess someone who didn't have extreme weapon's knowledge (which seems to be the majority of DayZ players) probably wouldn't question most of the weapons, like the B95.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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But you don't like it when they add guns that could feel a wee bit out of touch. Like the B95, FNX-45, Amphibia, Colt Python, Tactical 1911, CZ-75 SP-01... you know what? I have no point. Their weapon choices suck in general. It's not really authentic to find any of those, at least to someone who knows a lot about guns.

I guess someone who didn't have extreme weapon's knowledge (which seems to be the majority of DayZ players) probably wouldn't question most of the weapons, like the B95.


(Uh... not sure exactly how that relates. I'm not 100% happy with any of the gun choices in SA)


I don't find all HUDs unrealistic, in a sim they are there to provide information you get in real life but is not feasible to present in a game. Example, wind, I like the ACE arrows method. Same with weight of objects. Hunger. Thirst. If my leg is broken or not.  These are things you know in real life. You can't tell them from looking at your screen. I can know what position I flick a safety or selector to whether I'm looking at it or not.


The "look at your weapon" sounds like something that would work better with TrackIR. With Alt+Mouse I don't see it working very well. And why don't they give us this information in the meantime, we have "zeroing" information but nothing for the selector?


Anyways, all those little constant messages popping up? That is a HUD! Personally find "you feel thirsty", "you feel thirsty", "you feel thirsty" just as distracting, or more so, than having a little icon...in real life I know how thirsty or hungry I am so I do not consider an icon "unrealistic".

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(Uh... not sure exactly how that relates. I'm not 100% happy with any of the gun choices in SA)


I don't find all HUDs unrealistic, in a sim they are there to provide information you get in real life but is not feasible to present in a game. Example, wind, I like the ACE arrows method. Same with weight of objects. Hunger. Thirst. If my leg is broken or not.  These are things you know in real life. You can't tell them from looking at your screen. I can know what position I flick a safety or selector to whether I'm looking at it or not.


The "look at your weapon" sounds like something that would work better with TrackIR. With Alt+Mouse I don't see it working very well. And why don't they give us this information in the meantime, we have "zeroing" information but nothing for the selector?


Anyways, all those little constant messages popping up? That is a HUD! Personally find "you feel thirsty", "you feel thirsty", "you feel thirsty" just as distracting, or more so, than having a little icon...in real life I know how thirsty or hungry I am so I do not consider an icon "unrealistic".

The only gun that truly made sense for a region like Chernarus they added was the Mosin. Even the SKS, a Yugo one, would rarely actually be seen (Most of them are Siminovs).

The whole weapon's list is based off of weapons that there might be 1-2 of in the entire country, because in reality it'd probably just be a ton of AKMs and AK-74s, with a bunch of civilians with Mosins, shotguns & the occasional SKS. Even guns like the Ruger & 870 are pushing it because you'd only ever see a few out of the entire country's populace.

But, for the sake of actually having a variety of weapons, they've gotta base it on more than just some poor, 3rd-world post-Soviet economy. Hence authenticity over realism. To someone who knows nothing about guns, the B95 seems like a pretty good choice, but in reality it isn't.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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The only gun that truly made sense for a region like Chernarus they added was the Mosin. Even the SKS, a Yugo one, would rarely actually be seen (Most of them are Siminovs).

The whole weapon's list is based off of weapons that there might be 1-2 of in the entire country, because in reality it'd probably just be a ton of AKMs and AK-74s, with a bunch of civilians with Mosins, shotguns & the occasional SKS. Even guns like the Ruger & 870 are pushing it because you'd only ever see a few out of the entire country's populace.

But, for the sake of actually having a variety of weapons, they've gotta base it on more than just some poor, 3rd-world post-Soviet economy. Hence authenticity over realism. To someone who knows nothing about guns, the B95 seems like a pretty good choice, but in reality it isn't.


A Mosin would be a good choice, but I don't think they made the best choices because [a] it's a hex receiver, less common and making PU mounting more difficult since hex receiver were used with the PEM not the PU and all the bolts are bent.


The M4A1 would be acceptable but we don't have an M4A1, it has a bunch of CMMG markings on the side... like... why? Why do that? Some kind of easter egg? Why not just slap on the Colt or FN name? Now it can't be attributed to any international forces. They had the correct names in ARMA and they have FN markings on the FNX.


B95 is annoying because there are a bunch of more affordable, more plausible double guns they could have chosen. Firearms from BRNO, CZ and Baikal come to mind. B95 makes no sense. And it's not even rare. It should be thermal-vision rare. Edit: oh, and it functions like the B97, not the B95 which must be recocked before the second shot... change the 5 to a 7!


In addition to the B95 the Python, Amphibian and FNX45 I have no words for, just an angry scowl.


A 1911 would be acceptable but all of them have light rails and Spartan's head grips? Why? Especially those grips...


Yugo SKS is not too bad, one out of the USSR would be better, but why do all of them have the bayonets removed from the rifle?


10/22 is not too bad.


CZ-75 would be better off without the threaded barrel and light rail.


I feel the MP5 would have been better than the MP5K. The regular MP5 is way more common. It is tolerable as long as it comes equipped with a stock, police forces do not issue these without stocks... no stock is not a logical choice.


Off topic so spoilered.

Edited by Gews
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I noticed yesterday while playing Arma 3 that the PDW I used moved the fire selector as I changed fire modes.

I thought it was very nice, but

I think a little bit of HUD or even something visible on the rifle in your inventory would do nicely.

Personally I hope they include all the modes with exactly what it says on the selector.

So for example someone that knows nothing about guns might have it on safe as they pull a gun on someone.

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A Mosin would be a good choice, but I don't think they made the best choices because [a] it's a hex receiver, less common and making PU mounting more difficult since hex receiver were used with the PEM not the PU and all the bolts are bent.


The M4A1 would be acceptable but we don't have an M4A1, it has a bunch of CMMG markings on the side... like... why? Why do that? Some kind of easter egg? Why not just slap on the Colt or FN name? Now it can't be attributed to any international forces. They had the correct names in ARMA and they have FN markings on the FNX.


B95 is annoying because there are a bunch of more affordable, more plausible double guns they could have chosen. Firearms from BRNO, CZ and Baikal come to mind. B95 makes no sense. And it's not even rare. It should be thermal-vision rare. Edit: oh, and it functions like the B97, not the B95 which must be recocked before the second shot... change the 5 to a 7!


In addition to the B95 the Python, Amphibian and FNX45 I have no words for, just an angry scowl.


A 1911 would be acceptable but all of them have light rails and Spartan's head grips? Why? Especially those grips...


Yugo SKS is not too bad, one out of the USSR would be better, but why do all of them have the bayonets removed from the rifle?


10/22 is not too bad.


CZ-75 would be better off without the threaded barrel and light rail.


I feel the MP5 would have been better than the MP5K. The regular MP5 is way more common. It is tolerable as long as it comes equipped with a stock, police forces do not issue these without stocks... no stock is not a logical choice.


Off topic so spoilered.

Just what happens with video games. It's why pretty much any AK save for the AKS-74U always gets branded as the "AK-47" in video games. I'm not too bothered about the Mosin's hex receiver version, it's a relatively minor detail, but I guess to someone who knows the Mosin inside and out, it would be fairly frustrating. Python, Amphibian & FNX-45 are bad, as you said, but the FNX-45 was clearly ported from ArmA 3 as you pointed out a while ago, and I believe the Colt Python was contributed to the team. I like Kimber 1911s, but an original style M1911A1 would be much better.

I can't see any reason that they can justify the specific CZ-75 variant they chose, considering it's a prototype weapon at the moment. The MP5K is a good weapon if, as you pointed out, you can also have the MP5K-PDW. But my "badass" side wants one without the stock just because it looks cool :) (I haven't seen the model so I'm not sure what they did with it)

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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notification if the weapon is in semi or auto mode would be useful

Edited by Sonata1306
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notification if the weapon is in semi or auto mode would be useful



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The compass is another example of something that is literally done in 2 seconds but turns into a cumbersome clunky mess in standalone due to having to take the compass out open the lid using the scroll wheel, bringing it up to read it.


Keep it open in your inventory, right click -> inspect. Simple.

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this is such an absolutely critical feature its amazing it still hasn't been implemented


like many people said IRL the fire safety indicator is checked with your FINGERS not your EYES most of the time, since you cannot feel the gun in game they need to implement a hud indicator of some kind to show the firing mode


its ridiculous i cant tell whether my double barrel is in single or double firing mode when im about to go into a firefight and its a pretty big difference between whether i have 1 shot or 2

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is this even on the roadmap? not being able to tell whether your weapon is on single/burst/auto wow...this game is based on ARMA..a MILITARY SIMULATOR....just amazing how this is still left out

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is this even on the roadmap? not being able to tell whether your weapon is on single/burst/auto wow...this game is based on ARMA..a MILITARY SIMULATOR....just amazing how this is still left out


A fair amount of weapons don't even have multiple fire modes so...

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This is a must. If they want to go full realism they can give us a "SAFE" settings for firearms. I am sick of having to go full auto with AK pattern rifles.

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