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Why is pvp and gunfights so bad in stand alone?

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I am sure people will agree with me that the shooting mechanics in stand alone are vastly inferior to the mods mechanics.


The gunplay mechanics feel insanely crappy in stand alone but there is one problem .


I cannot exactly pin point why ? The mod had armas great gunplay with it but stand alone has some kind of new system that leaves a sour taste in my mouth. There does not seem to be a big general issue that is the root cause of the terrible gunplay mechanics but overall it just feels poor and bad.


Can anyone hopefully enlighten me as to why the shooting mechanics feel so crappy in stand alone especially compared to the mod ? or are they the same and I am just imagining things ?

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I think it is mainly due to the stupid mouse acceleration that they have only just fixed for experimental!!


Even with 1:1 mouse movement the guns and firefights feel vastly inferior to me atleast compared to the mod.


I can't pin point it down to dispersion or the way the weapons handle but overall it just feels really poor.

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Arma 2 did have the better gun play system. I have tried Arma 3 and oh god it's horrid.

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Arma 2 did have the better gun play system. I have tried Arma 3 and oh god it's horrid.

Arma 3 is still superior to the Standalone tho :-)

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Arma 2 did have the better gun play system. I have tried Arma 3 and oh god it's horrid.


I quite like the arma 3 system it is the first game in the arma series to have realistic gun sway.


Standing up and aiming a rifle your weapon sways correctly and makes even 300 m shots difficult.


Although it does need some things such as weapon resting and workable bipods.

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I think it's better than the mod. It feels more smooth to me.

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To show that I am not a negative nancy I must commend the devs for their latest experimental patch it goes a long way to correcting the crappy shooting mechanics by adding 1:1 mouse movement and the new free aim system is really cool too.


However the single biggest improvement that experimental has is the ability to focus in when aiming down iron sights, this makes iron sights useful at their intended ranges even if the weapons themselves are not due to the unrealistic dispersal and weapon attachment system.


Theoretically now a player can make 300m-500m shots with open sights given the weapon is realistic.

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Just too many different opinions/perspectives on what makes for good gunplay  = cant please everyone

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Arma 3 is still superior to the Standalone tho :-)

They're two completely different games, you can't compare a Pineapple to a Tomato man. xD

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They're two completely different games, you can't compare a Pineapple to a Tomato man. xD


They are similar enough that you can.


Both are possibly sims, and stand alone could stand to borrow ALOT from arma 3 and its engine.


Stance system , bullet penetration system, the player distance rendering system and most importantly the performance of arma 3.

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They are similar enough that you can.


Both are possibly sims, and stand alone could stand to borrow ALOT from arma 3 and its engine.


Stance system , bullet penetration system, the player distance rendering system and most importantly the performance of arma 3.

Well, I don't mean in the gun/stance system, I'm talking about in general. One is a survival sim while another is a military sim. 

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Well, I don't mean in the gun/stance system, I'm talking about in general. One is a survival sim while another is a military sim. 


Yea but they are both sims so at their core the shooting should both be simulations, simulations of real life yet the shooting is worlds apart.

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Yea but they are both sims so at their core the shooting should both be simulations, simulations of real life yet the shooting is worlds apart.

Well, I am sure they will implement either a new system or just grab Arma 3's system.

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If anything its the learning curve. I remember my firefights in the mods getting better and better over time from an enemies skill perspective. I think people in the SA just need some more time to get used to things... and now that we have real mouse control and iron sight zoom things should get markedly better. All we need next is scopes that actually do what they are supposed to do.

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If anything its the learning curve. I remember my firefights in the mods getting better and better over time from an enemies skill perspective. I think people in the SA just need some more time to get used to things... and now that we have real mouse control and iron sight zoom things should get markedly better. All we need next is scopes that actually do what they are supposed to do.

Gosh, as much as I thought I didn't want that mouse acceleration, right now in the experimental. Even with my sensitivity all the way down, it's just way too fast still. xD

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Gosh, as much as I thought I didn't want that mouse acceleration, right now in the experimental. Even with my sensitivity all the way down, it's just way too fast still. xD


Yea the aiming is very very jerky and for some reason it appears that the up and down movement is faster than the left to right movement.

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I don't have any issues with the mouse controls, aiming or combat.  In fact, I find them more fluid and smooth compared to ARMA 3.  Hell, the standalone runs way better than ARMA 3 in my opinion.  I get better fps on the the SA than I do in ARMA 3.

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Maybe it's just me being old school... But I'd rather see DayZ run off of a platform like the original Operation Flashpoint if you ask me...  OFP was pretty stable in my opinion.  Sure there were clipping issues and such, but it was always solid.


EDIT:  I'll clarify.... Operation Flashpoint:  Cold War Crisis (or even Resistance).

Edited by Mak33

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Yea the aiming is very very jerky and for some reason it appears that the up and down movement is faster than the left to right movement.

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Gunfights for me in the Standalone have been awfully... one sided.


Most of the time it is literally just me taking my time to shoot someone who is armed from a bit of a distance. I usually exchange fire, and thats it, that fire meets them and they die. The end.


I never look for 'fair' gunfights in this game. The few times a gunfight breaks out my first instinct is to flee or wait the enemy out. I usually stick to long distance combat as well, not necessarily sniping, but firing from a concealed position 200m - 300m away. 

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Gosh, as much as I thought I didn't want that mouse acceleration, right now in the experimental. Even with my sensitivity all the way down, it's just way too fast still. xD

The settings are still bugged and do nothing.. its 1:1 mouse movement, where as before there were all sorts of input lag issues. I find it flawless now, it did however take a moment to get used to.. I almost forgot what it was like to have it respond properly to my commands ;)

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