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Contrast at Night !

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Can you delete the change of Brightness and contrast ?! this game sucks in the Night everyone change the Birghtness and Contrast and kill people.

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I think the OP is meaning that they would like to see the removal of player ability to adjust contrast and brightness levels at night so that people can't do so as a way to still see without the need for flashlights or other tools.

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I think the OP is meaning that they would like to see the removal of player ability to adjust contrast and brightness levels at night so that people can't do so as a way to still see without the need for flashlights or other tools.


You got it

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Or adjust just a few...


But probably people will gonna adjust monitor contrast after they will see is not possible anymore on the game... so sad :(

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Monitor adjustments won't make nearly as much of a change as in game adjustments make. I for one would love to see the sliders for gamma and brightness removed.

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Maybe they could add one or more filters, which increase the brightness massivly or somthing like that if the contrast/brightness or gamma is too hig?! So you cant see anything. I dont know if it works. Just an idea...

Edited by xCAPx

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I think a better solution would be to make nights brighter. That way people won't need to increase the gamma.


Think full moon levels of brightness. Not pitch black, but dark enough so that you can't pick out details at a distance.

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I think a better solution would be to make nights brighter. That way people won't need to increase the gamma.


Think full moon levels of brightness. Not pitch black, but dark enough so that you can't pick out details at a distance.


yes, but brighter nights are not DayZ. Then you lost much of the immersion of nights... I love the pitch black nights where you have to use the flashlight or if you dont use it, you cant see anything.

I think such a filter would be the best way, because with this method its no matter if you increase the brightness/gamma etc ingame or on the monitor.

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When we look on the ground the screen get brighter and when we look in the skyget darker. I HATE THIS, change it i want stable contrast in all time. Or at least make it an option in menu.

I know it is adaptation of the eye but it is really annoying for me.

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