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Grimey Rick

Just now gave the 1911 a chance...

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I don't normally bother with pistols as I roll primarily with a kitted M4A1. The odd time I use a pistol it's a Magnum to go with my Mosin. However, after dying an unfortunate death by rubber-banding from the top of the ATC in NWAF, I quickly respawned and began gearing up again. I started in Kamyshovo and found a 1911. "Meh," I murmured as I picked up the pistol, "Why not?"


I ran from Kamyshovo to Elektrozavodsk where I looted a bunch of .45 ammunition, but no magazines to be found for my new gun. Onward to Balota I trudged by which time I was fully-kitted after passing through Chernogorsk and Chapaevsk with clothes (that matched since I'm such a diva;), backpack, food and water, plenty of bandages, two saline bags and a morphine injector. However, I still hadn't found a magazine for this damn thing!


I arrived at an untouched airstrip. Upon entering the first jail, I found what I had been searching for, the means with which to properly defend myself: a 1911 magazine! After listening to the fairly silent yet satisfying "click" as it slid into the chamber, I set out towards the ATC and beyond.


Fifty or so metres from my destination I saw a fellow making his way from the barracks towards the jail next to the hangars so I quickly ducked into the ATC. Unfortunately, he had also spotted me and quickly vanished behind the jail. I somewhat nervously waited for any sign of him as in my mind, I wasn't properly equipped to deal with the M4A1-toting Rambo lookalike that he appeared to be.


After maybe five minutes, I saw him encroaching upon the rear of the ATC with his gun locked 'n' loaded. I sent out an amiable, "Greetings, adventurer! Stay a while and listen," à la Deckard Cain from the infamous Diablo series. Nothing. He crept further towards the back wall of my hideout. My next thought was somewhere along the line of, "For fuck's sake. I just got all this lurvely stuffs! :("


I prepared myself for the worst and dug in on the second level as I heard him entering the building beneath me. Expecting him to slowly make his way up the stairs, I aimed down the sight at the floor towards the staircase and waited. To my surprise, he burst up the staircase while spraying a torrent of 5.56mm terror in my general direction as he rounded the stairwell. It startled me and gave him the opportunity to get closer to me than I'd hoped; my plan had been to pop him one in the head as soon as it appeared above that concrete horizon, but such was not the case. Instead, I popped two rounds into his chest with the intention of retreating to the top of the ATC.


I watched in amazement as he doubled over, dead as a nit. I double-checked the magazine in my 1911, and sure enough, it was at 5/7 rounds remaining. This gun rocks. :3




teh 1911 is teh winz!!1!


EDIT: Added TL;DR. I didn't mean to go on for so long. ;D

Edited by Grimey Rick
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I've been carrying one around and hadn't had the chance to use it yet.  Good to know that it does what it's suppose to do :)

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Only time I ever found a magazine for one, I glitched through a wall and plummeted to my death before I could fire a single shot in anger. :blush:


Normally If I'm using a Mosin I like to use an FNX or cz75 as a backup, just because it's more got more DAKKA-DAKKA for mag dumping if I happen to bump into someone unexpectedly.


If I'm using the SKS or M4 I tend to prefer the magnum, since it's more of a backup and doesn't require magazines, the lack of rapid fire for breaching isn't so much of an issue if you're using a rapid fire primary, too.


Hopefully I find another 1911 mag sooner or later, so I can give it a proper test.

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It hits like a tank, Just be warned, it's no good past 25m.. Sadly..

Edited by Preach
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Has anyone found the goddamned Engraved 1911 yet?

Edited by Res

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Damage seems good but accuracy is pathetic. Really wish they fixed the dispersion already.

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1911's are notorious for being inaccurate. People want realism and this is it!

Problem is there is a group on here with this campaign to make this into an army game where everyone is a super soldier with pinpoint accuracy

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Actually thats not true, 1911s are plenty accurate. They are used a lot in gun competitions primarily for their accuracy and silky smooth triggers. Basing the brand on the in game it is an STI Spartan V. STI is by no means a bottom basement builder. They use armscor made components and hand fit them in the USA. While not sniper rifle accurate, there is no reason a decent shooter cant shoo for effect at 50m+. Look up hickok45 on youtube and he is hitting a gong at 100 yards plus with all kinds of handguns including a 1911.

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1911's are notorious for being inaccurate. People want realism and this is it!

Whoa now, 1911s are definitely not notorious for being inaccurate. The 1911 is one of if not the best model of sidearms ever made. You can ask any spec ops or competition shooter and most will tell you they would prefer a 1911 over any other side arm. The weight of the gun helps a lot with muzzle flip and allows you to gain sight picture and recover much faster after taking a shot. Springfield make some of the best 1911s I have ever shot and I can bust a bugs ass with one at range without breaking a sweat.

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1911's are notorious for being inaccurate. People want realism and this is it!

Are you on crack ?


1911s are known for their accuracy atleast on the pistol world they are the most used competition pistol in US for multiple reasons.


1. They have amazing triggers and great aftermarket support.

2. They are single action.

3. They have a nice long 5 inch sigh radius making longer shots easier. Easier to keep sight alignment .

4. They fit naturally in the hand partly because of the narrow grips due to a single stack magazine.


Why are you spouting incorrect bullshit ?


Problem is there is a group on here with this campaign to make this into an army game where everyone is a super soldier with pinpoint accuracy


Dude nobody is asking for that.


What people are asking is for the weapons to react realistically but have the way the player handles the weapon reflect that he is not a super soldier and instead a survivor.

There are litterally dozens of ways to accomplish that.


- Increase sway

- Require weapon resting in order to make longer shots doable

- Include a stamina system so a well rested and not fatigued player can make longer shots.


The stupid dispersion system results in skilled players being cheated out.

Adding more weapon handling mechanics while correcting the firearms would result in people who are skilled being able to make those skilled longer shots while inexperienced players are not.

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To be fair some civilians practice at ranges and some are even competitive shooters. Just saying :P <3

Oh I agree but our characters are not soldiers and this has gotten quite a few folk's knickers in a twist on here :p

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Actually thats not true, 1911s are plenty accurate. They are used a lot in gun competitions primarily for their accuracy and silky smooth triggers. Basing the brand on the in game it is an STI Spartan V. STI is by no means a bottom basement builder. They use armscor made components and hand fit them in the USA. While not sniper rifle accurate, there is no reason a decent shooter cant shoo for effect at 50m+. Look up hickok45 on youtube and he is hitting a gong at 100 yards plus with all kinds of handguns including a 1911.

We were thinking on the same wavelength lol.

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1911's are notorious for being inaccurate. People want realism and this is it!


Back in the days when they were "notorious" for inaccuracy they weren't even referred to as 1911s. And it wasn't true then either.

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In all honesty I have owned many side arms and the only one that i trust the most and can truly depend on to save my life is my Springfield 1911. It may only hold 7 rounds but I only need one in most cases and it is very accurate and hits like a bull.

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Has anyone found the goddamned Engraved 1911 yet?

Me and my friend found one today :). It was also the first m1911 ever we have found.

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Me and my friend found one today :). It was also the first m1911 ever we have found.

Can we haz some pictures of this beautiful pistol, plox?

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Can we haz some pictures of this beautiful pistol, plox?

Unfortunately not. We had the best luck. We found it, we climbed to the roof and both fell down the ladder >_>

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Unfortunately not. We had the best luck. We found it, we climbed to the roof and both fell down the ladder >_>


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Stories like this is proof of why the M4A1 need to spray randomly less and deal more accurate damage.

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Me and my friend found one today :). It was also the first m1911 ever we have found.


Wait a second..your first one..


Are you sure it isn't this one the one you have found?



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I just found a picture of the Engraved 1911 in these same forums.



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Stories like this is proof of why the M4A1 need to spray randomly less and deal more accurate damage.


5.56 would absolutely deal more damage than any pistol round in the game.

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Wait a second..your first one..


Are you sure it isn't this one the one you have found?



Im sure :). I have only like 2-3h after the last big update to stable.

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I found the engraved M1911 as my second pistol in the game. 


One day i logged in and the 1911 and an ammobox was missing in my inventory (of course the ammobox that held all my ammo for my M4). But in my grief from losing the engraved 1911, i found anotherone not 2 houses down the street. So it's there folks - in abundance. And I still have my 1911 and we're very close ;-)

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