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toasted duckie

The Sporter is NOT useless

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I saw some debating about how the .22 is a laugh. Well, I found one, and I found a full clip for the .22 pistol. So I emptied the clip and chambered one round. Walking in Berenzino I see a guy with a red helmet and an axe killing zombies. There's a dead dude laying next to him and he goes for me, hits me once with his axe and I flee, bleeding heavily. I bandage up and decide to go back and take this guy down. This is what happens next:

I see him and another geared player in one of those big metal shacks.I decide to take some pot shots at them, chambering a new .22 pea after each shot. The shots attract zombies, so I have to run out of there. Falling back a bit I see one of those guys take of further North. I do the same, moving parallel on his left. As I creep in I hear a very loud bang. Sounded like a Mosin or SKS. I think it's directed at me and my heart starts pumping :D DayZ is definitely the only game that does that. I see the guy at a house and shoot at him twice. After evading some zombies again all of a sudden I read a cry for help in direct chat: "PLS Don't let me die :'( " it says. I didn't notice it yet, but the guy is laying face down on the floor, unconscious and bleeding out, while a zombie is going for him and me.

I tell him that I will take care of the zombie and as long as he doesn't do anything stupid I will patch him up. I also tell him that IF he regains consciousness he has to put his backpack on the floor and his hands up. He wakes up and does exactly this. As I quickly grab his backpack I remind him of the consequences if he pulls out his SKS, while punching the zombie to death, since the .22 doesn't get the job done. I find some handcuffs in his backpack and quickly cuff him, asking about where his friend is. He says he is alone and that he was just helping the other guy out. 

I feel a bit bad now, but decide to take his weapons and gear. Berenzino is a hot and dodgy place nowadays after all and I just want to GTFO. To give this guy a fighting chance in this fucker up world I do drop the sawed off shotgun from his backpack, along with 15 shells for it and a bunch of opened cans of food. I tell him that he can go walk up to that stuff 10 sec. after I uncuff him, so I can get away relatively safe. I zig zag my way through the city and safely exfiltrate. 

Now I must say I was tempted to finish him off as he was unconscious and take his stuff, but I decided to go for interaction. I've only had a few interactions before, either with newspawns, where nothing happens, or with (semi) geared players, resulting in my death. But I'm glad I chose the hard way (letting him live). It brings so much more satisfaction on this whole situation. And I realize I have been somewhat lucky: I would not have been surprised if he saw my .22 and just took out his SKS to finish me off. 

Anyway, I just had to share this, it amazes me how a game can trigger all these feelings for the players. I was actually apologizing to the guy while taking his stuff. I had conflict off happiness (got gear), excitement & achievement (successfully holding him up, and bandaging him up), guilt (for taking his stuff) etc. :D 



Sorry if this is poorly written, I'm not the greatest story teller and English isn't my native language.

Edited by Toasted Duckie
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Iv used the sporter before on one of my characters, good for knocking out zombies to quickly loot a room and im guessing there going to be good for hunting rabbits due to its low caliber round

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From the age 8 to 18, a .22 was always hanging on my bedroom wall; first a single shot Remington my brother handed down, later a semi-auto Cooey that would chamber short, long, or long-rifle from a 10 round magazine. With a 4X scope mounted, that Cooey could cut dandelions at 20m.


A lot of people refuse to believe it, but a .22 will meet most of your needs in a survival situation, and yes, they can kill an adult human at 100m or better.


Check the video below for a demo (plus, these dudes are a hoot):



Edited by Wawazat
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Great story mate =) And glad you got some decent interaction out of it instead of just "a boring kill".

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From the age 8 to 18, a .22 was always hanging on my bedroom wall; first a single shot Remington my brother handed down, later a semi-auto Cooey that would chamber short, long, or long-rifle from a 10 round magazine. With a 4X scope mounted, that Cooey could cut dandelions at 20m.


A lot of people refuse to believe it, but a .22 will meet most of your needs in a survival situation, and yes, they can kill an adult human at 100m or better.


Cool story bro, but you're messing reality and game up.

It's by far not as useful in DayZ as in RL.

Edited by crazzekiff

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Nice story! Glad you got a memorable experience out of it.


BTW, your English is better (or reads better, certainly) than most English speakers on the Internet ;)

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Check the video below for a demo (plus, these dudes are a hoot):



  a hoot indeed


im gonna kill the crap outa the next player to threaten me :D

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After many hours of scavenging I had 2 30 round mags for the Sporter, but could not find the rifle. I was dying to try it, and held on to them. Finally found one, but as I had a decked out Mosin I just fired a few rounds at zombies and then abandoned it all. I didn't see the point of making it my primary - unless I was merely surviving in the forest and using it for rabbits. Having a one-shot-kill primary for anti-asshole purposes is more important to me right now.

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so you title this thread sporter is not useless,then go on to say it was useless at everything you tried to use it for including killing zombies.

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After many hours of scavenging I had 2 30 round mags for the Sporter, but could not find the rifle. I was dying to try it, and held on to them. Finally found one, but as I had a decked out Mosin I just fired a few rounds at zombies and then abandoned it all. I didn't see the point of making it my primary - unless I was merely surviving in the forest and using it for rabbits. Having a one-shot-kill primary for anti-asshole purposes is more important to me right now.


As the video says, "it could take out a person from a fight". If the Sporter was a little bit more powerful and could on 1-shot let a person unconscious, it would be of great use... Today I experienced it for the first time and the first thought I had was to call out some friends, and do some shooting on a far city, or in the jungles, just for fun, because surely this gun wouldn't kill on even 2 shots. ( 3 shots on zombies heads to kill them. )

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so you title this thread sporter is not useless,then go on to say it was useless at everything you tried to use it for including killing zombies.


I think he was trying to say it is not completely useless, just not that great. He downed an enemy player and was able to scare a guy with a SKS. It's better than having no gun. Which, to be fair, is barely better than useless.

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good story, that gun is not useless, its better then nothing, and it will be good for hunting i think. 

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It'll be better than "better than nothing" once they add the mouse response thing, stamina debuffs and fix the sounds so that zombies don't aggro from miles away every time you pull the trigger.


I just wish the magazines were more easy to find, I've literally found more cmags and M4s than I've found sporters and its magazines.

I like it very much. It works well for distraction and suppression, and if you go for the head, it's one shot one kill at least atm.

Edited by Exorade

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so you title this thread sporter is not useless,then go on to say it was useless at everything you tried to use it for including killing zombies.

Lets put it this way: If I did not have that .22 I would not have been able to shoot the guy, and get his gear. I felt a little bit like a dick taking his stuff, but it's all about survival, right? 

Anyway, if I did not have the Sporter I would likely be dead, now that I did have the .22 Sporter, I came out with tons of valuable gear, and more important: I got out of the city alive. Seems pretty useful to me, right? ;)

Obviously you are correct if you state that the stopping power of any other rifle in game right now is much higher.

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  a hoot indeed


im gonna kill the crap outa the next player to threaten me :D


Damn straight, put a hole in 'em that they weren't born with!

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Killed 2 people with the Sporter on may way to meet a friend that had been killed. So long as you get headshots it is good fun, body shots take a tremendous amount of time.


Dumped the gun and kept the mag, pick one up whenever I find one in town, better in close quarters than the mosin, at least for scaring the shit out of people.

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Sporter kills with 1 shot to the head just like any gun. People who say it's useless just can't aim ;-)

Edited by DTebbs87

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