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Opening Doors Still A Chore

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Very interesting videos.


One thing that struck me, is why do all of the doors open out? Most of the doors around me (just using the interior/exterior doors of my apartment) open into the rooms they lead into.


It's sort of annoying getting smacked in the face with a door every time you want to enter a building in DayZ. But I suspect a lot of it has to do with how close you have to get and how hit-or-miss the door opening/closing is.



Almost all exterior doors open out (IRL).  Interior doors usually open in.  Exterior doors open out for safety reasons, if you have multiple people trying to leave a building opening it into the building can be very hard (people rushing the door).  This is also why CQB teams have a "door man" who's job is simply to open the door and hold it for the entering team sense exterior doors open out.


I don't have a huge problem with doors in this game, gates are a different issue.  I also found out that targeting is very much linked to first person vs 3pp.  My friend always had issues drinking from streams and such.  I never had this issue, I asked him once if he was in first person or not, once he went to first person he had no more issues.  Doors are like this also to some extent.

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Almost all exterior doors open out (IRL).  Interior doors usually open in.  Exterior doors open out for safety reasons, if you have multiple people trying to leave a building opening it into the building can be very hard (people rushing the door).  This is also why CQB teams have a "door man" who's job is simply to open the door and hold it for the entering team sense exterior doors open out.


I don't have a huge problem with doors in this game, gates are a different issue.  I also found out that targeting is very much linked to first person vs 3pp.  My friend always had issues drinking from streams and such.  I never had this issue, I asked him once if he was in first person or not, once he went to first person he had no more issues.  Doors are like this also to some extent.


The exterior door to my apartment opens in. Both exterior doors to the house I grew up in open in. Only places I can see having open-out exterior doors are shops and larger buildings (academic buildings, theaters, etc.) Even then, a lot can be pushed/pulled in and out respectively.


Just Googled "door breaching" and there's a healthy mix of both being used.


Check this out. It seems public buildings are more prone to having open-out doors due to security reasons. Whilst residential (the bulk of buildings in DayZ) are more likely to have open-in doors.



Edited by Katana67
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Very interesting videos.


One thing that struck me, is why do all of the doors open out? Most of the doors around me (just using the interior/exterior doors of my apartment) open into the rooms they lead into.


It's sort of annoying getting smacked in the face with a door every time you want to enter a building in DayZ. But I suspect a lot of it has to do with how close you have to get and how hit-or-miss the door opening/closing is.


Really? The only doors here (Sweden) that opens inwards is interior doors - all other doors open outwards... at least a vast, vast majority of the doors.

Where are you from? Would be interesting to know actually.


I hate those damn large gates though, if you're standing at the wrong side of those you get shoved away when you're opening them. I have no idea why I'd open a gate fully if I don't have to drive through it with a car.

Edited by LeChat

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Really? The only doors here (Sweden) that opens inwards is interior doors - all other doors open outwards... at least a vast, vast majority of the doors.

Where are you from? Would be interesting to know actually.


I hate those damn large gates though, if you're standing at the wrong side of those you get shoved away when you're opening them. I have no idea why I'd open a gate fully if I don't have to drive through it with a car.


The US. Although I've lived in the UK for a time, and the exterior doors there that I can recall opened inward as well (sort of hard for me to recall doors from 10 years ago haha).

Edited by Katana67

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Americans and British do things always differently :P

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But it isn't how it works in ARMA, or DayZ. It just isn't.


I look at door handles, doors, and it doesn't do jack. Then I back up two feet, stare at the empty space where the door used to be and suddenly I can close the door!


It doesn't work "realistically" by any means.

I will give it this for reality in a zombie apocalypse and only this. If I were in a zombie infested world I would open doors as quietly as I could.


But that all goes out the door when I am eating and drinking into a damned megaphone so everyone can hear me eating like a 3 year old...

Edited by Napalm Dog

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Doors should open the way you open them, eventually.

It gets a little annoying when, every time, you open a door, you get pushed behind it. Now you have to work with an off- in my opinion- collision system to get around the door.

On that note, I also think the collision system needs a little touch-up. :P

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I totally agree, doors at the moment are not very responsive and it takes a while to find the Open/Close door options, especially for gates. Definitely should be looked into now or in the near future. 

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Should have slow open and fast open option. Slow option almost silent for when you are being sneaky (hold down F) and fast option for when you are running from someone or something (tap F)

Love it!  :beans:

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i dotn have a problem with door opening mechanics, apart from occasional buggy prob where it wont show the icon, and you have to use scroll whell to initiate the action,


closing doors can be a pain tho, even when you are used to doing it. i want to be able to close doors as easily as i open them, instead of having to look around for the icon too much,

Edited by qww

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