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Any Windows 8 users.

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I'm curious how Dayz will run on Windows 8, also other games. Any errors or w/e. Do you see any performance increase in windows 8 compared to windows 7?

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8.1 - no problems here out of the ordinary anyone else can expect really. Did have a lot of problems with my soundcard but creative released drivers the other day that fixed it. (gotta love a company that release drivers for a sound card that must be nearly 10 years old)

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8.1 here. But sometimes it will launch it but not let me use it, therefore it is run on compatibility mode for Win7 and as administrator.

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I run many games including DayZ on Windows 8.1 without ever having any issues.

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Windows 8.1 here and no problems what-so-ever. ^-^ Also, no increase either. >.>

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I jumped from XP to 8 and then to 8.1 and there's virtually no difference in terms of how games run.  I'm on a laptop with a i7 and a gtx 770m and I get a solid 30fps in large cities and upwards of 40 to 50 everywhere else on fairly normal settings.  Still looks great too :D

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No issues, can't figure out how to screenshot with 8.1 but that is operator headspace and timing..

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Started on windows 7, no issues. Then i bought a proper PC and it came with windows 8, still no problem. Then i upgraded to windows 8.1, during installation windows decided to delete all the game executables it could find. Verified the game cache for them all and t'was fixed.

In short, no issues with running DayZ on a windows 8 pc. 

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I'm curious how Dayz will run on Windows 8, also other games. Any errors or w/e. Do you see any performance increase in windows 8 compared to windows 7?


Its runs perfectly fine on win8.1 here.

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I'm curious how Dayz will run on Windows 8, also other games. Any errors or w/e. Do you see any performance increase in windows 8 compared to windows 7?

I run with 8.1 no problem on the game in general.

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8.1 here, no problems with any game. Except some really old ones from the 90's for obvious reasons..
There is no performance gain over win7..

Edited by Zeppa

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Windows 8 runs fine.

So does 8.1...

UNLESS your computer uses two graphics cards in SLI! Then it will half your performance!

Its something to do with how windows 8.1 recognises devises. Anyways I have the Lenovo Y500 laptop with SLI graphics cards and after getting windows 8.1 my second graphics card simply wasn't recognised by the computer. This problem isn't isolated to the Y500 and will affect any SLI setup. So to reiterate, windows 8.1 will run your games just fine unless you have an SLI setup in which case you will need to look up a fix. Luckily for me Lenovo released one for the Y500 and now everything's just fine. I downloaded 8.1 at the same time as one of the stable updates and for ages thought it was the update that had ruined my performance!

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I have Windows 8 and I am really not satisfied with Windows 8 in any way. I consider it a big decrease in quality over Windows 7, but I must say to its credit that it causes no problems with DayZ, so that should not be a worry for you.

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Windows 8 runs fine.

So does 8.1...

UNLESS your computer uses two graphics cards in SLI! Then it will half your performance!

Its something to do with how windows 8.1 recognises devises. Anyways I have the Lenovo Y500 laptop with SLI graphics cards and after getting windows 8.1 my second graphics card simply wasn't recognised by the computer. This problem isn't isolated to the Y500 and will affect any SLI setup. So to reiterate, windows 8.1 will run your games just fine unless you have an SLI setup in which case you will need to look up a fix. Luckily for me Lenovo released one for the Y500 and now everything's just fine. I downloaded 8.1 at the same time as one of the stable updates and for ages thought it was the update that had ruined my performance!


running 8.1 with SLI  680gtx's have never had any trouble apart from having to make a custom  SLI profile for DayZ at release of standalone - which Nvidia did anyways months ago in a driver build..

Edited by Calibre

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I too have sli gtx 680's and beyond creating a custom profile for dayz, sli works great on windows 8. Windows 8 operates a little more fluidly on the desktop for me and new games are going to start only supporting 8, as well as dx12 being confined to 8 when it releases. All in all, its good, no problems. Not necessary though

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Oh yeah.. a negative is, if you use a ram drive for the game, symlinking in windies 8.1 is a serious pain in the oul hoop.

Edited by Calibre

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Swapping from win 7 to 8 then 8.1 seemed to bring about performance increases. Mind you, my machine now starts up from cold to login in under 20 seconds.

For me, windows 8 seems to have a much smaller performance footprint than 7 did.

Also, I swapped the motherboard, processor and memory all in one go and I expected win 8 to throw a strop. It simply went "meh..." And carried on as normal...

DayZ runs fine, so does any other game I run..

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