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100 things I learned from DAYZ

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1.There are these people in the game known as "sliders". They are dimensional beings that can hop from one dimension to the next when being shot at or if zombies are killing them.

2. Bushes Baked beans company's plane was shot down over russia, right along side coke and pepsi's. (Mountain dew plane apparently later)

3. Zombies have magical powers that allow them teleport through doors and reach through walls to kill you.

4. The chernarus region of russia is actually a secret cloning facility where identical looking military guys in caps are cloned and set free with just a bandaid on the coast to run wild.

5. You can Inject yourself with morphine and eat pain killers, but injecting a bag of blood into your veins is IMPOSSIBLE.

6. apparently in chernarus there were only about 20 or so working cars before the apocalypse hit and even those werent completely working.

7. You used to be able to drink from the ocean til you realised that saltwater actually probably isnt that healthy for you.

8. A shot to the face is known as a "chernarus greeting". Also sometimes called a "welcome to dayz noobz" greeting.

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I guess I'll be "that guy"... this is only 8 things, I feel cheated of an extensive and potentially humorous read.

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You forgot the other 92.

Please continue.


Oh come on....

You guys really dont want to join in on the fun?

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9. Russian Doorways look to trap people inside of them.

10. Survivors can only visit the beaches and they must bring a flashlight

11. Russians can't fly aircraft for the life of them

( all in good humor, not bit*hing)

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12. the enfield is the gun of life (err... undeath?) :D

13. dont throw out your empty cans anymore... they make good zombie bait

14. an outhouse is a good place to store clothing, and medical supplies (bandage? or bum chum?)

15. there are more rednecks with multiple guns stored in barns in russia than the US of A

16. the moon doesnt like russia (thats no moon?) :P

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18. Chernerus isn't a place in Russia.

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19. Russian hatchets must be reloaded before use.

20. Switching guns can't be done while moving.

21. Liquid can only be consumed when inside a container.

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22. if you aggro a zombie and has only a lee enfield and a heavy wooden chair, you're sure fucked up.

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18. Chernerus isn't a place in Russia.

Chernogorsk is though' date=' go figure:



18. Chernerus isn't a place in Russia.

Chernogorsk is though' date=' go figure:



And Elektrozavodsk (well, minus one letter :P) is a tram station in Ukraine apparently.


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24. There is someone shooting in Cherno.

25. There is a strong energetic force underwater which strips you of all items except those on your tool belt and your pistol.

26. All survivors were members of various Olympic Biathalon teams from around the world.

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Don't throw empty whiskey bottles in closed environments...

Actually :

So, Chernarus is satellite-modeled after a portion of the Czech Republic. What’s it like to play a zombie survival game set in what’s essentially your backyard?

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28. There's never any friendly's in Cherno.

29. Supermarkets contain weapons but not food.

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30. Dont have a "frag" in your inventory with "smoke" and throw the wrong one of wall??? BANG. :angel:

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33. Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.

34. Never try to flip an overturned ATV with a tractor...Ever

You messed my numbers up!

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33. The proper way to talk to someone in dayz is to first yell "friendly?" Then wiggle your body left and right and then finally holster your gun and salute a total stranger.

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34. You cant see any grass further away then 200 meter.

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33. Be polite' date=' be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.

34. Never try to flip an overturned ATV with a tractor...Ever

You messed my numbers up!


I seem to be on a Mess-Up-Streak :)

37. I call it being professional. Do it right, with a smile, or don’t do it.

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38. Ejecting out of cars while they're moving is never a good idea

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41. If you lay in the doorway you can close the door on yourself and break your bones.

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