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100 things I learned from DAYZ

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23. u cant fire your gun while running...its to complex guys

24. friendly in cherno ? -> means....i am wating to snipe your ass. just want to know if there are ppl around

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107. Their are no zombies, only drunk people looking for a full bottle of Jack Daniels

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109. Goats never ever close their mouths.

110. You can still vault with a broken leg yet not walk.

111. Rabbits go nuts when running on concrete.

112. Bandaging a random who has a hatchet leads to you getting hacked up.

113. You can steal from peoples backpacks when they are helping bandage you. >=)

114. Bandits never talk in global. Unless it's to find you.

115. Zombies sprint at you after you kill them in a house.

116. Somebody taught the zombies to run so they dodge bullets instead of running in a straight line at you.

117. Zed are only a threat if there are no houses nearby.

118. Russians only had about 15 different types of buildings.

119. You can roll uphill with ease.

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109: after a large shipment of poisoned viagra was imported all the males in the are are now dead and returned to life as horny zombies! they dont want to eat you! they just want bum you!

the only survivors are the real men who dont need that viagra shit ;p

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78. Zombies are after your fleshlight. See 77. if you want to know why.

Your Fleshlight or Flashlight?

Maybe some need enLightment! ;)

110: universal rule 1# some people will never get the joke

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111: Before opening or picking up a backpack from the floor, you must clean up the garbage around it first.

112: Glowsticks are not as much fun as they used to be.

63 (subsection B): ...but noone knows how to get the power back on.

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121 you can 'stab' people in the back by throwing a can at zombies and run away without them ever suspecting a thing

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122 : rolling out a battle eye global ban reduces the russian players by 50% :)

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When entering a building, zombies become confused, and decide its best to slow roll their shit, and can only walk.

When shot in the head, all zombies have a nerve driven reaction that allows them to jump towards you, just before the world ends for them.

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123: Throwing an tin can (empty only!) requires crouching or standing and about five seconds of careful stretching. A grenade, however, can be primed & dropped, while prone, instantly.

124: I can take my gear & bring it to another world, no problem.

125: The sound of bullets flying & ricocheting from one's hatchet, can give one the impression they are being fired upon!

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126. If you see a couple of kits and mid range weapons piled up in the middle of a field, it's too good to be true.

127. If a bleeding and unarmed Zed runs into the same barn as you, don't stick around for the zombie train to catch up! : P

Edited by Rusty01

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128. Your legs are made of glass, If you sneeze you will break your legs

129. Morphine will easily fix my broken bones

130. You can starve to death next to a patch of fresh pumkins

131. You can die of thirst next a fresh water lake because cupping you hands and drinking does not exist in russia

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132: Firing 10 rounds with an M107 standing dead centre at the top of the air traffic control tower in the north west airfield, pointing a directional baring of 170 degrees, SSE, with an elevation of 55 degrees up will kill the son of a bitch shooting in Cherno

A serious 132: Pitching a tent on a rock will make your tent invisible...TO EVERYONE!!!!

Edited by Yorkie065

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133: AXE





134: You now like Huey Lewis and The News

Edited by Red_Sky

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133: AXE




Too bad there aren't any Gordon Freemans running around with crowbars...

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135: Cherarus has some kind of time-warping abliity upon the real world, whole evenings dissapear without a trace....

136: Equipping a crowbar while holding a hatchet makes the crowbar become a hatchet, and another hatchet spawn in your toolbelt...

Edited by GeeksterDayZ

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137: If you are sniping from the roof of the hospital in electro, it is only a matter of time before you prone lunge off the roof. Turns out survivors cannot fly.

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#138 - there are FAR more scary things in Chernarus than Zeds. Green Mountain, anyone?....

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139. Just when you think you are safe, zombies also have the ability to materialize in front of you inside small sheds...

140. When matches can't be found, rubbing two sticks together is not an option.

141. You can use your scrap metal to 'repair' the house you are in while attempting to pick up windshields.

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142.Matches are only needed for making fireplaces, not for lighting them.

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