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Overall opinions on the SA so far?

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There is no end game in that. Stash, stash, stash and keep stashing.


What guns are you refering to?


What is your goal or end game in this game?


So by awesome you mean some futuristic cod looking thermal imaging long range scope rifle? :huh:


This is an apocalypse. You should be lucky to find ANY guns let alone a high grade military one.


And I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want Arma3 looking weapons in a zombie apocalypse game.

Edited by M0RG0TH
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So by awesome you mean some futuristic cod looking thermal imaging long range scope rifle? :huh:


This is an apocalypse. You should be lucky to find ANY guns let alone a high grade military one.


And I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want Arma3 looking weapons in a zombie apocalypse game.





Actually I think BO2 and Ghosts guns look like shit compared to the previous titles.


You ever been to you local gun shop? I have at least 4 within about 7 miles. I also know a couple dudes who has some seriously awesome fully auto weapons like an AA-12, AK47 and Uzi's. All the guns described above are brand new and look freaking sweet.


Awesome looking guns not unrealistic by any means. Its more unrealistic for every gun to look like shit.

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Was positively surprised by the Standalone, but...


Personally I'm looking forward to an entirely new map and I'm secretly hoping, they've already begun to lay the foundation for it. With a year and a half or a little more for completion, they could potentially have enough time and by then Chernarus will be six years old. Also since we're playing the game through out the development, by the official launch we've pretty much exhausted the content already. A change of scenery at this point, would reinvigorate the player base.

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Actually I think BO2 and Ghosts guns look like shit compared to the previous titles.


You ever been to you local gun shop? I have at least 4 within about 7 miles. I also know a couple dudes who has some seriously awesome fully auto weapons like an AA-12, AK47 and Uzi's. All the guns described above are brand new and look freaking sweet.


Awesome looking guns not unrealistic by any means. Its more unrealistic for every gun to look like shit.


That's is your opinion.

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315 hours in and all I can say is I don't own any other game that I've logged as many hours in as DayZ.   I've enjoyed everything about the game even through the bugs and glitches.  I bought the SA so I could be here to watch it develop and will support BiS all the way.

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what is your definition of an awesome looking gun I'm just curious at to your AWESOME standards and I would like an example please. because without this knowledge it is hard for one to debate for one side or the other. so from reading above posts you think COD guns look awesome......sorry kid I don't think your going to see gold plating or any of that non-sense.plus I don't think when the designers of these tools?weapons thought them up they were concerned with how awesome it looks maybe how dangerous or intimidating but awesome. for some reason everytime I write or read wesome on your posts I hear Keanu reaves character in bill an ted's excellent adventure.hahahahaha awesome

Edited by gannon46

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That's is your opinion.




I hate to seem like I am jut disagreeing for the hell but literally it is more unrealistic to find guns like an SKS laying around everywhere. Guns like this are antique guns worth and can be worth  a lot of money. If you see a newer SKS its custom made and worth a shit load. If you see one in prestine conditioned its been taken care of or refurbished. Either way lots of money.


If I go and visit my friends form around my neighborhood and check their guns out I will see guns like AR-15's, newer shottys, newer pistols and a few with specially ordered bad ass weapons. Of course some will have some guns like an SKS but if someone collects guns enough to have an SKS in their possession they will certainly have some other bad ass guns.

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what is your definition of an awesome looking gun I'm just curious at to your AWESOME standards and I would like an example please. because without this knowledge it is hard for one to debate for one side or the other.




Just for example, from the mod..... PDW, M104, even the Remmington, Bizon, FN Fal, M4A3, pretty much every LMG.


Almost anything not antique and wooden.

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What is your goal or end game in this game?




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Was positively surprised by the Standalone, but...


Personally I'm looking forward to an entirely new map and I'm secretly hoping, they've already begun to lay the foundation for it. With a year and a half or a little more for completion, they could potentially have enough time and by then Chernarus will be six years old. Also since we're playing the game through out the development, by the official launch we've pretty much exhausted the content already. A change of scenery at this point, would reinvigorate the player base.

That would be amazing but I highly doubt it will happen. That's the thing I hate most about DayZ mod and SA now is I know every map so well that I don't even need a map in the game.




......sorry kid I don't think your going to see gold plating or any of that non-sense.


Edited by Weedz

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Really? Not enough "cool looking guns" are your biggest concern?


This game beeing in alpha means that core features are beeing implemented: Zombie behaviour, Health, survival.....

Guns are just the icing on the cake.


Plus, I don't even see how there are not enough weapons. They just added 4 new guns in the latest patch, and an Ak and the p38 are anounced. There are plenty of guns (on the way).


Also: How are the current guns not "cool" ? The current guns are pretty cool: a bolt action rifle for sniping, a m4 (unrealisticly acting as smg :D ), a shotgun

(whats more awesome than a good ol' shotty in a zombie apocalypse?) .22 peashooters...


This game is not set in america, but in a country in eastern europe. It makes perfect sense for a majority of the weapons to be old stuff from the russian army. I doubt you would find lots of modern and expensive western guns there.


Additionally, older weapons fit the gritty apocalypse setting way better than some shiny fresh-out-of-factory guns.

Edited by Buffaloe
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Really? Not enough "cool looking guns" are your biggest concern?


This game beeing in alpha means that core features are beeing implemented: Zombie behaviour, Health, survival.....

Guns are just the icing on the cake.


Plus, I don't even see how there are not enough weapons. They just added 4 new guns in the latest patch, and an Ak and the p38 are anounced. There are plenty of guns (on the way).


Also: How are the current guns not "cool" ? The current guns are pretty cool: a bolt action rifle for sniping, a m4 (unrealisticly acting as smg :D ), a shotgun

(whats more awesome than a good ol' shotty in a zombie apocalypse?) .22 peashooters...


This game is not set in america, but in a country in eastern europe. It makes perfect sense for a majority of the weapons to be old stuff from the russian army. I doubt you would find lots of modern and expensive western guns there.


Additionally, older weapons fit the gritty apocalypse setting way better than some shiny fresh-out-of-factory guns.





I wouldn't say its my biggest concern but it is a concern. It ties in with my worries of the direction of the game. Instead of giving us guns comparable to the mod we get these bland guns and customization items. You cant tell me these guns are even close to being as good as the mod guns.


And I would say its a safe bet that if you ask someone if they would rather have a fur coat or a SA-58 CCO they will likely want the bad ass gun.


I feel like they are throwing in some simple customization options to make it seem like they are doing something. And these customization options aren't even that unique from each other.


And im shocked to see anyone in disagreement that awesome guns would be awesome to have in the game. No doubt Russia wouldn't have as many guns but military bases in Russia would. And their are military camps all over Chernarus that need awesome guns.


Out of all the things the could be adding to the game right now I don't think custom items is where its at.

Edited by electricfuneral

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You can enter all the buildings in SA but  only about 5 are worth actually going into. Until the loot table is randomized its pointless. You dont need to search a town. Just run to the police station, firehouse, piano building etc.

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You can enter all the buildings in SA but  only about 5 are worth actually going into. Until the loot table is randomized its pointless. You dont need to search a town. Just run to the police station, firehouse, piano building etc.





As far as weapons I don't think the loot table should be random. You go to a military camp to get military weapons. I think these places should be loaded with zombies.


I don't think military weapons should be in a firehouse and im surprised to hear its that way still in the SA.

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a m4 (unrealisticly acting as smg :D *with a bent barrel)


Fixed that for ya



This game is not set in america, but in a country in eastern europe. It makes perfect sense for a majority of the weapons to be old stuff from the russian army. I doubt you would find lots of modern and expensive western guns there.

It takes place in a fictional former soviet country yes. But NATO / UN forces moved in heavily at the start of the outbreak to try and contain it. Eastern bloc countries also use modern military gear not "old Russian stuff". Some of these countries are where Russia's "stuff" was invented or vastly improved to start with.

Edited by Weedz
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Also they seem to be putting a lot of focus on customizations. Don't get me wrong, this is cool but it seems very secondary to some things that seem to be missing from the game yet.

You claim you want more "awesome" guns but don't support the customization on them which is basically the hearth to any weapon.



A huge part of fun I had in the SA (mod?) was searching for awesome guns and stashing them. 

Even if I couldn't stash them at the time it was awesome searching for and running around with a camo M4A3, LMG or many of the awesome looking guns in the mod.

At least give us some guns that look more like some of the awesome looking guns from the mod.

If I shot someone in the chest and it destroys their gear that's fine but the last thing I want to do is find a new pair of shoes because mine have degraded. I would much rather spend that time looking for an awesome gun.

This is not COD, BF or any of your regular looking and repetitive favourite shooters game, nor it is meant to be a DM fest. Go back to the mods' mods where you can DM all you want, spawn fully geared and are able to pay for more gears and 1000 vehicles.

Another thing is something like rotten fruit. My dude is starving and I think I found fruit but oh no its rotten. Seems pointless. Take that out and put something in that has a purpose.

Yep, welcome to dayz, where the enviroment f**ks you in the back and everything is completely unfair. All of the times. You might have heard something similar about real life, unless you don't go out too often.



Out of all the time on the mod we came on this forum and was supposedly part of the development of the game. But I don't remember anyone ever thinking degradable gear would be cool. Or having the same map for the SA. Or boring guns. Or taking most of the zombies out of the game even tho they are improved.


If one wants to respectfully disagree or correct me please do. I am tying to find reasons to buy the SA, I just cant find them right now. I almost feel like the SA has taken a step back from the mod and it shouldn't be like that even if the SA is still pre-release. $30 pre-release at that.


I sure hope this game comes together in the end.

You should read and investigate a bit more on the mod's origins and what it was supposed to be. SA is on the right track to those standards.



10/10 perfect troll.

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Well, when I wrote "old russian stuff" i was refering to the more civilian type of loot, since OP made it sound like automatic weapons are very common among civilians. Of course the military would have more modern weapons.


About UN forces and their weapons, sure let them be there.


Personally I do think the game would be more immersive if those high grade weapons were kept very rare. I am not a gun nut either so I don't care about some fancy guns a collector would drool over. I don't even know what a Sa-58 whatever is :P



edit:  Junk loot is a good idea in my opinion. After the apocalypse there should be a lot of stuff lying around. But most of it might be useless.


         Also, am I the only one who likes the wool coats? I think they look terrific.


         I agree on the zombie aspect though. It's pretty game breaking at the moment, and i hope for it to be worked on with high priority.

Edited by Buffaloe

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"overall shite and less fun than the mod, but worth my 30$, and i currently have no higher expectations based on what i've seen"

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I agree there are more important things but I don't see adding 7 new fur coats over some awesome looking guns at least.

They added several new handguns and new ammo right along side those wool coats, as well as new (if useless atm) mechanics. 


Just fyi.

Edited by Amias Free
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I wouldn't say its my biggest concern but it is a concern. It ties in with my worries of the direction of the game. Instead of giving us guns comparable to the mod we get these bland guns and customization items. You cant tell me these guns are even close to being as good as the mod guns.


And I would say its a safe bet that if you ask someone if they would rather have a fur coat or a SA-58 CCO they will likely want the bad ass gun.


I feel like they are throwing in some simple customization options to make it seem like they are doing something. And these customization options aren't even that unique from each other.


And im shocked to see anyone in disagreement that awesome guns would be awesome to have in the game. No doubt Russia wouldn't have as many guns but military bases in Russia would. And their are military camps all over Chernarus that need awesome guns.


Out of all the things the could be adding to the game right now I don't think custom items is where its at.

I think you forget the mod was from a military game. With military weapons galore. The SA will not have the same weapons, they can make it more accurate to what you would find in that region of the world and are. This isnt cod or arma and shouldnt really be compared to it.  I personally feel like a bunch of western guns thrown all over eastern europe would cheapen the game. There are a million games that have a million guns, but only one game like dayz. I personally don t want to see Dayz just become another cookiecutter fps game. Hell blacklight is free and lets you build one however you want.



p.s. the blaze is a sexy sexy gun, i got wood just thinkin about it


p.p.s. I would rather have the fur coats over a bunch of  "awesome guns"



p.p.p.s i totally typed pp    :D





Edit: I dont know what happened to my post, i fixed it best i could

Edited by Chucknorris405

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I hate to seem like I am jut disagreeing for the hell but literally it is more unrealistic to find guns like an SKS laying around everywhere. Guns like this are antique guns worth and can be worth  a lot of money. If you see a newer SKS its custom made and worth a shit load. If you see one in prestine conditioned its been taken care of or refurbished. Either way lots of money.


Guys, the SKS is such a super rare gun, look!

Edited by Publik

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You ever been to you local gun shop? I have at least 4 within about 7 miles. I also know a couple dudes who has some seriously awesome fully auto weapons like an AA-12, AK47 and Uzi's. All the guns described above are brand new and look freaking sweet.


Local gun shop where? You are aware this game is not set in the US, right?

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Local gun shop where? You are aware this game is not set in the US, right?

They sell guns in other countries, too, you know?

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This thread makes me really angry, obviously we are going to get more guns, your concerns are unfounded. 

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They sell guns in other countries, too, you know?


Indeed. But OP is clearly describing the gun market and availiability of the US, which is nothing like any other country in the world.Sure, all these are available on the black market everywhere for anyone with enough money, but OP is talking about a situation where these guns are available in local gun shops, "4 of them, within 7 miles", which is simply not applicable to whatever country Chernarus is supposed to be.


The current situation of DayZ is obviously straining credibility regarding prevalence of certain guns. No problem, since their availability is part of the gaming experience, but please do not apply local US standards as a measurement of realism, because that is simply not relevant for this game.

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