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Do you read notes in game?

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I've been debating the leaving of written communications in my backpack (for the people that kill me) and at locations for fun - along with some practical usage.

As example, you could post here for a trade - and then leave written instructions at destination asking the user to confirm identity while still at some distance. (I.e. Agreed to a head bob right twice in thread - note specifies you are watching at a distance, please use confirmation sign).

My question to you all is do you even read them? And if so, do you also use them? If so, how? Just getting some input for my motivation in picking up pen and paper.

Edited by makomachine

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I read notes off the men I kill, but I wish there was a copy and paste option of text from my PC to DayZ because my notes are rather lengthy.

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the thing that really bugs me about notes is, I wish your character didn't respond in movement when you type, same using DC or radio. dunno if it will ever be fixed. I think notes will become way cooler when they persist as it is now I think they just disappear when the server restarts..

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I've been debating the leaving of written communications in my backpack (for the people that kill me) and at locations for fun - along with some practical usage.

As example, you could post here for a trade - and then leave written instructions at destination asking the user to confirm identity while still at some distance. (I.e. Agreed to a head bob right twice in thread - note specifies you are watching at a distance, please use confirmation sign).

My question to you all is do you even read them? And if so, do you also use them? If so, how? Just getting some input for my motivation in picking up pen and paper.

Yes, I ALWAYS pick up the little pieces of paper in hope that someone has left a note, I usually get quite happy when I see them but when there's nothing wrote I get quite saddened and I myself leave a note so yes I do use paper and a pen to make interesting notes for the unsuspecting survivor. It's quite fun I think!   :)   

Edited by Lhatton14
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I haven't found one yet. I keep leaving them for others. I try to leave them with thing, so they look like U should read them. Like next to a m4 with acog and handguard flashlight and 3 60clips I just left somewhere. With a note.

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I always pick up paper when I find it, but have yet to find a note written on one


There needs to be a seperate paper model in game for pieces of paper that actually have text on them. So you can determine if it's a written note or just a piece of paper simply by looking at it before even pulling up inventory.

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I left one once that said, "Hi, I am outside looking at you read this note through my scope. Please go ahead and drop your weapons or I will kill you."


... I left the area right after setting it down in Elektro. I hope someone found it, and had a moment of panic.. ;)

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I ran around with an empty backpack, other than a note, that read "I'm what you call a waste of ammunition - enjoy the reload!" Once but wasn't able to get my killers reaction after the "You are Dead". I've never stumbled on a written note, but I keep checking. Been trying to come up with some both funny and practical ideas for it as I think it would be cool.

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I left one once that said, "Hi, I am outside looking at you read this note through my scope. Please go ahead and drop your weapons or I will kill you."


... I left the area right after setting it down in Elektro. I hope someone found it, and had a moment of panic.. ;)

I'm guessing chills were had, if they actually read it - but that's the question, did someone take the time....

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I'm guessing chills were had, if they actually read it - but that's the question, did someone take the time....

I hope someone did.. sat there in panic, started dropping his weapons.. raises hands.. and just sits there.


Nothing. No shots. WTF? Uses sidechat, "You there man? I dropped my weapons, please dont shoot." .."Hello?"



I ran around with an empty backpack, other than a note, that read "I'm what you call a waste of ammunition - enjoy the reload!" Once but wasn't able to get my killers reaction after the "You are Dead". I've never stumbled on a written note, but I keep checking. Been trying to come up with some both funny and practical ideas for it as I think it would be cool.

I did this once in the Dayzero mod, it was absolutely hilarious.. :D


We always had firefights ongoing at the NWAF. Like every single night, on the same BMRF servers. So I grabbed some camo gear, a nice starter backpack, and fill all my slots with toilet paper, and straight razors (both utterly useless filler loot) also some empty tin cans, which actually can be used to some degree. Anyhow I go running across the tarmac while there is a fight going on.. I start to yell as I encroach the ATC and firestation, " I am a medic, I will save you all!" Of course gunshots erupt all around me, but Im dodging and weaving.. stay alive for about 5 minutes like this taking constant fire.. meanwhile my friends are picking them off one by one, as they shoot at me. I finally rush up the ATC after the guy inside there.. he mows me down as I come up the stairs. He then types, "thanks for gear bitch, I needed it. I was almost dead.."  


Then, I respond, "You havent looked at my "gear" yet have you? LULZ" His silence spoke volumes.. he c-logged after that and we never saw him on the servers again. ;) I think he moved on to League of Legends or something.. lol

Edited by lrish
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Then, I respond, "You havent looked at my "gear" yet have you? LULZ" His silence spoke volumes.. he c-logged after that and we never saw him on the servers again. ;) I think he moved on to League of Legends or something.. lol

Hilarious... I'm guessing he either tells the story all the time, or never acknowledged it happened! I'm hopeful my killer got the same 'wtf?' moment...

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I read them, but never see any with writing on them. I do leave notes now and again, generally things like "Jane, if you read this head north to xx town and look for me there".

Was thinking of keeping a survivors diary in my backpack but haven't yet, too busy trying to stay alive.

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I left a note once in my back pack for my future killer.

Not sure if he read it.

I never pick up notes to check but will from now on...if I have the time...

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Haven't found or written any notes. But I check whenever I find paper. I think I might record a journal entry of cool shit that happens so when someone finds my body it will have a story behind it

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I just left a note a whie back right in the middle of Svetlo with a knife and a payday clown mask. 


  The note read:-


  "Now take the knife, wear the mask and kill the next person you see.  Become Texas Jack or Texas Jack will get you! "




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I usually pick up bits of paper I see that I think are "out of place" and try reading them, I'm also usually disappointed.. I have only left one note in memory after I stumbled into black forest the first time warning to not go that way.

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I wish notes said something like [used] or [Written] to indicate that they have a message on them. If you saw a piece of paper on the ground, you would be able to tell if it is blank or not. I say this because I tend to just ignore any sheets of paper that are laying around - they usually are blank. I've probably missed a couple of used ones because of it.

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I wish notes said something like [used] or [Written] to indicate that they have a message on them. If you saw a piece of paper on the ground, you would be able to tell if it is blank or not. I say this because I tend to just ignore any sheets of paper that are laying around - they usually are blank. I've probably missed a couple of used ones because of it.


I think that is a great idea - as I've passed by a few and said "not likely" when if I had known they were used/written, I definitely would have picked them up.  I also think it would be cool if we could use the useless duct tape in the game and tape them to things like doors.  People would definitely read them, or run away, depending on how jumpy they are! :)

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there is always a note on my body that reads: "I guess I was right about you."

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I use them to write down my shopping list, under the name of each city I plan on looting.

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I'm going to make a journal, elder scrolls style.

"They thought I was crazy!!"

"I'll show them!"

"This is all so fascinating, yet I'm so tired! I'm going to rest in this dark, creepy place with scary zombie noises!! I sure hope nothing eats me..."

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I use them to write down my shopping list, under the name of each city I plan on looting.








pristine m4

LRS mosin

ttsko outfit

dallas mask



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Whys everyone such good friends here, but everyone ingame is a douche? I need to find yalls server XD

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And yeah, I left a note describing my short life

"Spawned in kameka

Ran in first house

Found pen

Second house

Found paper

Beat down zombie

Began writing my survivors dia"

Morale of the story:Dont write in the middle of the road. At least he probably read it since I was in the process

And yeah, I left a note describing my short life

"Spawned in kameka

Ran in first house

Found pen

Second house

Found paper

Beat down zombie

Began writing my survivors dia"

Morale of the story:Dont write in the middle of the road. At least he probably read it since I was in the process

And yeah, I left a note describing my short life

"Spawned in kameka

Ran in first house

Found pen

Second house

Found paper

Beat down zombie

Began writing my survivors dia"

Morale of the story:Dont write in the middle of the road. At least he probably read it since I was in the process

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