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What's the best way to download the mod after you buy arrowhead and the game?

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So what is the best way to download the dayz mod after you get the to required games? I've heard downloading it off the dayz mod website and steam but I've also heard a lot of other ways. Give me your opinion and why you think it is good, thanks in advance.

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DayZ Commander. It's easy to get the base mod plus any other mods (Epoch, other maps, etc.).

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DayZ Commander. Also lets you download other mods of DayZ mod, also lets you update Arma, also has nice server filters. Easiest way to install and keep everything updated.


Bah, got ninja'd.

Edited by h3l1x

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DayZ commander.

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Another vote for DayZ commander.  I could never get the mod to run through steam alone, but after donwloading commander, it works perfectly.

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I hope that helps you, Michael.  As you can tell, many of us are fans of DayZcommander.  It works so well that I've given up all other ways of playing. :thumbsup:

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After you download DayZ commander but have already downloaded it and played it with steam will it save your progress

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Is PlaySix any good?



It can be confusing at times and isn't really for the DayZ-experience. DayZCommander is tailord to play DayZ, as the name suggests. PlayWithSix is a general mod-program, with which you can download normal ARMA Mods with, such as ACE.

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i have just done the same, are you able to run it through the dayz commander or is that just for a list of servers?

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