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Battle Royale for Standalone

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Is there going to be some Battle Royale in the Standalone like in the mod? I have seen some videos of Silo playing Battle Royale on youtube and it looks epic. Anyone know if this is going to be a cool extra way to play this awesome game?

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It would be very difficult to organize something like this. I don't think we'll be seeing this until full release when they allow people to mod it.

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no, it basically is battle royal anyway's.

Yeah i know but it would be nice to see if you can win!! Currently there is nothing to play for at all!!

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Yeah i know but it would be nice to see if you can win!! Currently there is nothing to play for at all!!

that's because the game is supposed to be tested in alpha, not played.

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you really are a party pooper :-(



because I told the truth?

Yes. The truth always shits all over parties. 

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Was googeling for this :)


I really hope we will get that OPTION to make servers battle royal servers.

Regualar, Hardcore, Battle Royal (and maybe PVE servers where you can ACTIVATE pvp)



IG Rage
I totaly agree with you hehe :) It's Alpha testing not a full game so it's not the time to decide this. But when the game is released it would be a cool feature.


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When modding is available, PlayerUnknown has said he wants to bring it to DayZ.


I don’t want to just stop at Arma 3 and H1Z1. When the DayZ game opens for modding, I want to bring it to that. We’ve been talking about bringing it to Minecraft. I’ve said before, one mod for many games. Ultimately, I’d like to build my own standalone version, but I think for the moment I’m quite happy to be a mod in many games. It just makes our community bigger so when we do eventually go for a standalone version, we will have a bunch of support, hopefully.

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Here you want alpha battle royal?


ill open my private pvp server and rename it. You find the organizer and ill donate the server. Before the 1st if possible of march. I moved over to fragnet due to issues so those two servers are semi offline atm.

I would have to boot the players as they die in the log files.


There isn't many options left for me to do.

Edited by FIRMSneakydude

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PlayerUnknown plz make it happen. It's March 2015 and if BR releases for free with DayZ this would be a HUGE value! Other "copycat" games are going to make users pay a "subscription fee" for 5.99/month for "unlimited BR's"...


but reading this thread I seen a juicy bit when you guys started talking about modding will come to DayZ when ready, but I have a quick question.... what games do you guys consider that implements the best model for using mods in a video game??

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Seems to me a battle royal would be the perfect opportunity for the devs to gather a massive amount of data regarding the weapons, balancing, and pvp in general. Even if it's not a key component of the dayz experience, you can never have enough data when something is in alpha and a battle royal could provide help balancing things. 

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PlayerUnknown plz make it happen. It's March 2015 and if BR releases for free with DayZ this would be a HUGE value! Other "copycat" games are going to make users pay a "subscription fee" for 5.99/month for "unlimited BR's"...


You are aware of the fact that Player Unkown is infact the Developer that works for H1Z1 on the Battle Royale Mod - thus not a copycat and I doubt that it'll come to DayZ for as long as he's working on H1Z1.



Edit: Can't be that long anymore, as they're slowly disintegrating their credibility anyway, especially after they have been purchased by an investment-company.


But I guess that's that for this thread, H1Z1 discussion can be found here:


Edited by kichilron

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