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Aradia's Playstyle Poll: Featuring TOOOOOONS of Options!

The Playstyle Poll to Rule them ALL  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your policy on KOS?

    • KOS everyone I see, all the time.
    • KOS everyone I see, unless I'm in a really good mood.
    • KOS everyone except freshspawns, unless they pull out their dukes.
    • KOS everyone except freshspawns and fellows without guns, unless they try to axe me or something.
    • KOS everyone with a gun, unless they clearly don't have ammo.
    • KOS everyone with a gun, even if they are clearly out of rounds.
    • KOS no one, though not friendly- Observe from a distance before deciding to pursue and engage.
    • KOS no one. Call out to unarmed and freshspawns. Avoid armed.
    • KOS no one. Call out to all, unless they're confirmed to be doing stuff you don't agree with, which in that case you engage.
    • KOS no one. Call out to all, unless they're confirmed to be doing stuff you don't agree with, which in that case you avoid.
    • KOS no one. Call out to no one. Avoid everyone.
    • I change up my KOS policy daily.
  2. 2. What is your main strategy?

    • Engage the enemy out-right, with the intent to kill.
    • Sneak up on the enemy, and then engage, with the intent to kill.
    • Avoid the enemy. Pure stealth, with the purpose of getting the hell away.
    • Immobilize the enemy, via handcuffs, shooting out of the legs, or knocking out with the intent to rob / leave them for dead.
    • Immobilize the enemy, via handcuffs, shooting out of the legs, or knocking out with the intent to unarm the enemy and leave them to live another day.
  3. 3. What do you see yourself as?

    • A survivor- I do what I must to survive, be it murder or be it theft.
    • A hero- I dedicate my life to helping others, and stopping the scum of Chernarus.
    • A bandit- I stop others, rob them, perhaps indulge in some creative torture, and then leave them limping with a bag full of stolen loot.
    • A killer- I open fire on everyone I see, with the intents to kill them. If I loot their bodies is up to me.
    • A psychopath- I kill people, but I do it in the most fun way I can come up with.
    • A hunter- I stalk my prey before taking the fatal shot. I prefer the element of surprise. I prefer taking out my enemies quickly and precisely, instead of starting a firefight. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt.
    • A sly survivor- I avoid all threats, sticking to the shadows, making sure no one who may be a threat to me even catches a glimpse of me.
    • I change up how I play daily.
    • A medic- I work to help other players medically, but don't take measures against bandits.
    • A combat medic- I work to help other players medically, and I also get rid of pesky bandits.

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If I am in a good mood I will kill you if...

You have a gun in your hands

You shoot at me

You have something I want

You are shooting at freshies

You are holding up freshies

You are freshie that can't follow orders 

You are friends with a freshie who can't follow orders 

I don't like the look of you

You have a funny head

You are in our territory 


Bad mood



I have killed a lot of freshies and I mean a lot and IMO everyone deserved it. If I tell you to stop, you should stop. If I tell you to turn around slowly you should do that and not try to pull out your cute little axe. It's only going to end in you having a bad time.

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My friends and I enjoy class play, I am a Combat Medic, my friend provides Over-watch with a sniper, my other friend Scavenges for supplies and the last person Guards the scavenger and clears out areas acting as Point Man. I usually stick to the sniper as to guard him from zombotrons and uppity G.I, Joes. As soon as Binoculars are added I will add spotting to my list. We operate on Skype in two calls and use radios to communicate between pairs. If we are out of range we just PM each other on steam.

Rules for engagement for players is:


If Over-Watch spots first, avoid unless impossible
If not detected (ie. Camping, Hiding, Sniping), we try to allocate suspect and eliminate. If we sustain injuries we GTFO.

 We GTFO if injuries and/or casualties are sustained irreguardless, but this is usually when it happens.

If ground units spot unarmed/friendly player, keep guns posted until we clear the area.

Unload on aware shooters.

Incapacitate and/Or handcuff Unaware shooter (Amphibia S to legs or head insures knock out or broken legs with not much damage to health or supplies)

 Captured bandits and KOS'ers are relieved of ammo and knocked out, bandaged, then uncuffed (if handcuffed) and left alive

  If the person has killed a squadmate then they are Court Marshaled in the nude or fed to zeds.

Zeds are avoided or Melee'd if unavoidable. Shooting Zeds is last resort


Also, a strategy that seems to work well on me is Trickery
(ie. Let's trade *BANG*,Friendly-Friendly-Friendly-I'm a Friendly Friend *BANG*, or my favorite "Let's team up and go to NWAF" halfway there *BANG*) Packmuleing and killing upon destination is also a classic act of trickery.


P.S. We stay FAR the F*CK away from Balota.






TL;DR- Main Strategy Additions : Trickery/ Elaborate Ruse
What do you see yourself as? Additions: Scavenger, Sniper/Over-Watch/Scout, Point-man.

Edited by Phantom Xavier

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A poll with valid unbiased options that applies to everyone and takes into account that not everyone plays the same way every time?!?!?!?


They said it couldn't be done!

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