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General tips post patch regarding zombies and gear.

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Hello, most posts regarding the new patch is mainly comments on how it is bad or good it is. So I thought I'll try share some of my tips on surviving easier I have picked up since the latest patch released. 

This is some tips I have picked up from my personal experiences and therefore some of the information may be slightly wrong or inaccurate. So please let me know if any of the information is wrong or leave your own tips on how to survive after the latest patch. And my apologies for my English as it is not my native tongue.



The zombies is much faster and detects you from great distances. When you kill them they will respawn after ten seconds or so somewhere not to far from where you killed it. And they seem to be a lot more sensitive from sounds especially gun-sounds. When you kill a zombie with a gun it seems like they have instantly aggro on you when they spawn. Also the zombies seems to be aiming more on the chest area when they attack.


1. Killing the zombies with guns is very risky and should be a last resort method, especially in urban areas with more houses. More gun sounds=more zombies and it makes you very vunlerable to other players as you will be focused on killing hordes of zombies.


2. Kill the zombies with melee as it will reduce the chanse of the zombies aggroing you when they spawn.


3. If you're gonna melee the zombies or run away from them having two main weapons is not recommended. Since you will either a= drop one of the weapons often and changing back forth with the melee weapon is rather pain or b= be running alot slower.


4. If you decide to slay the zombies, do it outside! The axes seems to have some problems inside buildings and you will have a hard time hitting the zombies. And if you're firing the weapon indoors the zombies will greatly increase in numbers and the building will be harder to loot, hide or reside in.


5. Another tip when you're killing zeds is try circle them(when in greater numbers) and aim slightly left of them and if you dont have an axe, aim for the head!


6. Since the zombies seems to be aiming around chest height be aware of where you put you're most important items.  


7. Be aware of the condition of you're gear because when you're gear is below damaged or badly damaged(needs confirmation) the items will start taking damage and that will happen quickly once you're gear is destroyed.


8. Having a healthy status is vital  :P . But seriously you will be bleeding alot more if you are around zombies now. So generating blood is important. 


9. Keep alot of bandages, and keep them apart from eachother. Kinda sucks to have all of you're bandages ruined and dying of bleeding after a big zombie fight. 


10. If the zombies is facing away from you, they will not detect you so easily if you're silent. So you can actually sneak past them or kill them assasin's creed style.


11. There is one other thing: this is just a theory, but it seems like the zombies detect you easier if you are carrying guns in you're hands rather then nothing. (need confirmation aswell)


12. Having morphine is quite important, have always been usefull, but the zombies will now break you're legs and arms. Keeping mutiples morphine injections is adviced. 



That was what I remebered, if you have some other tips please let us know :D



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they are not very "protective" at all ^^
+ when broken, up to 6 items are gone
wear them often

Edited by dawud

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I'd suggest avoiding all zombies until you have an axe.

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I've seen people mention broken arms before but I have never experienced it myself. Is this a thing? If so, what are the side effects?

And I like your list. Good tips for new and experienced players. I hope that as zombies become more difficult, lists of tips like this will become more common. Beans.

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