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Concerned about the Sawn Off

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This isn't a rage thread. Why? I survived due to something being rather off with the Sawn Off. Should I have survived? No.


Let me explain the situation.


A man, with a Mosin and a Sawn Off, fired a single round at us while we were drinking from the well atop the hill over Elektro. He was in the house, but we didn't know this yet. Thinking it was from the hill, I went inside of the house for cover. When I entered, our opponent shot both barrels of his Sawn Off at me, dealing NO damage. I then freaked out and unloaded a whole SKS mag into him, to make sure he was dead. 


Fortunately, most of the shots had missed, as I was in third person and was not expecting to have to shoot someone. I had hit him apparently in the legs and the chest, missing his backpack but ruining his vest, shirt, and pants, which had nothing of use. I also finished him off with a bullet to the head, after apologizing to him on microphone, informing him he could have taken the diplomatic approach.


Afterwards, me and my friend looted his body, and I started to wonder why my legs weren't broken, why I wasn't bleeding, and suffering from major damage.


The guy had the advantage, fired at me, but missed, probably due to desync, lag, or some weird spread dispersion luck.


The Sawn Off should have decimated me from this range. He was using it where you would expect to use it and succeed, which he would have done had this been in real life. Unfortunately, somehow, he missed...




His shotgun was empty, with a speedloader out of shells inside, which confirms the fact he shot. Other then that, there is no way to know, other then the sound I heard. I didn't taken any injuries and got me and my friend out of Elektro with enough food, water, and ammunition to last us a while.

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Sawn off spread is a little insane, it happens

Edited by Maselko

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Yes, when I was playing experimental .42 something seemed a little off-kilter with the shotgun. My partner and I were raiding the CEDA center in Svetlojarsk (not sure if it's CEDA, but it's that blue med building) when someone ran in and started swinging with an axe- naturally we both opened fire- My friend hit him first with 2 rounds from a sawn-off double barrel and he escaped through the back door. He shouldn't have.  Later it took a half a mag of M4 rounds to finish him off when he tried again. All of his gear was ruined by the shotgun but he survived both blasts.  The patch notes say that the shotgun damage has been nerfed, but not by enough to survive 2 shells, surely?

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Slightly off-topic, but I had a somewhat similar experience last night in the ATC at NWAF. I had a Mosin and a Magnum and was being a little jerk on top of the ATC since you can now shoot out of the windows, not just in. I saw a guy approaching the ATC with an M4A1 and went into OSHIT mode -- that's never a good thing when you have a Magnum! I ran down the topmost flight of stairs and dug myself in at the bottom, watching the other staircase. As he came up, I could just see the top of his head and put two Magnum rounds into his head. He died. I then fell unconscious. This was doubly annoying for me as he was still rasping and breathing hard from his run into the ATC.


A friend came to revive me (yay for saline bags working again!), and upon coming to, ALL of my gear was still pristine, as if he hadn't hit me. I knew that I had been hit because I had heard a shot from the M4 and because I had lost blood. It took me a while to get back to healthy status. All of his gear was fine except for his glasses, beret and gas mask. They were ruined.


This is currently the most annoying issue in the game for me; I don't even know how many times I've died or been knocked unconscious while taking someone else with me where they should've been dead before they were even able to get a shot off.

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Weapon damage is weird at the moment. Remember when you had to shoot all thier gear before you could deal damage? Now it's luck if you have to do it or not.



Slightly better, might hand my sawn off to my friend and keep the full length that i'm lugging around for him along with a mosin.

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...Well they said they nerfed the damage it does.

That sucks as I carry a mosin and sawed off :C

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I'll still keep the sawn off in the leather jacket, just because why not.



But that's really, stoopid.

Totally stoopid



they said they nerf it by 25%.....


Nobody was crying how "OP" the shotguns are...

Now they're just Sh|†-guns, it seems.

Nothing more. Shitguns.


And when i think about it: The sawn off deals more dmg than the long one (and is less accurate)...

so i the sawn off can't kill under 20/15m, the long one won't do it, either, I believe...

Edited by irishroy
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I'll still keep the sawn off in the leather jacket, just because why not.



But that's really, stoopid.

Totally stoopid



they said they nerf it by 25%.....


Nobody was crying how "OP" the shotguns are...

Now they're just Sh|†-guns, it seems.

Nothing more. Shitguns.


And when i think about it: The sawn off deals more dmg than the long one (and is less accurate)...

so i the sawn off can't kill under 20/15m, the long one won't do it, either, I believe...


It really is. I should have been dead.


Nothing on me was even ruined. No damage dealt. I was perfectly fine, screen didn't even flash black and white.

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That or he had the fire mode on where you shoot both shells at once and he simply missed, thinking the spread would get you. I get that all the time with shotguns. I point in their general direction, thinking they're in the spread, but eventually just a few or even no pellets hit the target. Tends to happen when i freak out or something

Edited by The End.

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hmmm i am gonna try shotguns on zombies.... next time i will playing dayz and find it

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i'm wondering if it was just a matter of dsync/lag.  The fact he missed the first shot at the well, then missed you with the shotgun makes me suspicious that he was A: a really bad shot or new or B:shooting at someone who was somewhere else via the aforementioned dsync/lag.  Guess I'll have to pick up a shotgun and try this out.  Last time I had one equipped was prior to the latest patch and it did its job the one and only time I used it.  If they did nerf the accuracy, and not just damage, then that is definitely a problem.  That range in your pic is 'ideal' for that weapon.

Edited by makomachine
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By the way, why can't you put a sawn-off in a chest holster? Surely it counts as a sidearm

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Earlier on the craziest thing happened to me i encountered a man with a shotgun he shot at me and hit me but i never bled, i unloaded my entire sks clip into him and he died. Now when i checked my inventory because i know i took a shot my top and my bottoms were fine but my beanie hat, yes i said beanie hat was completely ruined. You can imagine my disbelief at the fact my beanie hat saved my life.


I believe it has something to do with the spread of the shotgun and one pellet not doing enough damage to cause any kind of injury but honestly i don't know much about the damage on this game, one thing i do know though is that beanie hats should not be lifesavers.


Your's truly


A coastal hero

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Have fed both barrels of a long barrel to someone at about 15m. They lived and killed me with 1 shot from a 22. Saw blood spray from at least half a dozen points from the buckshot.


Though if you stick the ol sawn off into their guts and pull the trigger, bye bye.

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Have fed both barrels of a long barrel to someone at about 15m. They lived and killed me with 1 shot from a 22. Saw blood spray from at least half a dozen points from the buckshot.


Though if you stick the ol sawn off into their guts and pull the trigger, bye bye.


Had that happened to me, I'd:

  1. Have no monitor left, and;
  2. Quit DayZ

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Same thing has happened to me, before the damage nerf. Point blank, sawed off, right to someones back, 10 feet away. Nothing. No damage.

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Same thing has happened to me, before the damage nerf. Point blank, sawed off, right to someones back, 10 feet away. Nothing. No damage.

Off topic- Go Pens. :D


On topic- This is a real problem, as it makes the Sawn Off unreliable. Its bad its been happening before the nerf patch.

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Off topic- Go Pens. :D


On topic- This is a real problem, as it makes the Sawn Off unreliable. Its bad its been happening before the nerf patch.

It's not just the sawn off it's how damage is done in the game at the moment. The sawn off is only good because the damage it deals is spread over multiple pellets, which means each of those pellets can only deal x amount of damage, If your clothing defeats one of the pellets then the game thinks it can defeat them all.

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It's not just the sawn off it's how damage is done in the game at the moment. The sawn off is only good because the damage it deals is spread over multiple pellets, which means each of those pellets can only deal x amount of damage, If your clothing defeats one of the pellets then the game thinks it can defeat them all.

So you need to get 'dem in da faiz to deal good dmg then?

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So you need to get 'dem in da faiz to deal good dmg then?

Nah, they just have to not be carrying books as armour around.

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So, I just opened the front door of a police station, only to see a guy standing there facing the door, standing over a dead body not even a metre inside the door.


Had my sawn off out, as I normally do when breaching a building, instant reaction was to feed him both barrels.


I saw blood spray all over him but instead of instant death, he swore at me, fired a mosin round and bolted up the stairs.



I was a little disappointed to say the least.

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I have had good success with the sawed off, but will admit that there are baffling moments when it just doesn't do much of anything when you shoot someone.  There is little rhyme or reason for its performance.

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I'm sorely tempted to bin it and use the SKS for breaching. My last 2 experiences have had my opponent survive and or me die. Both at short/point blank range.

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I have to say that each time I see a thread like this I'm left scratching my head.


I previously saw a thread that said the regular shotgun did no damage. I took some fellow testers into Elektro and one shot each from about 20 meter distance.


Then I saw a thread about SKS's accuracy being low, however I tried it out and scored headshots with each shot at 300-500 meters with just ironsitghts.


Is this just another one of those I wonder?  <_<

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