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It's too easy to get guns

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Regarding soldiers leaving guns and ammo at military bases, if they had /any/ kind of warning they'd have packed up as much as they could in /all/ of their transport vehicles. No military in its right mind would want to leave weapons behind to fall into the hands of untrained civilians - what chaos that would be!

For everything else, allow me to direct you to the words of Chris Rock: 

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This is exactly what I want but look at these forums.  Multiple threads about wanting more guns(especially military), base building(military outpost style), vehicles(again more military shit).   In the end if this is the route the devs decide to take so be it.  It was only $30 so it won't be a loss.

Yep this better not turn into the stupid Epoch crap that destroyed the mod because the little "hand me everything" people don't actually want a survival game they want open world CoD ignore the zombies with free helicopters mode where you can buy a .50 cal SUV at a store after 10 minutes of looting and selling the crap you get.


..... you guys remember that part in The Walking Dead when they sell a backpack full of Redbulls and Mountain Dews and then buy that armored tank from one of the multiple buy anything that exists in the world stores right?

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This is exactly what I want but look at these forums.  Multiple threads about wanting more guns(especially military), base building(military outpost style), vehicles(again more military shit).   In the end if this is the route the devs decide to take so be it.  It was only $30 so it won't be a loss.

Yeah, what is really missing is a back story.  Are we not infected because we are immune?  I think if they played up that aspect and put literally millions of zombies on the map, it would make looting more difficult - especially at military installations where the public fled to be safe.  Getting a vehicle would be a death wish, as hordes of infected block roadways and bandits snipe drivers so they can get the car...  The mechanics of the game need to balance out each action.  The devs need to weigh strengths and weaknesses:


  • If we put hundreds of guns in a military base (like it is supposed to be) there needs to be thousands of infected at that base.
  • If we put in vehicles - those vehicles will need to be maintained, and an easy target to be blocked by a horde of zeds.


Everyone says this is just alpha, and I do wonder if the dev team even reads the forums. If not, they are missing out on a ton of great features that could be added to the game.

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If people wanna talk about realistic....riddle me this


the average gun owner owns MORE THAN ONE GUN


Bubba's storage locker



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Regarding soldiers leaving guns and ammo at military bases, if they had /any/ kind of warning they'd have packed up as much as they could in /all/ of their transport vehicles. No military in its right mind would want to leave weapons behind to fall into the hands of untrained civilians - what chaos that would be!


Which is why we need a back story to this.  Are we just immune?  Did the military get infected and leave their guns all over?  Or did they pack up and leave to go to another country? 

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There is a backstory. 5 years ago the infection broke out in Chernarus. They are not really zombies they are still alive just infected (also some might be actual undead zombies too). NATO forces came in to try and stop the spread but failed (probably got hit with the infection when they came in and turned midair this is what all the crashed helis in the mod are). You are one of the remaining 5% of the population that are immune and still alive.



Then there's some unofficial stuff from some of the mods of the mod like Day Zero or Origins forget which one it was that actually have like a "mission" where you can find the origin patient zero of the virus.

Edited by Weedz

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There is a backstory. 5 years ago the infection broke out in Chernarus. They are not really zombies they are still alive just infected (also some might be actual undead zombies too). NATO forces came in to try and stop the spread but failed (probably got hit with the infection when they came in and turned midair this is what all the crashed helis in the mod are). You are one of the remaining 5% of the population that are immune and still alive.



Then there's some unofficial stuff from some of the mods of the mod like Day Zero or Origins forget which one it was that actually have like a "mission" where you can find the origin patient zero of the virus.

I didn't know.  Interesting.  So, it is airborne.  In that case; most of the loot in towns and bases would still be there - there would be much more food in the houses and a lot more guns.

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Guns are fine! And quit with the "Oh people wanna play COD" People who would enjoy COD would not enjoy this as much, because people like that get bored, COD players get bored playing BF because they have to walk a couple minutes more, People who play Battlefield get bored of Arma because there is less destruction and still not enough action. The people who want to kill others are just Bandits and are part of the game deal with it.

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I didn't know.  Interesting.  So, it is airborne.  In that case; most of the loot in towns and bases would still be there - there would be much more food in the houses and a lot more guns.

Well sure, canned food would most likely be good, whereas open food, fruits,vegetables and meats would be and should be starting to rot.  And sure, weapons galore, but how many would be functional after being left in the open/out in the elements as well as infected going nuts and ravaging them?  Everyone assumes that all guns should be military grade pristine weapons.

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I didn't know.  Interesting.  So, it is airborne.  In that case; most of the loot in towns and bases would still be there - there would be much more food in the houses and a lot more guns.

Not really, most countries people only keep like 2-3 days worth of food in their house and go get more multiple times a week they don't keep 1-2 weeks worth of food around. Especially in a poorer place like a former soviet eastern bloc country. They also would have more produce and meat that would have already rotted not processed canned food. I think the SA actually is just about perfect on how much food / drinks there are.

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The only places I ever find guns is the airfields and sometimes a pistol in a fire station. The airfields are just bandit heaven and will just SoC the moment they see you and fire stations just give you a pistol sometimes. 

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The only places I ever find guns is the airfields and sometimes a pistol in a fire station. The airfields are just bandit heaven and will just SoC the moment they see you and fire stations just give you a pistol sometimes. 

You should check out the American schools that are in the game.

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I think what's really gamebreaking is that the OP and many others want guns to be virtually impossible to attain.


No, that wasn't what I said. It's not so much the amount of guns that's worth to be overhauled but the distribution and the currently extremely easy accessability as it quite takes away the challenge and fun part of having to build/earn a gun; to have to survive without one for quite some time and to rely on your survival and social/negotiation skills instead of just grabbing a gun within 10-30 minutes and live trigger happy from that moment on. Just as DannyRed said: sometimes the best games are those which force the hard way as the only possible way down your throat. Yet once people get basically a green card from the devs to take a shortcut, it corrupts the whole concept. Opportunity makes a thief.



Regarding the "Realism = Tons of Guns" subtopic: After 5 years and with 5% of the population still intact - which is a lot - guns would disappear from bases pretty quickly, especially since the Chernarus bases aren't exactly big. Personally I would grab and stash every gun I could find just in case. Yet the biggest problem would possibly be the shortage of ammo sooner or later. In any case from a gaming perspective if you have too much guns and ammo available all the less capable weapons become useless too quickly. Bows, Crossbows, the 0.22 peashooter, the B95, the IZH43 and so on.

Edited by ColdHeat

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Topic cleaned.

This post gave me cancer and *yawn* are overly pointless. Please don't.

Dude cancer is no joke. I hope you are quoting someone else otherwise that's a really stupid statement to make.


Op this has all been discussed before and they are all good ideas. I really think there should be thousands of spawn points, some good and some bad they should not be limited to any part of the map, the reason being is that people will always kill themselves to get to the best choice out of all the spawnpointss where as if they are completely random people would be killing themselves for hours which would be hilarious but people would stop doing it after a while.


I do not think guns would be that rare at all if the apocalypse had happened i know for a fact that guns would be all over the place despite what many on these forums say. It should be the ammo that is very rare, i think most guns you find should have a magazine in it already with a random amount of bullets left and then the bullets should be very VERY hard to find.

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I really think there should be thousands of spawn points, some good and some bad they should not be limited to any part of the map, the reason being is that people will always kill themselves to get to the best choice out of all the spawnpointss where as if they are completely random people would be killing themselves for hours which would be hilarious but people would stop doing it after a while.

Interesting idea. Could work with a respawn timer that get's increased whenever you suicide within 10 minutes after spawn. Also you would have to spend effort to even orientate yourself.
Edited by ColdHeat
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If you make it to hard to find anything to use no ones going to want to play the damn game. Everyone will be to busy hording all the good stuff.

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Where are you all getting the figure that the Z-Apocalypse happened 5 years ago? If that figure is true, then either:


1) We should have all starved to death in-game a long time ago, as there appears to be no agriculture going on
2) Civilization would have restarted a long time ago


In my honest opinion, that timeframe is stupid. In it's current state, Day Z looks to be happening at the end of the great die-off, the "starting stage" of the collapse of civilization. There is no agriculture, no new towns banding together, etc. It hasn't been 5 years; civilization doesn't work that way

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Where are you all getting the figure that the Z-Apocalypse happened 5 years ago? If that figure is true, then either:


1) We should have all starved to death in-game a long time ago, as there appears to be no agriculture going on

2) Civilization would have restarted a long time ago


In my honest opinion, that timeframe is stupid. In it's current state, Day Z looks to be happening at the end of the great die-off, the "starting stage" of the collapse of civilization. There is no agriculture, no new towns banding together, etc. It hasn't been 5 years; civilization doesn't work that way


You think if the population dropped to 5% instantly (and then continued to drop as the immune were killed) they couldn't survive off canned goods? Hunting isn't a thing that exists either especially not when animal populations skyrocket because humans aren't holding them back anymore. How would you go about restarting civilization when 95% of the former humans are now wandering around attacking and eating anything that isn't like them?


Good to know you're a professor of how civilization works after a zombie apocalypse though .... but you know the point of an apocalypse is that civilization doesn't exist anymore right? Especially one of the zombie variety.


How did all the rusted out years old car wrecks get all over the roads I wonder?

Edited by Weedz
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I came here to state that OP's opinion is a pile of BS. I don't know where you all ghet geared completely in 45 minutes, I can only guess axing a player with a gun, gunning another player with a rifle and BOOM.

If you want to loot on a high pop server finding a fully upgraded M4 or a Mosin with scope took me >3 hrs everytime. I found plenty of ammo and more health supplies than I could ever carry, but I don't hear anyone complaining about this.

Guns are pretty scarce. And the don't make up ALL your gear. I value my gear a a complete package: with compass, canteens, disinfection tablets (the DID ad CHolera...maybe I am panicking), rags and bandages, morphine sticks, epipens, bags of rice, a nice backpack, an axe...all these things have to be looted...I see people running around with a gun "woohoo I have it all the gear woohoo!" (just look at the let's plays on youtube...character starving while trying to snipe someone...oh my!). But that's not it, folks.

God, I hope they add Cholera and other diseases...make it about survival. and zombies. and desperate attempts at beating them, while attempting to not die to other players...goddamn...

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Traveler: here's how it works.

1. Log onto server, spawn in fresh.
2. Proceed to nearest medium-large military loot zone. Grab some food and water on the way, but eat/drink it right away - no use saving that shit.
3. Search military loot zone.
4. Finding nothing (it's already been looted five times on this server), log out. Find server with zero players. Log in.

5. Loot everything. If barracks are already looted on /this/ server, too, repeat step five.
6. Now geared-out like a paramilitary specialist, log out in safe zone.
7. Find high-population server. Log in. Locate to high-value loot-zone. Kill everyone ever.

As you may have already figured out, any easily-repeatable plan with this few steps is boring as all hell. Don't play this way, ever. But it's worth noting that a lot of the players you're going to run across do just this. That's how they get well-kitted in less than half an hour.

I don't play like this because it's boring. I hate that it's so easy, and really passive-aggressive - it's like saying, "I don't want to play the /whole/ game with all of you plebians, just the part that starts with me being more powerful than you and ends with you dying."


But you know, I can't really blame them entirely. As long as 90% of the players out there maintain a shoot-on-sight mentality, this kind of path actually becomes tempting once in a while. And as long as one player on a server is playing shoot-on-sight, then everyone on that server kinda has to in order to protect themselves: that two seconds when you first see someone and tell them you're friendly, hit F1 and wave, will probably get you killed if they're playing shoot-on-sight and use that two seconds to ready and aim their weapon instead. So I kind of understand why a sizable minority of players prefer to get geared up alone before even thinking about interacting with other players. Heck, there doesn't even /really/ have to be a shoot-on-sight player on the server to force people into this kind of ultra-defensive mentality; as long as people can change servers or spawn in with little or no warning, it's impossible to tell when one of these players might show up.


But I guess that's supposed to be half the point: you never know who might shoot you.

Edited by Funkmaster Rick
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I hope the S in your acronym stand for "survival" because this game isn't a first-person shooter regardless of what people try to make it. Shucks, maybe if anything it's a TPS since so many of the "shooters" play in third person. Booyah!


FPS is not a condemnation, it is a description of the control scheme. Yes, this game has an FPS control scheme. It was built from an FPS game. If it were built around the Assassin's Creed engine, I might agree that guns aren't critical. It wasn't. It was built around an FPS engine and therefore, melee is going to suck, which is why it needs to remain primarily projectile centered, just with a lot of options on top.

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Where are you all getting the figure that the Z-Apocalypse happened 5 years ago? If that figure is true, then either:


1) We should have all starved to death in-game a long time ago, as there appears to be no agriculture going on

2) Civilization would have restarted a long time ago


In my honest opinion, that timeframe is stupid. In it's current state, Day Z looks to be happening at the end of the great die-off, the "starting stage" of the collapse of civilization. There is no agriculture, no new towns banding together, etc. It hasn't been 5 years; civilization doesn't work that way


No hard feelings but you got quite some flamboyant logic errors here and I can't but agree with weedz. Someone explained earlier that the 5 years story is from the devs. It appears to be credible. You can also guess that by taking a look at all the buildings and cars. They don't turn like that over night.


Also mankind has survived for thousands of years even before agriculture was even invented. Guess how? By hunting. All the canned and preserved food can realistically last that long. There's enough food around for 5% of the population to last 5 years. That's far from being unrealistic and as you can see the supermarkets ingame are looted dry so the moment we "spawn" appears rather to be around the time when the supplies begin to run dry. You can create your own story how your character has survived those 5 years.


Last but not least no one knows how civilization works after a zombie apocalypse, especially since the devs clearly don't aim to present us such a pussy zombieapocalypse that we experience at the current unfinished state of the game due to performance limitations.


@Traveler: Please care to read the initial post next time before you reply. It's all in there. It appears too many here only read the title and then sense a opportunity just to unload their opinions, no matter how offtopic they are. Btw: There are already plenty of diseases in the game. Cholera will be added but it's impact is questionable as long as ponds remain 100% safe.

Edited by ColdHeat

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Dude cancer is no joke. I hope you are quoting someone else otherwise that's a really stupid statement to make.

Quoting someone else. Apologies for the confusion.

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