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.mortars make zero sense in this game.


Why? Because other similar video games don't have them and we want to maintain the status quo? Or Because people on dayZ seem to think mortars are predator drone accurate and able to destroy a city with a single round? I know people seem to think that no one would bother trying to recover such a weapon when if in reality in such a situation you would grab anything that could be remotely valuable or useful.

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Explain to me why artillery would be a small town like this. Why would the military have them in the area? (And claiming they're from the air-strip is out of the picture because no military in the world would keep high-explosives without any form of blast-proof storage facilities.)

Edited by Thirdthorpe
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Explain to me why artillery would be a small town like this. Why would the military have them in the area? (And claiming they're from the air-strip is out of the picture because no military in the world would keep high-explosives without any form of blast-proof storage facilities.)


Mortars aren't artillery, they are mortars. American mortars can hit out to 5 kilometers and there are less effective models still in use with other nations. Also being in the military I can tell you in a deployed environment you can forgo keeping such equipment at a  WSA or a AHA if you intend to use such munitions. Also the current bases on the map wouldn't be able to sustain themselves in a garrison environment so that leads me to believe they were COBs, such places wouldn't necessarily have the hardened structures you're thinking of.

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I really don't want to keep going back and forth on this. We just have different points of view here and I should have been more respectful towards yours to begin with. I still don't see what they would be doing in a small town like this but that is aside from the point. My issue isn't about the functionality of mortars, or status quo's in other games. My issue is with disrupting the continuity of the game's atmosphere. There is no denying that Dayz is a unique game, and I would hate to see what makes it special changed by adding items that don't really seem to fit. It would be like players being given samurai swords; sure they look cool and are probably fun to play around with but they don't belong and suddenly the atmosphere feels a little less authentic and the whole experience loses some of its immersive quality. However, if the majority of the player base wants them in then I have no right to complain.

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Some people want to roleplay as soldiers

So this is the wrong game cause -You are NOT A SOLDIER- to survive you may need to learn some military training but for the game background you are just s simple and common man/woman who's immune to the virus..

If you need to be a supercommando soldier there are loads of similar games cod, bf, arma, etc... So stop asking for things that will need lot of time to be implemented and will be pretty much usless, what's the purpose to implement something that most of players can't pick up cause it's unwieldy, injacurate and you may never find ammo? Or it's useful or imo it's just a waste of time..

Focus on survaival ideas, mortar are certainly not needed to survive -_-'

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So this is the wrong game cause -You are NOT A SOLDIER- to survive you may need to learn some military training but for the game background you are just s simple and common man/woman who's immune to the virus..

If you need to be a supercommando soldier there are loads of similar games cod, bf, arma, etc... So stop asking for things that will need lot of time to be implemented and will be pretty much usless, what's the purpose to implement something that most of players can't pick up cause it's unwieldy, injacurate and you may never find ammo? Or it's useful or imo it's just a waste of time..

Focus on survaival ideas, mortar are certainly not needed to survive -_-'


I don't remember reading that in the game description. Also I am in the military IRL, so I would consider myself a "soldier". I want to be a soldier in this game, please don't tell me to play a different game because of it. The player background is what you make for yourself, not what you want or think what people to be. Also judging what should be in the game shouldn't be measured by if something isn't " can't pick up cause it's unwieldy, injacurate and you may never find ammo". If that were the case, only high speed weapons and gear would be implemented and nothing in between. 


Also you don't need to be a "supercommando" to use a fucking mortar, holy fuck. Between this thread and the hate for saiga 12s on this forum I think very little people here know anything about guns outside CoD and CNN anti 2A yellow journalism. 

Edited by Dale Gribble
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How about something like the RG-6 grenade launcher?  It fires the same grenades as the GP-25 from a 6-round Cylinder. Less OP than a mortar.


If mortars are added, (Which i really don't think they should be) a 2B14 82mm should be the one.


But really - even an AT gun would be a better option.

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Seems a lot of people asking for things don't know what they are asking for and the only knowledge they have is from video games or hollywood movies and think they work that way instead of looking for reliable sources...


Sometimes you really want to do this...




If you gave players the option to roleplay and nine out of ten options would be a civilian 99% would choose the 1337 snip0rz. Every time i played Sahrani Life it was 24/7 terrorist or mass murderer roleplay...or just boredom KoSing.

Edited by Enforcer
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Lots of misconceptions/lack of military experience in here.

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Some of us have plenty of military experience, just not in the area of mortars. If you want some insight to fixing helicopters you can come chat me up.

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Seems a lot of people asking for things don't know what they are asking for and the only knowledge they have is from video games or hollywood movies and think they work that way instead of looking for reliable sources...


Sometimes you really want to do this...




If you gave players the option to roleplay and nine out of ten options would be a civilian 99% would choose the 1337 snip0rz. Every time i played Sahrani Life it was 24/7 terrorist or mass murderer roleplay...or just boredom KoSing.

Thats what every roleplay game is like. Take origins for example - everyone chose the soldier class, even though it gave not advantages. I've also seen very few who roleplay as civis on DayZ. I am a civi, so when i (Rarely) roleplay that's what i do.

Also - Not every soldier knows how to use a tank, mortar, helicopter, rocket launcher, and use every gun in existence. Who on here actaully has used a mortar? Very few, i presume.


Also dale - mortars can fire extremely quickly, basically as fast as you can throw shells in (Correct if i'm wrong. My relative who was a driver in one of those M113 Mortar carriers told me this) so you could effectively pound a base into pieces, fireing a dozen bombs in a minute. Thats a bit OP.

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Mortars could be neat, but I think some serious caveats would need to be introduced for them to be implemented.


-The range should be no longer than 2km

-accuracy should be appalling

-no aiming computer. If you want any modicum of accuracy you'll need to do the maths

-low spawn rate

-mortar shells should have other applications such as IEDs or makeshift grenades.

-Mortar should replace the backpack/primary weapon slot


I don't think mortars would be immersion-breaking at all. If two clans clashed I think it'd be pretty neat to have a long-range weapon designed to force players out of their foxholes. It'd create a squad dynamic beyond snipers and slightly shorter range snipers.


It'd be a weapon that'd be invaluable in the hands of a clan with a skilled mortar team, but useless in the hands of some kid that wants to blow shit up. You can argue that it could be used to bomb spawn areas, but given the incredible rarity of the shells they'd be better put to use either shelling actual threats, or not even used with the mortar at all.


Plus it'd require the use of a spotter of some sort, who'd also have to know what he's doing. If he's killed before the mortar can zero in then the mortar becomes almost useless.



Honestly I'm not especially for or against the mortar, but I can definitely see its applications.

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Some of us have plenty of military experience, just not in the area of mortars. If you want some insight to fixing helicopters you can come chat me up.

Actually, I've done a little of that :)


MH-53 Pave Low, shame that bird went bye bye.

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Thats what every roleplay game is like. Take origins for example - everyone chose the soldier class, even though it gave not advantages. I've also seen very few who roleplay as civis on DayZ. I am a civi, so when i (Rarely) roleplay that's what i do.

Also - Not every soldier knows how to use a tank, mortar, helicopter, rocket launcher, and use every gun in existence. Who on here actaully has used a mortar? Very few, i presume.


Also dale - mortars can fire extremely quickly, basically as fast as you can throw shells in (Correct if i'm wrong. My relative who was a driver in one of those M113 Mortar carriers told me this) so you could effectively pound a base into pieces, fireing a dozen bombs in a minute. Thats a bit OP.


Those were people who were absolutely well-trained with the use of mortars, not to mention they probably had rangefinding equipment with them to make it many times easier. If you do happen to be a current/former soldier with mortar crew experience then you should be able to use it, effectively, as you would in reality.


I think mortars would make the game interesting, as most people would not know how to fire them, and the fact that they are unwieldy and usually need a crew to operate it means that you wouldn't have large numbers of people taking them. In fact, they are less "OP" (Not that I find that argument valid) than long-ranged sniper rifles, as they are much harder to operate, find ammo for, and are completely indirect fire, whereas sniper rifles can be used at similar ranges (Not exactly 5 km, but up to 1-2 KM is still very far away), are direct fire and generally have more common ammunition. 

For those who would be able to use them effectively, it would be a lot more fun. It's not something they should focus on, definitely something to add long down the road, but I think that if they used realistic mechanics, then they would be cool when encountered.

Edited by Chaingunfighter
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I wish we have someone here who knows how to use a light mortar in real life like a former soldier.


I am eyeing on a Light Mortar called  L9A1 51 mm Light Mortar because its seems to be the most feasible to use in DayZ.


I couldnt find any information of how exactly it is being ranged or zeroed and how exactly it is used in combat.


But my gut tells me this is pretty much a "guess as you fire" weapon which no real accuracy calculation.


The mortar shells can also fire flare and smoke and so it can make things less deadly.


BeefBacon pretty much sums up how the mortar will be balanced in the game including my own suggestions.


I also have no problem with an RPG.

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US Army SF ODAs sometimes operate with this piece.Basically impractical for DayZ  if authentic.




This is the one that I could see being implemented. But still, if authentic, the thing aint child's play.

Edited by theroad64

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Here is one example of a locally made mortar that wouldn't break the game and allow events such as laying siege to player made bases, flushing out entrenched persons or illuminating a city in night hours. No computers, laser guidance or GPS guided hardware. Less threatening than a marksmen rifle or sniper rifle in most aspects.


Czech vz. 52


calibre (mm): 82 
maximum range (m): 3 650 
minimum range (m): 80 
elevation and training (in 360 dg scale): 
- elevation: 45-85 
- training (without a change of mortar baseplate position): ± 5 
- training (with a change of mortar baseplate position): 360 
rate of fire (rounds per minute): 20 
crew: 3 
weight of complete barrel (kg): 21 
weight of fire baseplate (kg): 16,5 
weight of bipod (kg): 22 
weight of round (kg): 3,3 
weight - complete (kg): 66 
weight - ready to fire (kg): 59,5 
maximum transport speed (kph) with PV3S ATV: 
- road: 60 
- terrain: 20 
length of barrel (mm): 
length of mortar (towed position - marching order) (mm): 1 335

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I would also like to mention that non professorially trained groups across the middle east and south east Asia managed to use mortars. One mechanic in game that would be interesting would be stuffing a mortar tube full of ice and a shell for a time delay effect. Not effective but unnerving. There is also the afore mentioned use of turning shells into improvised bombs, maybe with cordless phones or tripwire circuits. 

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Just a hint - you can't use mortar round as a hand grenade like they did in Saving Private Ryan.

For several reasons but mainly because how the mortar is made to initiate.

Other than that, i vote no simply because it will be abused the hell out of it. Making them rare won't help because finding rare items is easier for large groups rather than lone survivors and large groups are more likely to abuse it. Definite no.

I mean, people, including me, don't want a higher than 7.62 caliber rifles in this game, let alone 60mm or 82mm mortar. This would be silly, overpowered and would mean a lot worse experience for these friendly survivors.

But my gut tells me this is pretty much a "guess as you fire" weapon which no real accuracy calculation.

Not at all. It can be quite precise targeting if you have a crew for it. If not with first round then second could hit within 50m. So basically, yeah, you do need training to shoot it along with all the math, taking 10 digit coordinates (the more precise coords, the more precise shot) and stuff but it can be very precise. After three rounds you can hit within +/- 10m and that is fatal radius for say 60mm mortar.

Now make it very rare and only possible to shoot for a trained team, makes it even bigger target for abuse. People, who CAN use it, can do whatever they want and it would make uneven odds for all the survivors. I rather play the game where I have same odds of surviving as other people without any knowledge of combat and/or survival. Meaning, when everybody starts this game, everybody should have equal chance.

I still say no. It would be maybe interesting to see how it would be implemented and maybe even try to shoot it but overall, I don't think it will add positive experience into dayz.

Edited by SGT. Kalme
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I say wait till the game goes live and make a mod for it. If it works out well then sure, if not then no harm done. I think we can all agree that the devs have more pressing issues than building a system for mortars from the ground up and we would all like to see the game finished ASAP.

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Or perhaps this is a compromise?




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