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Why did they change everything about zombies but the worst problems?

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They took the laziest route to make zombies more challenging.  Why bother if it destroys the realism?   What was the experience cost of adding both the respawning of zombies in a lazy way bothering to change their aim but not their collision?


You are happy that broken zombies are glitching through the walls and now with the added bonus of spawning like a shitty japanese House of The Dead arcade game?   You are glad the immersion of realism was further destroyed because the devs are too incompetent to fix collision of zombies for trying out a broken ass respawning experiment?   

Dont get me wrong, I want zeds to be hard, but not at the expense of immersion.    Its so fake when they dont use the same physics.
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All im hearing






Althought seriously, stop complaining. We were never even meant to play the game right now.

Edited by AsOiX
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All im hearing






Althought seriously, stop complaining. We were never even meant to play the game right now.


Absolutely true... I guess they just made zombies more challenging in this way to spend time on other things (like avoiding them to step through walls, just saying)... We won't see a balanced game in the next months, give it up ;)

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Woah Rick, you copy & paste that nonsense now in EVERY thread that has something to do with zombies and now you start an own thread with the exact same words? Wow. Just, wow, that's classy.


Well, so I'll copy my own reply to this as well:



one more time, the steps of DayZ development:

  • DayZ Early Access Alpha: Feature development, during which the vast majority of major bugs are created/occur.
  • DayZ Early Access Beta: Content development, during which the "meat on the bones" is added to the title, alongside the beginnings of major bug fixing surrounding issues created during the feature development of alpha.
  • DayZ Early Access RC (Final Beta stages): Bug Fix, optimization, and balancing. During which the stone is polished, until the DayZ dev team feels the title is ready to go live.

Which means: Bugs occur now and are created now (yes, this includes the Z wall glitch and the spawn out of thin air) but are not immedeately fixed, because the main focus is the development of the core mechanics (yes, this includes zombie respawning) not bugfixing, except for really gamebreaking bugs (Memory leak, CTDs etc.) Deal with it or come back when DayZ hits Beta.

Edited by LaughingJack
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instead of all the whining, why dont you explain the faults of the new patch relative to z's?


i havent played it yet, is it the same patch as the EXP where zombies spawn in the woods? is this your gripe?


please explain how they are worse now, im interested...

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They took the laziest route to make zombies more challenging.  Why bother if it destroys the realism?   What was the experience cost of adding both the respawning of zombies in a lazy way bothering to change their aim but not their collision?


You are happy that broken zombies are glitching through the walls and now with the added bonus of spawning like a shitty japanese House of The Dead arcade game?   You are glad the immersion of realism was further destroyed because the devs are too incompetent to fix collision of zombies for trying out a broken ass respawning experiment?   

Dont get me wrong, I want zeds to be hard, but not at the expense of immersion.    Its so fake when they dont use the same physics.


Fanboys just wanna be loved by their idols. You ever chased a girl and were constantly sucking up to her and laughing at her shit jokes just to get into her pants? That's the mindset of a fanboy.

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They took the laziest route to make zombies more challenging.  Why bother if it destroys the realism?   What was the experience cost of adding both the respawning of zombies in a lazy way bothering to change their aim but not their collision?


You are happy that broken zombies are glitching through the walls and now with the added bonus of spawning like a shitty japanese House of The Dead arcade game?   You are glad the immersion of realism was further destroyed because the devs are too incompetent to fix collision of zombies for trying out a broken ass respawning experiment?   

Dont get me wrong, I want zeds to be hard, but not at the expense of immersion.    Its so fake when they dont use the same physics.




New Zombies = best PVE experience in game so far  (fired one shot and was surrounded by Z's in a few seconds, glad i even could escape after shooting >50)


stop whining, use ur f**kin brain before you post bullshit like that - its ALPHA... go play with your poop

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Whoa, you don't LOVE DayZ? You must a PvP'ing CoD Fag!

Jesus, people. He's right. I don't like seeing Zeds glitch in and out of walls either. I mean, yeah, it's Alpha. Doesn't always mean OP is a 12 year old CoD kiddie.

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What part of ALPHA don't you understand? What part of testing or place holders don't you understand? What part of coding an ALPHA development don't you understand????


Go away, come back when the game is fully released then moan....like a zombie.....like...hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Okay OP you start coding right now! GO!

Start getting the 50 million that he's gonna make in the first year. Ok, GO

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Start getting the 50 million that he's gonna make in the first year. Ok, GO

Only trying to highlight the fact that OP thinks he's a developer and knows what or how it should be done.

Maybe he's AGILE certified, maybe he's a code wizard.  But judging by his silly ill conceived rant I am guessing he's not been to one SCRUM meeting.

Edited by DoctorWhy

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All im hearing






Althought seriously, stop complaining. We were never even meant to play the game right now.

This is seriously becoming more tiresome then the whining! This response is freakin useless to the point of almost having me chew my fingers off, every time someone plays this old f##ng record!

This is Alpha. It means playable but not finished. You play alpha to walk around and go," Hey, it would be cool if this and that was here" or "that seriously has to go" This is the only stage where you have a saying!

Next stage is beta

Beta means the game is done, the stage of adding or removing content is over! only balancing and bug fixing is to be pointed out.

Alpha means, you cannot expect the game to work at all, but you do have a fucking saying, and its the only time you do! Either suggest a fix, disagree with the suggestion or complaint or shut up and move on..


That, its an alpha you don't have a say, is retarded, useless and in fact WRONG! and it does nothing for the games development. 

Edited by Pandusen

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I REALLY enjoy the fact that they have made the Zombies an actual threat now, it actually feels like I have to now worry about firing off my gun, and worry that at anytime I may be surrounded by Zombies, Wooh!!!


And Zombies have always been able to glitch through walls/doors, ect.


Finally all these COD Deathmatch Kiddies, will get what they deserve a hoard of undead, rushing them.

Edited by ComikZ

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I REALLY enjoy the fact that they have made the Zombies an actual threat now, it actually feels like I have to now worry about firing off my gun, and worry that at anytime I may be surrounded by Zombies, Wooh!!!


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Zombies now are awesome. Of  course they're a little wonky, but they're a work in progress.

Would you prefer NO re spawn mechanic? Judging by the tone of your post, I think you would. Get over it and adapt the situation that is now in place. 

Adapt or die people, adapt or die.

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They took the laziest route to make zombies more challenging.  Why bother if it destroys the realism?   What was the experience cost of adding both the respawning of zombies in a lazy way bothering to change their aim but not their collision?


You are happy that broken zombies are glitching through the walls and now with the added bonus of spawning like a shitty japanese House of The Dead arcade game?   You are glad the immersion of realism was further destroyed because the devs are too incompetent to fix collision of zombies for trying out a broken ass respawning experiment?   

Dont get me wrong, I want zeds to be hard, but not at the expense of immersion.    Its so fake when they dont use the same physics.


Now Rick, I know you're still trying to learn the word ALPHA.. but dont worry, we are all supporting you on this endeavor. Keep up the good work! 

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This is seriously becoming more tiresome then the whining! This response is freakin useless to the point of almost having me chew my fingers off, every time someone plays this old f##ng record!


That, its an alpha you don't have a say, is retarded, useless and in fact WRONG! and it does nothing for the games development. 

While you are correct about ALpha, Beta etc. (see m previous post), I don't think people that answer with "omg it's an alpha " or something similar want to say, that they don't want people speak up up or open their minds.

But Suggestions, criticism, complaining and whining are different things.

And all day long people whine about the alpha being an alpha, because they don't understand what "Alpha" means.

They don't come here and make a suggestion (wrong sub for this) or criticize something in a constructive way.

All day do is "Waaaaah, I want that NOW. I want THIS to be fixed NOW. Why did they do THIS and not THAT? Why is THAT not implemented?" etc. etc. etc.

It makes people tired to hear this whining again and again. And again. And again.

And the funny thing: sometimes it comes from the same person 10 times! the first time people often try to explain why he is wrong, after that they get mean and scream ALFER!

I have seen a lot of threads with critic, some entitled, some not so in my opinion but aside from some trolls, these threads were normal places and most of them existed without an "ALPHA!!!111!"-post...



Now Rick, I know you're still trying to learn the word ALPHA.. but dont worry, we are all supporting you on this endeavor. Keep up the good work! 


Sometimes I hate you, sometimes I love you. :beans:

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This is seriously becoming more tiresome then the whining! This response is freakin useless to the point of almost having me chew my fingers off, every time someone plays this old f##ng record!

This is Alpha. It means playable but not finished. You play alpha to walk around and go," Hey, it would be cool if this and that was here" or "that seriously has to go" This is the only stage where you have a saying!

Next stage is beta

Beta means the game is done, the stage of adding or removing content is over! only balancing and bug fixing is to be pointed out.

Alpha means, you cannot expect the game to work at all, but you do have a fucking saying, and its the only time you do! Either suggest a fix, disagree with the suggestion or complaint or shut up and move on..

That, its an alpha you don't have a say, is retarded, useless and in fact WRONG! and it does nothing for the games development.

If you have any experience with these forums, you'll recognize Rick, the OP, and why he gets flamed.

All he does is bash DayZ and then try and act like a marketer for other games.

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Rocket has explained before that they would introduce "silly" mechanic to see how far they can push things. we dont like it, just say it like you just did :) - its alpha, yes.

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I'd rather have the old set up to where when we clear an area they gone. Only due to these reasons. Once they fix it go ahead and make them respawn. They have Experimental for a reason. If I wanted to try the new broken stuff or awesome new stuff I go to Experimental servers. When I want a semi-balanced game experience I go to Stable hence, the name....Oh and AlPhA,aLpHa,ALPHA,alpha. Yeah, I know thanks..


REASONS: Zombies run through walls like ghosts. Shit gets lame, boring, immersion breaking all in about 5mins...

Edited by RyBo
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Personally I would have liked them to fix the Zombie path finding and agro parameters before making them respawn like this. It doesn't make sense to do it in the order the Dev team has; seems more like trying to appease the anti-KOS crowd than fixing things in a logical order.

But then maybe they will fix the pathing etc. somewhat in the next week or two and you will be able to tactically move in a Zombie-infested area a little more realistically.

My big hope is that respawning Zombies is not an alternative to just having more of them in the map in the first place. You SHOULD be able to clear areas for a period of time.

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