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What is good about this game?

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In my opinion there isn't one thing that this game does well besides the concept. It's an alpha... that is correct however an 'alpha' (especially one being sold) should have a good base to start with.


Let's take a look at why this game would have sold NOTHING without the concept.


1) Networking:

- This game has some of the worst netcode I've ever experienced. The entire game is based around multiplayer yet it's almost unplayable in that aspect.

- I don't think I've ever been in a gun fight where there wasn't some sort of desync/teleport lag.

- It's very common to see other players walk through walls.

- Inventory desync and ground item desync is awful. 

- Server performance is abysmal, resulting in hourly server restarts for performance issues.


2) Client Performance:

- Okay sure it's true client side performance optimizations usually occur in beta however this is mostly never the case for bohemia games.

- Giant performance loss when looking into cities (probably the most common). This issue has existed since the first Arma and still exists even in Arma 3. (Engine limitation?)

- Overall terrible hardware utilization and outdated rendering (DirectX9)


3) Controls:

- This is basically self explanatory to most players. Mouse controls for this game are horrible mostly from using an outdated engine base. 

- Object collision is a joke.


I don't even need to mention zombie AI or lack-there of in a game based around a zombie apocalypse. 



So my only question is why would anyone develop a game on such a terrible architecture if they weren't doing it for a cash grab.


This kinda reminds me of a game many people had hope for at one time; WarZ. Now the name has become a joke.

Edited by Andromeda
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funny things to say about a project that isn't quite a game yet... oh and everything you mentioned is being resolved in the current experimental build. was there anything else?


edit for realistic expectations: we hope its all being resolved in the current exp build - most of it was in the last exp build.

Edited by Elle
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funny things to say about a project that isn't quite a game yet... oh and everything you mentioned is being resolved in the current experimental build. was there anything else?

The build that got delayed because of side effects of these issues you mean?


I'm willing to bet that none of these are 'solved' in the current experimental build.

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You apparently skipped past all the warnings and the fact you were warned not to buy the game as it clearly states that it is unfinished and is an ongoing project and will be for some time.

Edited by Caboose187
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Hate to be that guy but, "It's alpha". The net code is always going to be shit relatively, but give it a year or two and you'll find that a lot of these issues are going to be resolved or greatly improved. But you are right about the engine limitations, this whole engine needs to be scrapped. If ArmA 4 is still on the same damn engine I'm gonna kill myself.

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I agree with everything except your pessimism about the future of the game.

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The build that got delayed because of side effects of these issues you mean?


I'm willing to bet that none of these are 'solved' in the current experimental build.

why yes that would be the one, its all a part of the creation process - this is an alpha test after all, and we the "players" have agreed to assist in this testing process, or did you skip that part of the huge warning when you were busy giving your money to steam, patience please as these things take time. all the bitchin about the "problems" in the "game" are just really getting old and annoying.

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If you don't get the words: development, alpha, work in progress, unfinished.


then you will sum up what is wrong and wrong and wrong about it without ever coming to the point that makes you understand why things are as they are right now.


point is, atm there is more wrong then right in this game, i expect nothing else from a game that is up for only a few months.


yes they can throw all our money and hire tons of programmers, yet when 10 programmers are working to solve 1 issue, it doesn't necessarily speed things up. (just like you wont be baking an egg with 10 people at the same time)


if you think you can do better, show me, if not... what the **** are you talking about. show some respect and maybe you should THINK before you buy ANY pre-release games.




2 other games which are being whined about as being developed to slowly: StarForge, WFTO. Yet the latter is getting more and more updates (it is like the rate at which things are being fixed and added is growing exponentially)



i just wait for the next patch with the new cooking system, have fun figuring that out. then i'll wait till the vehicles/base building patch comes etc. etc.


This dude below, really doesn't understand alpha is the stage every game starts in, it is up to the developer to determine when to release it, it has been released because it works well enough to PLAY the game. just stop whining and go play cod spoiled kid, if you can't wait for updates... stop purchasing ANY pre-releases.

Edited by Quimoth

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If you don't get the words: development, alpha, work in progress, unfinished.


then you will sum up what is wrong and wrong and wrong about it without ever coming to the point that makes you understand why things are as they are right now.


point is, atm there is more wrong then right in this game, i expect nothing else from a game that is up for only a few months.


yes they can throw all our money and hire tons of programmers, yet when 10 programmers are working to solve 1 issue, it doesn't necessarily speed things up. (just like you wont be baking an egg with 10 people at the same time)


if you think you can do better, show me, if not... what the **** are you talking about. show some respect and maybe you should THINK before you buy ANY pre-release games.

I expected some idiotic comments like this. Did you even read the first few sentences of my thread? "It's an alpha... that is correct however an 'alpha' should have a good base to start with."

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 "It's an alpha... that is correct however an 'alpha' should have a good base to start with."


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I have to disagree with one point, specifically: 


"- Server performance is abysmal, resulting in hourly server restarts for performance issues."


"Hourly server restarts" (I've never been on a server that restarts that often...) aren't for performance; it's to respawn zombies and loot before working, non-restart zombie and loot respawning is implemented.

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Oh look, it's another know-it-all who believes every step of game development is just adding in perfectly working assests into a fully functional game.

These forums are basically a hell pit of the screaming damned. It's so clear why Dean doesn't post jack diddly squat here because people would probably scream until they got diarrhea.

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we're getting a lot of these lately,


its a drought of creative new players who react to issues optimistically and provide constructive feedback, all we have are pessimists who do the opposite

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Yea the best part about this game is the desync. 

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The build that got delayed because of side effects of these issues you mean?


I'm willing to bet that none of these are 'solved' in the current experimental build.

alright since your a expert why dont you give the devs a hand and tell them where they went wrong in the code

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alright since your a expert why dont you give the devs a hand and tell them where they went wrong in the code


You don't have to be a programmer to know that they suck at programming. You can tell by playing the game. PS before you criticize someone you should learn to spell <3

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You don't have to be a programmer to know that they suck at programming. You can tell by playing the game. PS before you criticize someone you should learn to spell <3

Can you make it better? Can you code the game better than they did?


PS. Think twice about insulting the developers, you might get a suspension and this thread graved. <3

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No, what OP?  You're right.  There is nothing good about this game.  My suggestion is just to uninstall it and never come back to these forums.

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Can you make it better? Can you code the game better than they did?


PS. Think twice about insulting the developers, you might get a suspension and this thread graved. <3


I stated a fact, if they take that as an insult that is only because they know it to be true. Give me 50 million dollars and a development team and I guarantee I can do better.

Edited by SupermotoJunkie
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