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need more players on the first person servers!

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"I really don't understand what triggered this."


Awkward FoV.

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  On 3/14/2014 at 8:04 AM, Guppy the DayZ Medic said:

 And, btw, head bob gives people motion sickness.


Is there not a setting to adjust your head bob?

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  On 3/14/2014 at 9:29 AM, daisho said:

The only difference between hardcore and regular is the lack of 3rd-person-view in hardcore, right?

thats the only difference yeah, might be more changes in future though, im unsure about it

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Why don't people try both? I play 2 different characters and for the 95% that don't get motion sickness and can't work out how to change our FOV in the game, you can too.

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  On 3/14/2014 at 5:14 AM, qww said:

id love to see more people playing on the first person only servers, i cant believe so many prefer 3rd person, i feel that 3rd person is missing the point of this game, using alt and seing any impossible angle, etc.

im even reading people saying they get motion sickness??? unbeleivable


please, more players, try the hardcore servers, its so much more simulator, so much less arcade game with super vision

You guys keep pitching it wrong.  Making it seem more hardcore than regular is just scaring off the very people most likely to want to play there.


Tell them the truth and more people will play there:


For the friendlies:

1 - Less people can spot you = less KOS so you'll die less

2 - You will spot less people = you will fail at less gunfights and thus die less

3 - Once you realize 1+2, you will start running in straight lines across fields like the other friendlies on the server which will lead to you running into eachother.  Now you can talk and start playing the gathering sim you have been yearning for in relative safety since you'll get spotted less


For the bullies:

1 - Look at all these friendlies running around in straight lines across fields

2 - Look at all these firendlies with a false sense of safety since you can't spot them around walls any more

3 - Less self awareness/angles of view makes crappy players even crappier - you can be twice the bastard to them here = even more tears to enjoy


I can't believe you guys are still trying to state you need more situational awareness on hardcore.  I have a test for you...


-Spawn 10 times on each server type with similar populations

-Run in a straight line until somebody spots you and shoots you (or talks, cuffs, tortures, force-feeds you etc.. some of you have sick minds)

-I bet you get a lot further on hardcore


So how does it require more self awareness?

Edited by Wyrmgol
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I tried the experimental branch first time today, the only server I found was a 1pp only. I hope this is a sign of things to come.

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Didn't we have a massive thread just discussing this?


And then another one, that was also huge?


Third times the charm? Oh well. Guess i'll throw in.


I don't play hardcore servers as often because I find it incredibly difficult to climb up on to the high horse most of the players are on.

Edited by GrappleX
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  On 3/15/2014 at 2:29 AM, GrappleX said:

I don't play hardcore servers as often because I find it incredibly hard to climb up on to the high horse most of the players are on.



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Badash, Hardcore players tend to be condescending douches.

Edited by GrappleX

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  On 3/15/2014 at 2:34 AM, GrappleX said:

Badash, Hardcore players tend to be condescending douches.


I've played a lot of hardcore, and I have yet to have been killed by condescension once, much less met a condescending bandit. So I am afraid I have to disagree with your statement.

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  On 3/14/2014 at 5:31 AM, IG Rage said:

how is it unbelievable that some people get motion sickness from 1st person?


Honestly, they don't.... they get motion sickness from the FoV, which they can adjust.


If they got motion sickness from 1PP they'd also get motion sickness from 3PP, because it's pretty much the same; just one has a slighter wider FoV; that's what gets them, a smaller FoV. So, if they widen the FoV, they wouldn't likely have the motion sickness.

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You'd probably get more players if they had the option to turn head bob all the way off.

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I solo play hardcore and group play regular. I tend to group play a lot more.

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Screw first person mode. Third person is easier on the mind and its just much easier to take everything in. First person is just nauseating tunnelvision.



One of the key elements that makes dayz so desirable from outsiders looking in is third person mode.. Dayz became a youtube sensation because of the way it can portray a survivor reacting to the environment around him.. Dayz would not have any sucess right now if it was only first person..Like a movie. Do you want to watch movies in the first person view of the main character? Hell no.


Oh and by the way its not like one player has an unfair advantage.. We ALL can see around corners.. Case closed


When you click on a game in a store page and just see first person view screenshots.. It's just like.. oh just another fps game.. X out

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Don't lie we all know it's da troof.

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The only people that whine about this topic is first person players. Give them hardcore server and they still whine that no one will play with them.



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  On 3/15/2014 at 2:21 AM, Wyrmgol said:

You guys keep pitching it wrong.  Making it seem more hardcore than regular is just scaring off the very people most likely to want to play there.


Tell them the truth and more people will play there:


For the friendlies:

1 - Less people can spot you = less KOS so you'll die less

2 - You will spot less people = you will fail at less gunfights and thus die less

3 - Once you realize 1+2, you will start running in straight lines across fields like the other friendlies on the server which will lead to you running into eachother.  Now you can talk and start playing the gathering sim you have been yearning for in relative safety since you'll get spotted less


For the bullies:

1 - Look at all these friendlies running around in straight lines across fields

2 - Look at all these firendlies with a false sense of safety since you can't spot them around walls any more

3 - Less self awareness/angles of view makes crappy players even crappier - you can be twice the bastard to them here = even more tears to enjoy


I can't believe you guys are still trying to state you need more situational awareness on hardcore.  I have a test for you...


-Spawn 10 times on each server type with similar populations

-Run in a straight line until somebody spots you and shoots you (or talks, cuffs, tortures, force-feeds you etc.. some of you have sick minds)

-I bet you get a lot further on hardcore


So how does it require more self awareness?



the title of the thread is need more players to join 1st person servers, not "hardcore" servers, the 1st person servers are the hardcore titled servers for the moment.


if you are moving in buildings, and are having difficulty, like one player described in this thread, its because he was having problems with his situational awareness.

also you mention not able to spot people? what?

first person/simulator gamers will not be having these kinds of problems


i am a first person/simulator gamer only, and it would be nice to see more people checking out the servers, instead of seeing them all with 5 people in.


it sounds like 1st person is not for you,  just enjoy your game, hopefully more players will become aware of how cool 1st person is, and we can enjoy our game with more players in 1st person hardcore  server.


Edited by qww

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Maybe in many cases it is just the term "hardcore" that scares people. I´m not asking that everyone has to play 1PP, just a few more!


So what about renaming the hardcore-mode to regular, because actually this is the normal mode and how it´s meant to be played? At least from my understanding of an immersive survival game. And former regular should be called "casual" or something like that.

I´m pretty sure that the psychological effect of the changed terms would bring more players to 1st person.


Not that i want to trick anyone to hardcore, i really think this terms are a better match to the particular modes.

Edited by lauda

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  On 3/15/2014 at 10:03 AM, Meenos said:

however you can just join a server with more people. :)

Yeah, sometimes life is very easy :rolleyes:

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  On 3/15/2014 at 2:42 AM, BadAsh said:

I've played a lot of hardcore, and I have yet to have been killed by condescension once, much less met a condescending bandit. So I am afraid I have to disagree with your statement.


Not in the game, on the forums. 


Read any of the other threads on this topic, you'll see what I mean. 

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  On 3/14/2014 at 5:31 AM, IG Rage said:

how is it unbelievable that some people get motion sickness from 1st person?


Probably because it has never happened to them. Seems often people like to deny that which they have not experienced in life with their own senses.


Maybe sitting them down in a roller coaster with a motion sensative individual and letting them see how it unfolds would be educational.

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  On 3/15/2014 at 4:05 AM, Spinnyd223 said:

One of the key elements that makes dayz so desirable from outsiders looking in is third person mode.. Dayz became a youtube sensation because of the way it can portray a survivor reacting to the environment around him.. Dayz would not have any sucess right now if it was only first person..Like a movie. Do you want to watch movies in the first person view of the main character? Hell no.

It depends on the kind of movies that you are talking about; the adult movie industry has a whole genre dedicated to POV films. Of course in that industry few people would say that POV is more 'hardcore' that the traditional 3rd person films.

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You guys all realize you can look through any wall in 1PP, right? Just making sure you were all aware. I'm all for the "idea" of Hardcore, but at the moment it's just as broken as its counterpart.

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  On 3/14/2014 at 5:14 AM, qww said:

id love to see more people playing on the first person only servers, i cant believe so many prefer 3rd person, i feel that 3rd person is missing the point of this game, using alt and seing any impossible angle, etc.

im even reading people saying they get motion sickness??? unbeleivable


please, more players, try the hardcore servers, its so much more simulator, so much less arcade game with super vision

I wish you luck on your crusade. It is a loosing battle 


As long as there is choice most will take the path of least resistance. It is the natural order of things.


If skydiving were easy, everyone would be doing it.

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