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Missing gun: Found :)

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I don't understand why y'all even bother carrying 2 primary weapons. In addition to ammo taking up more space in your pack, the haste of picking up and dropping your weapon everytime you need to do anything other than shooting seems like more trouble than it's worth. I can't imagine a situation in which a primary weapon and a powerful sidearm wouldn't be adequate firepower. Just seems like hoarding to me...

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I don't understand why y'all even bother carrying 2 primary weapons. In addition to ammo taking up more space in your pack, the haste of picking up and dropping your weapon everytime you need to do anything other than shooting seems like more trouble than it's worth. I can't imagine a situation in which a primary weapon and a powerful sidearm wouldn't be adequate firepower. Just seems like hoarding to me...


I used to carry a kitted Mosin around on my back and a kitted M4A1 in my hands. It was handy for scouting areas before entering. Now though, I only use a Magnum. Much easier to attain after dying, and more challenging/fun. Dropping two kitted bandits on an airfield with a Magnum and then gloating is always good for some amusement.

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It's an unfortunate bug in the game currently. Someone logged out in that spot and intentionally or unintentionally "exploited" the bug. Doing so placed the weapon at his feet where he logged out. You came along later and found it.

Don't ask about the dupe bug because it shouldn't be discussed on the forums. That would just lead to unwanted proliferation of a problem that is already widespread.


There is no way to prove the dupe glitch (and its a glitch not a bug---bugs happen on their own, not by force) was done there. He could have found a Mosin and left his for it. Mosin's, albeit rare, do spawn in that location. Also, that's not how you dupe, that's how you exploit having 2 primaries in your inventory.


Funny how you complain about people telling how to do the dupe glitch in your next post and cry about how this community has failed. Your the one telling him exactly how to do it (even though its the wrong way), then blame the community for it. This is awesome, your like self-hating right now but not even aware of it.


Who doesn't use it these days. I can't wait for the next update and possibly character wipe.


I don't, my crew doesn't, nor do anyone else on my list. I keep hearing about these mystery wipes but have never been wiped by an update yet. I've been wiped from shitty servers not being updated properly and disconned from the hive, but that's it. What was there one official wipe?


I have lost any shred of faith that I had left for this forum's community.

I say, "let's not explain how to exploit the game with the weapon dupe. Doing so will only make the problem worse".

And then 4 people after me do just that...

And then more people in the same thread argue that looting low population servers is the only way to find loot...

With a public hive, privately operated servers, and a community that always chooses the fast and easy route to "success", this game is doomed. Unless the devs start actually implementing some anti-game features and content that make the easy route improbable, dayz will forever be an MMOGTA woodland expansion. I hate the immaturity that has taken over this forum since the release of the dayz SA.

Rant complete.


What 4 people? You told him how to do it in your first post (which is post #3). And the four posts under yours said nothing about it. The 5th post below yours said how to do it (but that's not how its done lol, that's the two primary in your inventory glitch). You my friend, are way off and making up stories.


dvsilverwing (which is the post below yours, post #4) tells Zecele to quit bitching.

Estyles (post #5) says everyone is doing it and hopes for a wipe. Doesn't say anything about how to do it.

Irish (post #6) says nothing about how to do any glitch and thinks maybe the guy just had 2 primaries.

Zecele in post #7 talks about low pop loot.


So again, your making up a story that didn't really happen. I find people that tell stories in that fashion troubling.


Also, not a single person said the "only" way to find loot is on a low pop server. Your putting in words that aren't being said. Yet you cry about how this community has failed. Looks to me your failing in relaying exact information and adding a bit of your own.


People taking the easy route has nothing to do with this community, it has to do with our current generations issue with poor parenting and raising their kids in that fashion. Its a sociological problem and has a much distant reach than this simple forum.

Edited by Bennet

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Hi my bud and I found an M4A1 with a prisitne acog and 60 round clip  :)


Would return it, but we love it now, and you'll have to fight for it back...




Point of this post: We were on a low pop server, and were looting Elektro. My bud was scrounging the pub when we came across that beauty in the bedroom in back  :) There was no body, sooo either somone left it 'highly doubt' or it somehow spawned there. Anyone else found something similar or heard of this??? Is it a new spawn...Or something else...


go near body. select hide body = profit/spam 

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We've got an exaggeration nazi on our hands


Your the one exaggerating. Quit making up stories and blaming the community when the problem is you. Is that too much to ask?


If your going to make a claim, why is it so difficult to be exact? A little integrity is in order.


You said certain people said something when they didn't and somehow that makes me a war criminal. Ok chief.

Edited by Bennet

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I've spent £30 on this game so i'll play however I want. Any exploits or bugs I can use to my advantage i'll use at this stage in development. If I want to loot on a low pop server I will, anyone who complains about these things is probably doing the same anyway.


The more annoyed that the snivelling moaners get the better!!!!!



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With a public hive, privately operated servers, and a community that always chooses the fast and easy route to "success", this game is doomed. Unless the devs start actually implementing some anti-game features and content that make the easy route improbable, dayz will forever be an MMOGTA woodland expansion. I hate the immaturity that has taken over this forum since the release of the dayz SA.

Rant complete.



This exactly.

 I didn't play the mod so I can't tell if things were any different there.


I'm an avid FPS player but was bored of the games I've been playing as everything is just the same, same game, same guns, just slightly different map.,I've been playing FPS since the early days of Counter-Strike and simply needed a change, DayZ looked pretty promissing so I've bought it.


So far, I've played like 60 hrs in the SA, in that time I came across 2 friendly people in total, one was a fresh spawn who needed help to stop his bleeding, other one was a hero who gave me a pistol and a helmet.

The rest of the time? I got killed over and over and over again, 2 times by hackers, the other times by mainly fully geared players while I didn't even have a packpack or any other kind of loot other than my t-shirt and jeans.

The only times people were using ingame communication was to insult me or make fun of me, while I was lying handcuffed (as fresh spawn) in front of sometimes full squads of 4-6 fully geared people.


I then started to try and avoid the hot-zones and was lonewolfing, hoping I would find other people in the inlands who actually wanna play the game. I managed to stay alive for 15-20 hours, but didn't come across a single soul during that time, as everyone just seems to run around military bases, elektro and so on.


Yesterday I've lost my charakter to some fresh spawn who suddenly popped up in front of me, punched me 1 time and robbed me while I was lying unconcious on the floor. I've got no idea if he was a hacker or it just as a matter of desync/ lag, he just appeared out of nowhere, while I was lying there with no idea what just happened I hear him start calling me "n*gger" and other kind of stuff and then logged out.


I really hope devs will find a way to even things out, increase the survival aspect and somehow "reward" people who are trying to stay alive and are willing to play a fps-surival-horror-sandbox game...

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People who loot on low pop servers are annoying.


Looting on high pop servers are a waste of fucking time. Unless you want to do all the work for me and meet me at the coast, why the fuck should I add to a high populated server just so you're not annoyed?




Now if you meant people who server hop all over low pop servers I would agree but even then, it's hard to get geared up sometimes and with no other point to the game other than


Staying alive

Exploring the map

Meeting new people

Finding fun things to do

running in the most retarded way possible....


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Why ever bother with him?


The servers are there you can loot / gear up wherever you want - there is nothing he can do about it.




Your annoying. Like who's going to loot on a 50/50 and expect to find anything. Its called brain power.

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I dont understand how you can put the word secret in the weapon dupe? Its a like a all-known-fact for the last 2 months.

We always carry 2 weapons, M4 and Mosin LRS, and as a group of 6 people we always leave 6 fully geared weapons on the ground when we log out :)

I havent been searching for a LRS the last month, we just copy the weapons we have.

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There is no way to prove the dupe glitch (and its a glitch not a bug---bugs happen on their own, not by force) was done there. He could have found a Mosin and left his for it. Mosin's, albeit rare, do spawn in that location. Also, that's not how you dupe, that's how you exploit having 2 primaries in your inventory.

Funny how you complain about people telling how to do the dupe glitch in your next post and cry about how this community has failed. Your the one telling him exactly how to do it (even though its the wrong way), then blame the community for it. This is awesome, your like self-hating right now but not even aware of it.

I don't, my crew doesn't, nor do anyone else on my list. I keep hearing about these mystery wipes but have never been wiped by an update yet. I've been wiped from shitty servers not being updated properly and disconned from the hive, but that's it. What was there one official wipe?

What 4 people? You told him how to do it in your first post (which is post #3). And the four posts under yours said nothing about it. The 5th post below yours said how to do it (but that's not how its done lol, that's the two primary in your inventory glitch). You my friend, are way off and making up stories.

dvsilverwing (which is the post below yours, post #4) tells Zecele to quit bitching.

Estyles (post #5) says everyone is doing it and hopes for a wipe. Doesn't say anything about how to do it.

Irish (post #6) says nothing about how to do any glitch and thinks maybe the guy just had 2 primaries.

Zecele in post #7 talks about low pop loot.

So again, your making up a story that didn't really happen. I find people that tell stories in that fashion troubling.

Also, not a single person said the "only" way to find loot is on a low pop server. Your putting in words that aren't being said. Yet you cry about how this community has failed. Looks to me your failing in relaying exact information and adding a bit of your own.

People taking the easy route has nothing to do with this community, it has to do with our current generations issue with poor parenting and raising their kids in that fashion. Its a sociological problem and has a much distant reach than this simple forum.

You had me up until you brought parenting into the argument. I have two kids, one of whom plays DayZ, and he asks me to duplicate my guns fairly often as he dies a lot. I oblige him because it's a game, and who cares, right? I used to take advantage of the 1UP exploit in Super Mario Bros. 3, and the materia dupe in Final Fantasy VII when I was a kid. So what? I'm a productive member of society, exploiting in video games has nothing to do with your character, it has to do with human nature. If you don't do it, that's fine, but there's no moral high ground in a video game. I'm not religious at all, but if he's up there, I'm fairly certain God won't turn you away for exploiting in DayZ. (;

Also, about the item duping, the original way to do it has been fixed with the implementation of the server timer. The original way to dupe was by abusing server lag. Quickly disconnecting and reconnecting would allow you to create a copy of your character for a few seconds. Killing your original avatar would allow you to loot your own body as the server wouldn't finish logging you off once dead.

If there's another way to do it, I'm unaware. As far as I know you can now only duplicate things held in your hands upon logging out, so yes, that is considered a method of duping.

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I guess I should also reveal how I can make clones and clone everything I have in my character and gear up 10+ people in 5 minutes, right?... Just because I don't feel like keeping it a secret...

With all due respect, you're doing it wrong if you withhold any information pertaining to bugs. This is an alpha, remember? A quick google search yields no new information on duping beyond the original method of killing yourself by abusing server lag which has been fixed since the inception of the server timer.

If you're aware of another method and you don't report it, you're not alpha-ing properly.

EDIT: Fucking phone.

Edited by Grimey Rick
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With all due respect, you're doing it wrong if you withhold any information pertaining to bugs. This is an alpha, remember? A quick google search yields no new information on duping beyond the original method of killing yourself by abusing server lag which has been fixed since the inception of the server timer.

If you're aware of another method and you don't report it, you're not alpha-ing properly.

EDIT: Fucking phone.

I'm pretty sure there's safer ways to report a bug without telling the thousands of people who visit the forum so they can use and abuse it

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Guys, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to start an argument, the point of this thread was so I can learn whether or not this find was a glitch, or an extremely rare spawn...

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Oh damn, that was me. I always equip two 'primary guns', and when I logged out, I pressed F3 to sit down already, then I disconnected. That was stupid, because when you press F3 it will drop your gun, and if you just disconnect it wil actually store it in your inventory (so you can actually have a mosin and a m4!)

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 Go up north or even to cherno where there is always plenty left.

That isn't true at all.  On high population servers even the loot up north is gone because the geared up people already have traveled inland and have taken it.  Unless you have a few friends in game, if you are a new spawn on a high pop server - you will starve.

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I'm pretty sure there's safer ways to report a bug without telling the thousands of people who visit the forum so they can use and abuse it

it is an alpha - which means it isn't even in beta - so, bugs - exploits and everything in between are fair game to post.  Why?  Because it makes people aware of the situation so that it gets fixed faster.  If this was retail and people were posting "exploits" it would be a different story and should be moderated, but it isn't. 

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Why? Because the only kills you can get are poorly geared players while camping loot spawns on a high pop? You should recognize not everyone wants PvP encounters everytime they go out to loot and respect that they want to play the game a different way than you instead of bitching.


Why not just use some hack to get all the stuff? What difference does it make? It's only faster... This game loses it's point entirely if you just run around with very little danger on empty servers and get the best stuff. 

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Why not just use some hack to get all the stuff? What difference does it make? It's only faster... This game loses it's point entirely if you just run around with very little danger on empty servers and get the best stuff. 

We would, but its not easy enough - And the Ban part is exhausting!

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Who doesn't use it these days. I can't wait for the next update and possibly character wipe.

me and my friend dont dupe, we didnt know there was a dupe, tell me more :)

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Why not just use some hack to get all the stuff? What difference does it make? It's only faster... This game loses it's point entirely if you just run around with very little danger on empty servers and get the best stuff. 

because you cant spawn in items currently, you can only teleport items to you, theres also a few scripts that are easy to make where you can spawn in a few vehicles

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me and my friend dont dupe, we didnt know there was a dupe, tell me more :)

Keep two main weapons on you, keep one on your back and one in your hands.

When you log out, the weapon you got in your hands will duplicate and fall on the floor. Now let your friends pick it up :)

So, when you log back in, you will have 2 main weapons in your inventory, and you can keep it there until you use an item, then you have to carry it in your hands after that. So if you got two weapons, and you know you are going for a long run or maybe climb a ladder, do a relog, and you dont have to carry it in hands.

Edited by BestDayEver

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You had me up until you brought parenting into the argument. I have two kids, one of whom plays DayZ, and he asks me to duplicate my guns fairly often as he dies a lot. I oblige him because it's a game, and who cares, right? I used to take advantage of the 1UP exploit in Super Mario Bros. 3, and the materia dupe in Final Fantasy VII when I was a kid. So what? I'm a productive member of society, exploiting in video games has nothing to do with your character, it has to do with human nature. If you don't do it, that's fine, but there's no moral high ground in a video game. I'm not religious at all, but if he's up there, I'm fairly certain God won't turn you away for exploiting in DayZ. (;

Also, about the item duping, the original way to do it has been fixed with the implementation of the server timer. The original way to dupe was by abusing server lag. Quickly disconnecting and reconnecting would allow you to create a copy of your character for a few seconds. Killing your original avatar would allow you to loot your own body as the server wouldn't finish logging you off once dead.

If there's another way to do it, I'm unaware. As far as I know you can now only duplicate things held in your hands upon logging out, so yes, that is considered a method of duping.


Your comparing Mario Brothers and Final Fantasy to DayZ? This is joke right?


Do you think thats a good comparison?


For starters, MB and FF are video games. DayZ is a survival simulator and as Hall calls it, an anti-game. If you want to teach your son that putting in hard work in exchange for profit is a bad thing, be my guest. But the way I was brought up was you worked for a positive result.


When I was 5 years old, I had a 100 house paper route. We didn't get allowances. After school, I would take my bmx with my paper bag to the drop off, fill up my papers, deliver the papers, return to the drop-off rinse/repeat. When I was 13 years old I worked nights washing dishes at an Italian restaurant during the week and weekends for minimum wage which was 3.25/hour back then. We worked for what was ours.


If you teach your son how to cheat now, it'll have a residual effect when he's older. Can you not see that? Can you not see how the world has changed since you were a child? Times are different, wake up. What you did might not work out for your son. Also, your comparing apples to oranges here. Exploiting MB/FF are worlds apart than whats going on in DayZ. Your taking the fun and experience right out of your sons life. Your making his experience too easy and he's not getting anything out of it except learning how to cheat. Also, what kind of parent lets his son play DayZ. Your a bad dad, end of story. 


Instead of teaching him how to cheat and being a lazy dad, teach him how to survive. Teach him patience. Teach him how to be tactical. Teach him that life shouldn't be instant gratification.


As far as the duping in your hands thing. Maybe that is how you do it. I dunno, I don't do it. We used to play with a guy who used to do the 2 primary weapon glitch and when they added the log out timer we watched him do it and he didn't come back with 2 weapons. The gun in his hands was on the ground and he only had 1 weapon in his inventory.

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