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Any ETA on next update?

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Sorry I don't track devs/read forums very much and I wonder what happened to update scheldued for march 5th? Didn't see any news or something, something went wrong?

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The patch will likely be going to stable in the next scheduled maintenance period (Wednesday) There were two issues they needed to squash which caused situations where players and zombies could become invisible to some clients which is why it wasn't pushed on Friday. There is also a client crash they are working on.

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Hoping tomorrow, but goddamn devs, give us some fuckin information! I check dev tracker, nothing. I check announcements, nothing. I check devblock, nothing!

I don't even find changelist anywhere, just sais that "its coming with update".


Nice month gone without update and there haven't even been holidays.

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They better come out with a super optimized near-complete version with all features by next month, or I'm moving onto the FAR more polished game, Infestation. .... ok.... I can't keep a straight face, sorry!

I feel your pain OP. I'm itching like a crack fiend for more updated info.

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Hoping tomorrow, but goddamn devs, give us some fuckin information! I check dev tracker, nothing. I check announcements, nothing. I check devblock, nothing!

I don't even find changelist anywhere, just sais that "its coming with update".


Nice month gone without update and there haven't even been holidays.


Did you notice what happened when they DID provide updates on when they were planning on patching? The basement dwellers went apeshit, that's what! I would be very surprised if we get any more ETAs on patches from now on. If I was on the dev team, I sure as hell wouldn't post any. 

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For a second, I thought that girl had no pants on and I thought to myself "Damn, he must live in Elektro."  :;Shakes head and walks away::

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They better come out with a super optimized near-complete version with all features by next month, or I'm moving onto the FAR more polished game, Infestation. .... ok.... I can't keep a straight face, sorry!

I feel your pain OP. I'm itching like a crack fiend for more updated info.

Never mention Wart z and Dayz in same breath.

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They said tomorrow, but they also said the previous wednessday and friday... -_-

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Never mention Wart z and Dayz in same breath.

I didn't. I am 500 pounds and got super excited, so I took about 30 breaths while typing that.

I then dropped my inhaler and it landed in my Cheetos bag, so when I used it I puffed Cheetos dust directly into my lungs and was immediately transported to a hospital.

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Did you notice what happened when they DID provide updates on when they were planning on patching? The basement dwellers went apeshit, that's what! I would be very surprised if we get any more ETAs on patches from now on. If I was on the dev team, I sure as hell wouldn't post any. 

You are exactly right.  This is why most game studios don't give out too many details.  Sadly they ruin it for everyone.

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Hoping tomorrow, but goddamn devs, give us some fuckin information! I check dev tracker, nothing. I check announcements, nothing. I check devblock, nothing!

I don't even find changelist anywhere, just sais that "its coming with update".


Nice month gone without update and there haven't even been holidays.

Mardi Gras was on the 4th and Ash Wednesday on the 5th, so....

Edited by Highlander007

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I've gotten kind of bored with this "stable" (mostly because of its instability, crashing out 6 or 7 times before I get a lengthy play session ruins it for me) so personally I can't wait for this update (also no more duped guns, bonus). Lately I've been playing 7 Days to Die, a lame Minecraft/DayZ hybrid knockoff with way funner PVE and no emphasis on PVP. It's ok, but I really want to get back to DayZ, I just can't really play effectively in the game's current state and the experimental branch latency is total shit (except on Hardcore experimental, which is completely empty and thus boring). As team medic I'm not looking forward to carrying a defibrillator though. They're quite bulky. Everything works fine on mostly empty servers, but again, boring, so I'm hoping high pop server stability improves along with the new survival components.

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The patch will likely be going to stable in the next scheduled maintenance period (Wednesday) There were two issues they needed to squash which caused situations where players and zombies could become invisible to some clients which is why it wasn't pushed on Friday. There is also a client crash they are working on.

Okay, thanks a lot for info!




Did you notice what happened when they DID provide updates on when they were planning on patching? The basement dwellers went apeshit, that's what! I would be very surprised if we get any more ETAs on patches from now on. If I was on the dev team, I sure as hell wouldn't post any. 

Eh, what exactly happened? Someone started to bash devs "hurr you promised give update NAO!!1" ?

Edited by SonicSonedit

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I just saw this which has confused me with a lack of official information?


"The patch was originally planned to be released this Wednesday, however the developers of DayZ standalone took to their blog to state that patch 0.37 has been pushed back due to being unstable and having some new bugs that made players invisible."



Edited by lrish

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I didn't. I am 500 pounds and got super excited, so I took about 30 breaths while typing that.

I then dropped my inhaler and it landed in my Cheetos bag, so when I used it I puffed Cheetos dust directly into my lungs and was immediately transported to a hospital.


You owe me a new monitor for spitting my coffee all over the screen.

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Eh, what exactly happened? Someone started to bash devs "hurr you promised give update NAO!!1" ?


The entire forum, their mothers, and some people I overheard in line at the local supermarket started yelling and bitching about how the devs had cheated them out of their hard earned money. That might have been a slight exaggeration, but not by much. Would you want to hear that kind of thing every time you share anything about your job? :)

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doesn't seem to be any chatter at all, got a real nice hook up all set for tomorrow night as well to explore it! oh well shit happens..

Edited by Calibre

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The entire forum, their mothers, and some people I overheard in line at the local supermarket started yelling and bitching about how the devs had cheated them out of their hard earned money. That might have been a slight exaggeration, but not by much. Would you want to hear that kind of thing every time you share anything about your job? :)

Ugh, can you be a little bit more clear?

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Anyone who wonders why the patch has not been moved to stable only needs to play on the experimental and you can see the reasons there. If you are disappointed the update is not on stable, simply go play on experimental and you can see these changes. You also quickly see issues as to why it is not out on stable.

Believe me: we want this patch out much more than the community. Because continuing like this is a major headache for development as branching and merging becomes an absolute nightmare. This is occurring at the same time as us finishing our planning/roadmap process and starting up our new feature scrums. However, this desire doesn't change the fact that for the patch to be pushed onto stable we must not introduce new serious, game-breaking bugs.

Currently we are tracking two new major issues that we see as being blockers:

Invisible Characters/Zombies

We believe this is caused by them becoming stuck in geometry on client(s) and therefore rejecting new updates. In order to fix this our QA has been going back through different build revisions and checking to see if this occurs so we could isolate the exact point in development it started occurring. That was an extremely labor intensive process and through this we managed to narrow it down to an exact revision that caused the issue.

Now that we have found out exactly when that occurred, we start to look into why that happened. Once we fully understand the problem we can design a solution. The problem is that these are not simple issues or bugs, they are complex bugs that can result from a variety of factors. They can be caused by multiple issues, or simply just a symptom of a much wider problem. They are also often very hard to reproduce, and are exceptionally difficult to produce estimates for on fixing.

Network pauses roughly every 30 seconds

This recently appeared on experimental, and has been noticed by many. What happens is regularly the server stops sending updates for a second or so, which is caused by the server hard-locking for some reason. It lasts only a second before the server starts sending updates again. It looks like desync or rubber-banding for the client.

The current most popular theory for this is that the Experimental Server Architecture itself is causing the issue. I.e. the Experimental "Hive" central database simply cannot handle the load, and therefore when a players is killed or dies, the updates are delayed and the server is forced to stop and wait for the central server to respond. I'm vastly oversimplifying the issue but I am sure you get the point. We're again testing this in detail with our 30 fulltime, onsite, QA staff. It's a huge job and it's been a major effort.

Edit: Network Pauses... bug has been confirmed as being related simply to the Experimental database not handling the load. The experimental database is not configured for load balancing and is run on simple hardware so it simply cannot respond to servers fast enough. This leaves us with one blocking issue, the first issue. We have a full reproduction and we know the commit that caused it. It's related to network messaging changes. Simply reverting it will probably not work, because the change is complex.



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I didn't. I am 500 pounds and got super excited, so I took about 30 breaths while typing that.

I then dropped my inhaler and it landed in my Cheetos bag, so when I used it I puffed Cheetos dust directly into my lungs and was immediately transported to a hospital.


haha! a comedy genius!

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