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What do you do once you're fully geared?

End Game Poll  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you do once you're fulled geared?

    • Focus on eating and exploring.. basically I survive.
    • Look for action and PVP.. I become a hunter of sorts.
    • Focus on helping others.. As a medic or guide or bandit hunter.
    • Act the fool in what ever way I can think of.
    • Read a Book.

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I was wondering what people do for an "end game" in Dayz.. So I thought it would be nice to take a poll. 


What do you do once you're fully geared in Dayz? 


What would you like to see added asap to help with the end game of Dayz? ..discuss

Edited by Boneboys

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On the stable branch I focus more on option 1, while on experimental I focus more on interactions and trying to help out.

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My name explains my field of work. :D

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:00 AM, Enforcer said:

I wonder who that pvp idiot before i voted is...


Is there really a need to act that way? I mean come on.. Bronie's are nice, right? 

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:00 AM, Guppy the DayZ Medic said:

My name explains my field of work. :D

Your a fish?




  On 3/10/2014 at 6:05 AM, lrish said:

Is there really a need to act that way? I mean come on.. Bronie's are nice, right? 


People that put Bronies in the Av have issues. Its not funny, its not cool, its a sign of the insane times we live in. People that want to f*ck MLP have serious issues.

Edited by Bennet
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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:05 AM, Bennet said:

Your a fish?





People that put Bronies in the Av have issues. Its not funny, its not cool, its a sign of the insane times we live in. People that want to f*ck MLP have serious issues.


Double LOL'd :D

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I've been going with option #1, but I think what I'm going to roll dice when I die and let that decide if my latest incarnation lawful or chaotic and good or evil, all on the scale of one to six.

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Stay alive, generally avoid other people. I always have a small backpack so I never have enough food. Because I'm at a lack, I always have to look for more. PvP is something that can be done in any other game, so I find it generally uninteresting in DayZ. Boring, even. Too run-of-the-mill. Trying to maintain food rations while carefully surveying other survivors, hoping they don't turn to attack, as well as avoiding hordes of zombies? Needing to negotiate with another guy at gunpoint so both of us can walk away alive? Sign me up.


Also on every life I try to go to every town and every landmark (Green Mountain, soccer field, statue in woods, crashed helicopters, each airfield, etc)

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:17 AM, omgwtfbbq said:

 I always have a small backpack 


120px-School_Backpack_Red.png  ?

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:20 AM, lrish said:

120px-School_Backpack_Red.png  ?


Okay, not that small. Taloon or preferably the improvised one, as that takes more effort to acquire.

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:23 AM, omgwtfbbq said:

Okay, not that small. Taloon or preferably the improvised one, as that takes more effort to acquire.


Oh okay.. I take it you dont do stuff like this?


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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:25 AM, lrish said:

Oh okay.. I take it you dont do stuff like this?



Pretty much. Other players are a hassle, and I usually avoid. However, on the off-chances I do meet another person, I'm always friendly unless incentivized.

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I stick to exploring and surviving when not helping clan members.

Sometimes, I Zombie-Bait and play tag with them just to mix it up.

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:44 AM, tarascon said:

Sometimes, I Zombie-Bait and play tag with them just to mix it up.


I did that tonight on hardcore.. just entering towns, collecting zeds. Having them chase me until I had them collected on a hill or field.. 


I hope someone came along and found the 12 zeds I had at the end of the Balota airstrip near Cherno. That shit was funny.. nice tight grouping of zeds

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  On 3/10/2014 at 6:25 AM, lrish said:

Oh okay.. I take it you dont do stuff like this?



Impossible he couldn't have killed them with two rounds...  :lol:

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  On 3/10/2014 at 7:18 AM, Enforcer said:

Impossible he couldn't have killed them with two rounds...  :lol:


^ True story.  ;)

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I swear it took me at least 3 minutes to figure out what you did Boneboys..  :lol:


"Edited by Boneboys, Today, 12:16 AM."

Edited by lrish

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There should be a poll option to "i'll wait for more content" or something similar. I have the urge to turn DayZ alot, but when im in,

i dont know exactly what i should do. I dont want to kill people just because theres no other content. I tried to help people too, but 

got backstabbed too often. Now i have 4 all pristine geared chars, with SKS's and M4s. I'll just wait for the bikes to be implemented and 

start a tour around Chernarus. I would like to build myself a small camp, with a good view and a fireplace.

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  On 3/10/2014 at 7:47 AM, en1mal said:

There should be a poll option to "i'll wait for more content" or something similar. I have the urge to turn DayZ alot, but when im in,

i dont know exactly what i should do. I dont want to kill people just because theres no other content. I tried to help people too, but 

got backstabbed too often. Now i have 4 all pristine geared chars, with SKS's and M4s. I'll just wait for the bikes to be implemented and 

start a tour around Chernarus. I would like to build myself a small camp, with a good view and a fireplace.

I wanna start a hospital, and a cozy little cabin called the Medic's Lodge :D
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  On 3/10/2014 at 7:50 AM, Guppy the DayZ Medic said:

I wanna start a hospital, and a cozy little cabin called the Medic's Lodge :D


I would definitely provide some beans, saline bags and blood if have the good one.

Edited by en1mal

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There was nothing in the poll worth while to vote on but once I'm geared I'll go look for fresh spawns to hold up and force them to do the

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Thats #4 Caboose.. ;)

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Option #1 for me.

There's a whole bunch of new places to see once you have a pack full of beans and bullets.

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