Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 Relax, some of you are getting "your jimmies" far too "rustled" If someone "disrespects" you. Report them dont post at them Carry on. Im watching. L Forum rules.. cant find anything on jimmies being rustled.. But I do see sections about flaming and trolling peoples posts. That seems to be against the rules.. Or is there another Rules section that covers jimmies? B) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hellcane 63 Posted March 9, 2014 Am I not entitled to an opinion because you do not agree? Yes, I play this game. Does that make me a tester? No, because I am not being paid to test. I play. I understand its an alpha, and I am okay with those consequences. But when the devs add in a PLACEHOLDER feature that is useless, and really only seems to function as a way to appeal to those who keep saying there are no zombies in this game, well then I am going to stand up and express my right to voice my opinion as a consumer who purchased their product. Just keeping your mouth shut and "being happy with the alpha" is not even part of being a tester if thats the road you want to take. Being a tester means putting in your opinions and input on the game. Which is exactly what I am doing.FYI: You don't have a right to say anything on the forums. Just a privilege that can be taken from you if you kick and scream enough. Sounds like playing a game during the alpha testing phase isn't for you. Give it a few months and try again if you feel the need to go apeshit over having to test things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted March 9, 2014 Hello there You are quite correct. I was just trying to be "hip" and failing. We do allow a certain amount of "banter" on the forums and although we may not act immediately we are aware of folk who push the envelope a little too much. So, for the moment carry on. If this were my personal forum, I would be a heck of a lot stricter, but I am but a minion. Rgds LoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Super_Duty 466 Posted March 9, 2014 This! I would luv to see an animation of Zed's grabbing your legs, possibly immobilizing you for a moment without any warning. it would be awesome if they would crawl out of the ground instead of spawning standing up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 FYI: You don't have a right to say anything on the forums. Just a privilege that can be taken from you if you kick and scream enough. Sounds like playing a game during the alpha testing phase isn't for you. Give it a few months and try again if you feel the need to go apeshit over having to test things. Seriously.. this is starting to get very, very funny. How is it my opinion of a broken zombie mechanic is so offensive to people? I think the forums are not for you as you seem to not be able to handle them properly.. this game on the other hand is great for me, as i am not freaking out at all. I just think it should be rolled back.. no issues. No screaming or kicking. just calmly expressing an opinion and then dodging the rage that readers are instilled with upon seeing my opinion.. Which is really far more annoying than a zombie that appears out of nowhere for no reason at all. Maybe this thread should be about the way trolls spawn? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NagsterTheGangster 388 Posted March 9, 2014 Realistic? No. Necessary? Yes. Unfortunately thats the point of the experimental build.Theyre working on it im sure.. itll get done...eventually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sinphaltimus 262 Posted March 9, 2014 I think I'm going to post this same response all over the place today. OP- I think this post may help with your concerns if you haven't seen it already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 I think I'm going to post this same response all over the place today. OP- I think this post may help with your concerns if you haven't seen it already. Saw that too.. did you read the part about things coming and leaving? Because I think the OP has a point that the placeholder zed spawn needs to go until they figure something else out.. its broken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Super_Duty 466 Posted March 9, 2014 Let's turn this into something constructive while we're here. What would you propose to be an acceptable alternative for a less than stealthy incursion in-to and out-of of a known Zombie hotspot or hive that would appear more realistic? Thought starters:They could in theory spawn out of view distance and let them move towards you at a varied rate. Could be problematic with raw numbers left to roam around, idk.They could spawn from within the ground, though we really don't have a back story to support that in most areas.Areas could be just littered with them standing, lying down, sitting, what-ever, making for a tough decision to enter the space to begin with. Stealth being a potentially better option versus stirring up all the locals with a long ranged shot.Other? Pipe in your thoughts...I'm thinking maybe a combination of all of them to some varying degree from location to location to changes things up a bit. Capitalize on the environment where possible. Out in the middle of an airbase seems slightly more difficult to manage effectively than say a town with a tree line, etc. I know you guys are trying to add respawning zombies, but just randomly spawning zombies around people doesn't help anyone. I've literally stood on the airfield, in the bushes, and dettered waves and waves of zombies one after another, all of them spawning randomly, some in plain sight. This is absurd to say the least and doesn't help us test the game nor you to figure out what to do next. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weedmasta 784 Posted March 9, 2014 I know you guys are trying to add respawning zombies, but just randomly spawning zombies around people doesn't help anyone. I've literally stood on the airfield, in the bushes, and dettered waves and waves of zombies one after another, all of them spawning randomly, some in plain sight. This is absurd to say the least and doesn't help us test the game nor you to figure out what to do next. Are you really that daft that you don't know what stress testing is after 316 posts? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sinphaltimus 262 Posted March 9, 2014 Saw that too.. did you read the part about things coming and leaving? Because I think the OP has a point that the placeholder zed spawn needs to go until they figure something else out.. its broken. I read the whole thing, especially the part about cramming in all the features now, broken or not. fixing some bugs along the way but not really fixing the majority of them until beta when all the features that were added can be polished. To me, this makes sense because they need to know server loads, communication requirements and how the engine will respond. I agree with the OP that if this is how the zopmbies are going in to stable soon, then it will make testing a lot more difficult, but i do not agree that the system needs to be removed. They really need to keep adding as much as they can so that they can finally get to the point where the palceholders and bugs can be fixed and polished (get to beta) as fast as they can. the frustrations of testing alpha is nto for everyone, I'm not saying "so stop testing or uninstall or just leave" or anything of that sort. What I am saying (or paraphrasing what the dev said0 is that alpha gaming/testing is going to get very frustrating. it is going to break things, it's going to be a pain in the ass. Be patient. all opinions are welcomed and the devs are paying attention. i don't know what the final Zombie respawn mechanic will eventually evolve in to and these complaints may actually help that evolution, but out right removing it because ti's not perfect doesn't seem to make sense to me. The OP doesn't read as a critique to me, it reads a lot more like a complaint out of pure frustration. That's what it looks like to me. So I'm thowing in another perspective backed by the Developers "plan" and how they are trying to set expectations going forward. maybe from those two perspectives we can turn this thread in to a meaningful discussion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) I think what people are getting at, Irish, is that the patch just happened and it's the immediate bellyaching. That's what the testing is for, to see how it works, not bitch and whine about it. If it's working, make a post stating why and what improvements. If it's not working make a post stating why and again, improvements. Making posts stating it's stupid, reroll back to last patch is not constructive . Edited March 9, 2014 by Caboose187 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sloddor 167 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) As dean mentioned, they will implement a spawn mechanic where Zs spawn maybe from around the village you are currently in, and walk inwards. its a quite difficult task to ensure they wont spawn in your face. ATM its just annoying when you have killed a Z and 2 more spawn around you to get you. Switching from a gun to the fireaxe takes ages atm, because its also kinda glitchy. They just added Z respawn in a unready state because people wanted it. In my opinion it doesnt raise the quality of gameplay. Also i think its wrong to let a permanent threat respawn, and let loot respawn every 4 hours with serverrestarts. makes it kinda annoying to get into empty villages stuffed with Zs. It isnt a destructive post to ask for a rollback of the respawn mechanic and wait till its ready or a useful state since the implementation of this mechanic was only introduced by a imho bad community decision. Its not about the testing, it just annoys me personally ^^ Edited March 9, 2014 by Sloddor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoldenKade 73 Posted March 9, 2014 The Z spawns are my favorite, one time I sat in front of a spawn swinging my axe and must have killed at least 30 zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 @ sin: I hear you on all points.. I just think its very backwards to introduce something to an already broken mechanic and knowingly break it further, and I have to assume its only to make people happy not for stress testing, etc. It does make it much more difficult to test the game when you have to constantly be moving and fighting zombies.. now, see this is the part where people get all cheeky.. but the point I am making is dont make zombies spawn in more often, with a broken mechanic, when they do not even acknowledge walls or fences. I mean how do you test something, when a silent zombie starts attacking you through the floor? Moving from stable to exp, and back several times made me realize that the new spawn system really does make matters much more worse as far as testing the game, experiencing what it has to offer, and staying alive reasonably. I mean add it back once you get collision detection on the zombies, once they dont run through walls and I would be shit happy. I like a challenge, just not one that is so beyond laws of physics and normal situations that it becomes a nuisance. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Super_Duty 466 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) The increase in Z respawns actually started in the previous Exp. build btw. Many comments posted over a week ago that the forum chatter regarding Zed's would explode when this "feature" hit the Stable branch. I for one like the additional spawns, just a different spin on the game mechanics until a workable solution is finalized. Oh and I'm still so looking forward to what come this Wednesday assuming Exp. rolls to Stable. The poor bastard unaware of this feature sitting in a town during a server reboot is not going to be happy... Edited March 9, 2014 by Super_Duty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solodude23 649 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) It's only a placeholder as the DEV's have stated and I don't care, I still like it. At least they pose some sort of threat now. Gives you something to do besides worry bout other survivors. One thing I found interesting in testing that a maximum of 4 zombies can be focused on a single player at once. I was trying to gather all the zombies in Berezino to form a horde and every time I'd get a 5th zombie, one of the previous 4 would "forget" about me. Edited March 9, 2014 by solodude23 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sloddor 167 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) The increase in Z respawns actually started in the previous exp. build btw. Many comments posted over a week ago that the forum chatter regarding Zed's would explode when this "feature" hit the Stable branch. I for one like the additional spawns, just a different spin on the game mechanics until a workable solution is finalized. Oh and I'm still so looking forward to what come this Wednesday assuming Exp. rolls to Stable.You cant even do any stealth moves with the current Z implementation. they see you over hundereds of meters, they know no line of sight. its just Z here Z there. I would love a much more progressed implementation, but at the current state its kinda contra productive as it eats up server performance. The real threat is still other players, not Zs, they are just more annoying *g* Sure it is a placeholder, but what do we need it for? It doenst even add to immersion or affect the core gameplay in a big way. You just need to get your axe out more often and wait for the animations to finish. Im also aware that i will have to deal with it, but i am just communicating my opinion. Edited March 9, 2014 by Sloddor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted March 9, 2014 @ sin: I hear you on all points.. I just think its very backwards to introduce something to an already broken mechanic and knowingly break it further, and I have to assume its only to make people happy not for stress testing, etc. It does make it much more difficult to test the game when you have to constantly be moving and fighting zombies.. now, see this is the part where people get all cheeky.. but the point I am making is dont make zombies spawn in more often, with a broken mechanic, when they do not even acknowledge walls or fences. I mean how do you test something, when a silent zombie starts attacking you through the floor? Moving from stable to exp, and back several times made me realize that the new spawn system really does make matters much more worse as far as testing the game, experiencing what it has to offer, and staying alive reasonably. I mean add it back once you get collision detection on the zombies, once they dont run through walls and I would be shit happy. I like a challenge, just not one that is so beyond laws of physics and normal situations that it becomes a nuisance. Different strokes for different folks. The infected going through walls doesn't bug half as much as the desync issue. I personally like the spawning infected because it adds a little more challenge although they are still very easy to kill. I've personally been enjoying the experimental servers because of the challenge of trying to find food and weapons. It's been getting pretty dull gearing up in 20 mins. Last night while playing on the experimental, I actually ran into somebody who wasn't a complete douchebag. We ended up talking and actually joined up to find food. We started heading north to Staroye, I was in orange hunger, thirst level was good as finding water is very easy. We've found nothing as everything was looted but we were under constant attack by infected which was fricking awesome. The sun was going down and starting to get dark and I had thrown away my flashlight earlier so I could have room for food and bandages. Anyway, I ended up having to eat a rotten orange to just keep my hunger level up and in the end we found no food. We got lost as it became too dark to see , he did have a flashlight but we ended up getting turned around in the woods and ended up back at the coast close to Cherno. This is where my journey ended as I slowly starved to death while being sick from eating that rotten orange. As of right now, that was my favorite experience in DayZ thus far. I tried surviving and failed. Better luck next time. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crooked Hauser 258 Posted March 9, 2014 it would be awesome if they would crawl out of the ground instead of spawning standing up.That would be cool in any other game. But in this game world I don't expect "infected" living humans to crawl out of the ground. That's as bad as headshot only kills. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solodude23 649 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) Sure it is a placeholder, but what do we need it for? It doenst even add to immersion or affect the core gameplay in a big way. You just need to get your axe out more often and wait for the animations to finish. Im also aware that i will have to deal with it, but i am just communicating my opinion.It can effect gameplay in the right situations. I've had a few survivor interactions altered due to the higher presence of zombies in cities. I was able to survive being pinned down in a building because my hunter had to deal with a swarm of zombies after him. Not so easy for him to simply get his axe out and kill em when he also has me to worry about. I also was able to trust a guy in Svetlo who I was treating as hostile until he had a swarm of zombies after him. We took em out together and talked a bit about how cool the situation was before heading out separate ways. Edited March 9, 2014 by solodude23 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) Pointless derpable opinion.. edited. :) Edited March 9, 2014 by lrish Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 it would be awesome if they would crawl out of the ground instead of spawning standing up. This would be an amazing feature in the Church graveyards. Also they could just go ahead and add in some cemeteries.. sort of weird that this whole town has like 40 grave plots total. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted March 9, 2014 As a habit now, I no longer read your posts.. maybe if they were productive>arguing but for now Ive learned its best to let you talk away while focusing my attention elsewhere.. :) No offense, hope none is taken. No, don't feel bad. I've read all your drivel. I do the same. Take care. :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 9, 2014 No, don't feel bad. I've read all your drivel. I do the same. Take care. :) I had already edited it but you were too fast.. lightning fast. Sorry bout that.. I was needlessly sharing, my bad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites