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Sad reality of how people play dayz

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You've been waiting for two damn years huh? Yeah, and when did the alpha start again?


He is a proper DAYZ mod player not like you or most of the people lately here shown up after DAYZ SA.  So almost 2 years is correct statement.

You newbies think that DAYZ SA a "New Game" however it's not.


And OP is perfectly summarized it , almost 90% of it spot on.Only addition to his,could be some more RP also has been going on in DAYZ. (And Actually you're having fun coz you have friends around and it's still intense to run around, due to you have no clue if someone awaits you to hunt you down or your friend). High lvl of paranoia all the way still.


Just due to lack of content atm, it's so basic than ever before, hence not a lot to do. Whenever they start adding vehicles,wildlife,(tents/camping/storage) and maybe in far future "building" or "House Holding". 

Things will change,but cores of the player behaviour will barely gonna change.

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=

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Hardcore players

Spend hours running through the woods pretending they are having a good time

Thank you for enlightening me! I hadn't realised that I was pretending to have fun, I thought I was actually, you know, enjoying myself but you've laid it out before my eyes so I can see that I've wasted all those hours...

Headlamps don't work tho..

They do if you put a battery in them.

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Lol yeah no worried bro anytime, you are just pretending to have fun. It's just a condition, pm me anytime i will walk you through everything about it


HAha trust me i put tried putting battery in headlamp from every direction up down left and right and it NEVER worked.. Same for my friend who i always play with we couldn't get headlamp to turn on for jack

Edited by Spinnyd223

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Did you right click on the head-torch and select "turn on head-torch"? Because trust me, they work. Best way to read a compass at night.

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That's peculiar. What condition are the headlamps? All of the ones I've tried (Pristine & worn - I won't pick up ones that are damaged or worse) work fine with batteries that are damaged or better.

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That's not totally true. I literally got DayZ Standalone about 4 hours ago (Never played Arma II before either) and I have to say, this is one of the most fun games I've played in a long time.


The only thing I am weary about is -


  • Meeting other players

Not knowing whether they're friendly or not is disconcerting.

  • The seeming less unlimited landscape

In terms of gathering loot, meeting other people, surviving in general.


I've clocked in 4 hours so far and it's pretty awesome. Anyone wanna meet up? (lol) 


Take time to appreciate the work that went into creating the map, there's some really good views. Check out Three Valleys and Podogo Dam (however you spell it) - in fact, is the dam still up there? Well I know where I'm going next login!

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Damn, this thread is eating all my beans...but not because the OP got them ;) FU I even had to give pacific_coast beans.....whats going on? O.o



 @OP: I don't fall in any of these categories. What am I? WHAT KIND OF MONSTER AM I?

I spawn, start playing, never kill myself and don't only run around in the woods (but maybe I will start when huinting is implemented ;)). Sometimes I even go to electro. With my pants on.

I meet people, which try to kill me, I meet people with whom I trade, I meet people with whom I scavenge together, I meet people which I start to like and end up adding them to my friendslist on steam because we had an awesome time together...


Like 2 days agon on exp: Char got wiped, spawned nord of Solnichnyi.

Met two germans that were really nice (Shout out to Timo and Simon! ;) ) and a creepy dude with a black motorcycle helmet and an axe, but lost them somewhere.

Went north to the factory, suddenly, attracted two Zs, had no weapon, so punch them down and run for it, suddenly I'm cornered between 3 Zs, but the creepy dude with the black motorcycle helmet comes again, hacking away the Zs.

As I say "Thanks", he starts attacking me - I guess he wanted my backpack, because it was literally the only thing I had on my char. I ran heavily bleeing away and made him lose me, but my vision was blurry & black/white, so I took the risk and run into the next houses, inevitable got cornered in a house by Zeds and eaten alive, but I went down with an awesome fistfight with the infected^^


Spawned again, this time further south and thought, what the heck, I NEVER go to electro, why not try the noob route?

Two guys were hunting me with SKS (I guess), even before I got there, but they missed all shots and lost me in the town.

Minutes later I met a guy from Latvia, travelled with him around electro, had a lot of fun, avoiding other players and killing Zs with Pitchfork and Hoe - we named ourself the farming buddies and made it our mission to find crops and to till a field XD -  and a french guy (Quote: "I am french" Answer: "Well, we all have our problems" ...made my buddy from Latvia unable to play for some minutes due to laughing, and the french guy also, by trying to speak french (that I learned in school and forgot nearly everything)) but went seperate ways since he didn't trust us really.

But we met him later on again "oh, it's you again!" "well, hello, Mr French." "Are you friendly?" "Well..." char turns to one another, latvian buddy and I exchange a glance at each other, then laugh "Most of the time." Asked him for crops XD and he lead us to a pace where he found ammounition for my shotgun...


Played time: 5 hours.

Running through woods: 10 minutes, maybe 15

Fun in this time: 5 hours

Spawned: 2 times

Server hopped: 0 times

PvP: 2 times (without any attack from me due the lack of weapons ;))

New friends: 2

New friends on steam: 1






Hmm your just in your honeymoon period, dayz idea is the best ever.. But the overall content is lacking.


Yeah. Tell people with 100+ hours that they are in their honeymoon period. Smart move ;)




I like to tell myself it will get better, but i been waiting for two years and i havent seen anything yet

Wut? 1 Years, 10 months in the Mod and 2 months in the SA? because if you play for 2 years the SA you are...Dean Hall.

Other possible answers:

Open your eyes, it's hard to see when they are closed

Try to turn on your monitor

Set Gamma not to +/- 10000000000



For real: Maybe the game is in its current state nothing for you. Maybe play something else and give it a try after some patches.

Edited by LaughingJack

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Wow you are lucky, before i can even get the words "top of the mornin" out of my mouth to a passing player i've already been punched twice in the back of the face


I think the longest relationship with another player i ever experienced in dayz was some guy saying "i will make it quick and painless"


So i don't know how all these youtube streamers have all these spectacular adventure videos of everyone holding hands hopping through fields of poppies.. Because it sure as hell never happens for me

Edited by Spinnyd223

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Well...Play hardcore. Most (not all) of the people there are either nice or at least try to bandit and not to KoS. You will die as well, but heck, it's fun.

And...I hate to say that, but are you from the US? Because an US servers KoS, PoS etc. is worse from what I've heard than on european servers (I tend to UK servers. Brits are nice in this game ;) One said "Please don't shoot me, Sir. Thank you." when he bumped into me. I never told him, that I had not a single shell for my shotgun... )


Yes, I get attacked sometimes, I got KoSd, I got PoSd, I got handcuffed and robbed, stripped down to my underwear and shot in the head afterwards.

I got handcuffed and given a 15 seconds timer to hide, If they don't find me in 2 minutes, they wouldn't kill me. (But they found me. And said "sorry, but that are the rules of the game" and shot me)

I got stripped of everything and given a 10 second timer before they start hunt me. (and their sniper got me with a mosin shot, breaking my leg)

I got caught and forced into a deadly fight with another freshspawn, I was travelling along with, ending up with him dropping the knife they gave him for the fight with me and saying "I can't do that. I know this guy for some minutes. He is nice. Shoot me, let him live." (they shot me as well afterwards, but heck, that guy...if I only knew his steam name...buddy from hungary, if you are out there, I'm the white chick that is a man (well my char at that time was a white girl...don't get confused^^), wearing rocket aviators because "Sun is brighter at night"...i think you remember that words^^)


And everything that I wrote has happened to me and some other weird shit (like a guy in underpants, a tactical vest and a dallas mask holding a magnum to my head, blasting real bad techno through direct chat and yelled "DANCE! DANCE FOR ME!" and shoot next to my feet o.O), or also some very intensive shootouts (the factory north/west of the NWAF. Me and a buddy are there looting, carelessly, because no one EVER goes there....and it was a night server...and suddenly the shootout started, edning up with me and my buddy dead, but it was one of the most awesome PvP things I encountered in ALL games ever. Made my heart pump wild, my pulse goe up and my hands shake after it was over.


There is only ONE thing that is important to remember when you play DayZ:

IT IS NOT ABOUT GEARING UP, IT IS NOT ABOUT PVP. These are things that are IN the game and that are IMPORTANT for the game, but you play DayZ just to PLAY. Don't hop. Don't run only to high loot spots. Just play.

Edited by LaughingJack

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1 Scout surroundings

2 Find Z and closed doors in ""secret"" location (or freak out when i dont)

3 Loot

4 Go to hiding place

5 Play tetris

6 Eat loot

7 Log off till reset.

8 Go to forums

9 Read

10 Comment



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Experienced players

1. Spawn

2 .Realize you spawned too far from anywhere good and look for nearest place to kill yourself.

3. Repeat step two four more times.


That is classic new player behaviour if there ever was one. Experienced players know that it takes far less time to sprint to whichever location on the map you want to go to, than to do this pointless suicide thing.

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I don't even know when was the last time I died... I think my current character is from the january. Before the shotgun/revolver patch at least.

I mainly play with 1 to 3 friends of mine and we avoid these airfields or chernogorsk or elektrozavodsk. Few times we've done a fast sweep for some supplies but mostly we just ignore them and focus on looting these smaller villages. I don't go for a killing in sight if I see a player at the inland or in rural areas. Not, untill they shoot first. We've been quite a polite guys for fresh spawns and new players. Recent situation was at the Electrozavodsk's power plant. We saw this guy with some stuff, we saw us and tried to ran away... We stopped him and asked if he'd need anything. He said he'll be needing some blood and we trade a one bag of raw rice for a blood bag, we injected it for him as well, and he kept on going. If the guy, named Arr, I guess, is reading this... Hello!

The point is I go for survival and I kinda like the idea where big cities are dangerous and these military bases. I go for a first shoot or at least be very careful if I go near airfields. I like to use mosin-nagant with bipod, compressor and long range scope so I will observe the place before I go in, and if I see some gasmask, m4 running there and killing some other players... I will take the shot. Few days ago me and my sniping friend killed 3 bandit boyos for 600 - 700meters. Like a boss.

Edited by Sgt

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He is a proper DAYZ mod player not like you or most of the people lately here shown up after DAYZ SA. So almost 2 years is correct statement.

You newbies think that DAYZ SA a "New Game" however it's not.

You're one of the Holy Ones... From BEFORE? Please master, tell us about this Blessed Mod you speak of and how it's exactly like the stand alone us wee mortals have only been experiencing for 2 months. Please sir, I beg of you... Neeeeed to know what it was like. I'm just a lowly grub of a newbie worm who never partook of the Blessed Mod and have only 140 hours in this not a new game SA. Please sir, have my beans and bestow your blessings upon me. I am nothing. I am less than nothing. Two years = the infinity bandit! There can be only one.


Edited by Crooked Hauser
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OP describes nothing I have experienced, both when I was a new arrival on Chernarus, surviving alone, nor now as a experienced.


Something is oddly wrong with this analysis. Alone I did find my problems finding loot, granted, but, unconsciously and as innocent as a bambi can be, I moved inland. Ended up in Polana, Gorky, etc. I started giving my own names to the places and rememberd all the landmarks in my mind so I could travel the landscape easy through the wild. Eventually I discovered Berezino and all the other major towns. Faced my first crisis and had to kill to survive. That moment was changing indeed. So far, in that life, I had joined up with another guy, we survived very long, met people along the way, traded, etc.


Then all hell came down on us. Buddy died, I killed others, eventually I got shot on the coast road. Tough luck.


The first week for a complete newcomer to DayZ map and system is best spent on the small towns, just foraging essentials, not guns. After you find a buddy, then you can go more...adventurous and start scanning the map a bit more. Eventually you find a group that you like and things change again. Game leaps onto the gunfight level. Gear up, help buddies than died, keep the group alive. No, there is no need to kill everything that moves, but after a while is really easy to read a new spawn. The killers will be sweating their type all over the local chat. The soldier types are fine and don't hide much, they do whatever they have to do to keep their group alive. Heroes are really helpful and will come and wander off into the woods cleaning them. And then you have the odd role player, fantastic blokes with the most fertile ideas - traders, missionaries, you name it - all flashy raincoats and colorful gear.


Back to the OP breakdown, It is not even generalistic. You are describing gamers, not players. A player will enjoy the game and see where fun can be found. Gamer will go for the immediate reward. Won't work here.


Maybe OP needs a group ? 

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The weapon flashlights, headlamps, torches, are "Partially" bugged at the moment, confirmed in a previous thread starting with the previous Exp. update.  My headlamp would work just fine, put that same battery in my pistol or M4 flashlight and nothing.  Swapped a dozen batteries (licking them of course, I like the flavor) to verify charge.  Then, change servers and they might work, or might not.  The hypothesis, unconfirmed, was that if you found the lamp on that server, it would work, else maybe it would.  The other thing you will notice is when the lamp is not working, when you select "turn on" using the right mouse button, there is no "turn off" afterwards.  Now if you remove the flashlight from the weapon, you would have both, turn on and turn off.  They are just acting strangely at the moment.  A bug report was submitted btw. 



HAha trust me i put tried putting battery in headlamp from every direction up down left and right and it NEVER worked.. Same for my friend who i always play with we couldn't get headlamp to turn on for jack

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I hate to say that, but are you from the US? Because an US servers KoS, PoS etc. is worse from what I've heard than on european servers (I tend to UK servers. Brits are nice in this game ;)




Funny cuz we Americans hear the same thing about those russian and german players....


Aren't predjudices fun?

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You're one of the Holy Ones... From BEFORE? Please master, tell us about this Blessed Mod you speak of and how it's exactly like the stand alone us wee mortals have only been experiencing for 2 months. Please sir, I beg of you... Neeeeed to know what it was like. I'm just a lowly grub of a newbie worm who never partook of the Blessed Mod and have only 140 hours in this not a new game SA. Please sir, have my beans and bestow your blessings upon me. I am nothing. I am less than nothing. Two years = the infinity bandit! There can be only one.



Offence not taken m8. Good try however :)

Why offended of being Newbie anyway? Blessed MoD had more players than DAYZ SA and without that blessed mod ,there wouldn't be DAYZ SA . Most importantly, without ARMA there wouldn't be DAYZ MOD OR DAYZ SA. More and more  without OFP series, there wouldn't be anything at all.

You are calling it a New GAME just because you've never played or know about OFP and ARMA Series. I'm not sorry just because i have more experience. 


/cry me a river boi.

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=

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New players

1.Look for a server with a decent amount of people (clueless to the fact that loot in dayz does not respawn)

2. Spawn into game. Find out its night time. Join a different server

3. Run to first group of houses they see from their spawn (unaware of the fact that that there are only a select few spawn locations in dayz, and that those houses more than likely have already been looted by other fresh spawns)

4. Spend 40 minutes looking in dozens of houses that have already been looted finding absolutely nothing but a rotten kiwi and banana

5. Quit

6. Tell themselves that they will give it another try down the road when future patches come out (I have 14 friends on my steam  list who all have <1 hour total time played of dayz)



Experienced players

1. Spawn

2 .Realize you spawned too far from anywhere good and look for nearest place to kill yourself.

3. Repeat step two four more times.

4. Finally respawn somewhere good, run directly to the games pre-set gun spawn locations

5. Get unlucky, find nothing, server-hop to a low populated server that has just been recently restarted so you can claim all the loot before anyone else.

6.Gear up

7. Join high populated server

8.. Pvp

9. Die

10. Repeat


Hardcore players

Spend hours running through the woods pretending they are having a good time





admittedly you probably got points 1 to 4 right in the New Players bit.

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#1 turn off mobile close window for zero neighbour disturb and tell my dad 'Do not disturb please for 2 hour' and close door for zero papa disturb :thumbsup:  :)


#2 make self comfortable put headphones check volume etc




#4 join game in safe place I logging out check gear situation did game glitch eat backpack again? :huh:


#5 decide what is plan for next 2 hour is collect supplies? maybe I need to focus on health of character? or maybe I having everything no looting is need is player hunting time :thumbsup:  :ph34r:


#6 play and loving every second NO MATTER WHAT IS HAPPEN LIVE OR DIE :D


#7 when 2 hour is finish find safe place like before away from town and in good position for see around with nice place for hide and logging out ;)


#8 check forums and enjoy RAGE QQ topic same like this one from guys who don't manage to enjoy game like I doing  :D

Edited by KoS

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You're one of the Holy Ones... From BEFORE? Please master, tell us about this Blessed Mod you speak of and how it's exactly like the stand alone us wee mortals have only been experiencing for 2 months. Please sir, I beg of you... Neeeeed to know what it was like. I'm just a lowly grub of a newbie worm who never partook of the Blessed Mod and have only 140 hours in this not a new game SA. Please sir, have my beans and bestow your blessings upon me. I am nothing. I am less than nothing. Two years = the infinity bandit! There can be only one.


more eloquent that i was planning on being. i, too, love how people think that playing the mod makes their opinion superior to us 2-percenter assholes who bought a game we wanted to play that was a mod before it was a full game.


everyone likes to feel important i guess

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Funny cuz we Americans hear the same thing about those russian and german players....


Aren't predjudices fun?


True, but as I said "from what I've heard", didn't stated that it is that way^^ And I heard the same about russian servers, but...shhhhhh....don't bring KoS to this thread, he will destroy us :D

And I can only speak from the german servers I was on, but normally there are a lot of nice people there (and a solid amount of chars that are played as psychos, killers, etc. like on every dayZ server in the whole world ;)). Just don't say that you are from the US. They will think you are a triggerhappy cowboy (aaaaah the prejudices again ;))

And as I said, I have been KoSd and PoSd a lot, no matter which country the server was from....and on the UK server I met 2 germans, one from latvia and one from france ;)

Maybe...hm...canadian servers as friendly alternative? :) But my ping would suck there...




Edit: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooo KoS is here....damn! XD Hopefully he doesn't see our posts....

Edited by LaughingJack
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When I play it goes a bit like the Hardcore suggested, although I genuinely enjoy sightseeing. The map is beautiful and I use an online map (which I consider to be a light kind of cheating but useful now during alpha when I really just want to check everything out) to find places I haven't been to and go check them out. I have been pretty much all over the map by now, with few exceptions. I can say that watching the sun go down from the top of Devil's Castle is spectacular.


I spawn wherever, and the first thing I do is orient myself on the map. Either I recognize the place from before, or I look for a road sign telling me the name of the nearest towns.


After that I try to find food and a bandage just in case, and hopefully a melee weapon. After I've gotten myself up to "healthy" or close, I start traveling. Every place that I pass by I check the loot spots for anything useful, basically food, drink or a backpack. I also change clothes to get more slots.


Then I just keep traveling. Picking up useful things along the way. Stopping by the occasional water pump to refill my water container. Hopefully I find a weapon to defend myself with. If I pass an airfield or military base I will take a quick look if it looks deserted and if I do it's a "quick in - quick out" and then I travel again.


When I log out I find a safe spot where few players will be passing by and log there. Either under a pine tree or in an upstairs room in a house, or something like that.


I very much enjoy my little forest walks during daytime, and when nighttime comes I navigate in the dark, watching the treeline against the nightsky (I have gamma at about 30% or less). The rest of the time I spend experimenting with the game, testing the different types of gear in game and such. When I find a bug I take a few screenshots if possible and report or upvote on the feedback page.


Occasionally I'll run with a couple of friends, and we've mostly focused on looting so far, although they have been doing other things when I haven't been on.


I meet the occasional person, and depending on what I feel like I'll make contact or not. I've stopped and talked to fresh spawns, once joined up with a guy who later met up with a couple of friends of his and we ran together for a while until I got lost and couldn't find them. Once I was hiding (on experimental) in a house in the middle of night, when I saw a flashlight flicker outside the windows for a while. I stayed quiet and sat there with my rifle aimed at the door. The person never came in.


Basically I'm using the alpha to get a good idea of what the game might be when it's finished. Taking my time to test all the new stuff and so on. Later when the game is more "complete" I might change my playstyle radically, depending on who I run with mainly.


I might be considered a "hardcore" player. I mostly use 1pp even on regular servers. I don't hop, unless a server I'm on shuts down.


To each their own.

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New players

1.Look for a server with a decent amount of people (clueless to the fact that loot in dayz does not respawn)

2. Spawn into game. Find out its night time. Join a different server

3. Run to first group of houses they see from their spawn (unaware of the fact that that there are only a select few spawn locations in dayz, and that those houses more than likely have already been looted by other fresh spawns)

4. Spend 40 minutes looking in dozens of houses that have already been looted finding absolutely nothing but a rotten kiwi and banana

5. Quit

6. Tell themselves that they will give it another try down the road when future patches come out (I have 14 friends on my steam  list who all have <1 hour total time played of dayz)



Experienced players

1. Spawn

2 .Realize you spawned too far from anywhere good and look for nearest place to kill yourself.

3. Repeat step two four more times.

4. Finally respawn somewhere good, run directly to the games pre-set gun spawn locations

5. Get unlucky, find nothing, server-hop to a low populated server that has just been recently restarted so you can claim all the loot before anyone else.

6.Gear up

7. Join high populated server

8.. Pvp

9. Die

10. Repeat


Hardcore players

Spend hours running through the woods pretending they are having a good time


Well said nothing to add really. Except the fact that there isnt much more to do in game atm. Theres no Z swarms to fight. Theres no hunting and cooking rabbit stew etc. Theres just looting and pvp as i see it...

Edited by MangoX

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Op you clearly suck at this game, I've played the mod sines it was in alpha for crying out load. Never spawn and kill your self people think there saving time which is total bs there's no time saved, trust me.

Don't loot single houses only loot key buildings in side the major city's and military buildings. You also said something about night time servers, the server browser tells you the time of day. 10-19 is day time.

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