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Respawning zombies and loot?

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In dayz alpha, loot and zombies do not respawn. At all. The only way loot and zombies can be spawned into the world is if the server admin physically shuts down/restarts the server resulting in every player being disconnected.


So officially hosted bohemia servers with 40/40 players you should stay far away from because there is no admin available to manually restart them. So what happens is the server just runs for a month without ever being restarted.. This baffles me because you can wipe the entire map of every zombie and loot within just a few hours with 40 players..Nevermind an entire month


Personally i find this unacceptable.. And dean hall doesn't think this is a priority?? It makes the game unplayable.. Whats a survival zombie game without any zombies.. or food to survive?


I think they really need to make zombies and loot respawning as the number one priority.. Dean hall said they are trying to discover a better way than "unrealistic" loot respawning.. Ok thats fine and all, but whats even less realistic than respawning loot is servers being forced to restart every hour just so we can have zombies in a zombie game. If there was a more realistic method of spawning loot into a video game than every video game would have been using that method for the last 15 years..Get real.. In the meantime while dean hall ponders ways to make new zombies arrive to chernarus in a taxi-cab, spare us the bull*** and just give us respawning zombies already!


-If you ever go into an "experimental" server with 50/50 players, within two hours there is not a single zombie or piece of loot remaining anywhere.. It leaves you with nothing to do but punch other people in the head or find another server

Edited by Spinnyd223
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Zombies have new respawn system in 0.42

Tons of loot up in the north but you are too lazy to get your ass there and instead loot the coast. Wheres the logic?

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in a server with 50/50 players even loot far up north is gone in a short period of time as well.. If loot or zombies don't respawn the server becomes a ghost town in a number of hours.


Lets all force ourselves to run hours through the woods just to fit dovi's perfect image of a well disciplined dayz player.. Get off your high horse man. Theres a difference between laziness and logic

Edited by Spinnyd223

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If you didn't starve so fast, running North is a good bypass to the instant looting of the coast on a full server.


UNFORTUNATELY, you'll be dying of starvation by the time you get to a town with a chance of beans.


btw op you are a bit hostile

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If you didn't starve so fast, running North is a good bypass to the instant looting of the coast on a full server.


UNFORTUNATELY, you'll be dying of starvation by the time you get to a town with a chance of beans.


btw op you are a bit hostile

Aww did i hurt the hello kitty fans' feewings? Im hostile? Ill show you hostile (holsters sks and lifts up fists)

Edited by Spinnyd223

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agreed with better respawn on Loot and zombies, but remember there are glitches like wallhacking zombies, that should be fixed first. 


ITs a Alpha. no need to rush everything, what we need are vehicles atm, running is just too slow :P 

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Better respawns? Im not trying to be sour saying it like "ohhh no loot and zombies spawn"


I mean LITERALLY.  loot and zombies do not respawn at ALL unless the server is restarted on an hourly or bi-hourly basis.


So official servers that do not have active admins do not have any loot or zombies in them after a very short period of time. Especially if the server has 50 players in it.. The loot and zombies get wiped clean extremely fast.


Which pretty much makes the game unplayable because you have to manually take the time to "guess" join each server hoping that it has an active admin and/or has been restarted recently.


Personally i find this absurd.. The fact that they would even release an alpha build without respawning loot and zombies baffles me. I've already written a letter to the president

Edited by Spinnyd223

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It is true, I am playing on a server wich is automatically restarting every 4 hours so there is always some stuff around and I didnt run into that problem, but I can imagine it is pretty annoying. And even on that server I am sticking around north and rarely find pristine stuff, somebody allready changed it for his damaged equipment.


Actually, when we are allready speaking about vehicels, how do we manage spawning those? How do we avoid overfilling the world with them or not finding any?

Edited by Viner Cent

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I like this guy, read his other replies. Another honest,realistic lad rather than licking candy bars and get hyped pretty quick. He may not look as positive supportive guy ,but has a point and rely on facts.

Facts are more important even if they are negative , rather than replying " HEY AWESOME I LOVE THE DEVS"  and trying to make it look like you and them are friends lol.


Spit it out dude :) You are right, but prolly Devs are working on a better system in meantime and not ready to throw more content or fixes around just yet due to impossibility. (which is BS)

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=

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OP, you're not saying anything the devs don't already know, and are working to fix. Completely pointless thread.

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They are working to fix? Dude do you even read the dev blogs and/or listen to dean halls interviews or twitter feed? He casually blew off loot respawning saying something along the lines of they are exploring methods of making loot respawn in a realistic manor, he said this alongside other things like "Underground cure research labs" and "building your own house" pshh


My impression was that it is not a major priority on their to do list.. And why would it be? Dayz mod hasnt had respawning loot/zombies for the last two years.. You are just another one of those defensive people who say "THEY ARE FIXING ITTT!!!!11".. When? Where? Please show me.. Because i been hearing the exact same thing for the past two years.


It seems like dean hall and the dayz team is just apparition that doesn't even exist.. How does dean know our concerns? He sure as hell never adressed any of them in the mod.. and he sure as hell never responded to me.. I guess he fancies himself as better than us and we are not worth his time..


Flame me all you want but at least in warz you can message the owner sergey and get an actual personal response from him as well as interact 1 on 1 with all the other devs in the forums. I've personally changed numerous aspects of the game WARZ by myself just by starting popular topic topics resulting in a new Vote poll being started in the actual launcher of the game itself within a matter of days. Dayz team just seems non-existent.. Like a fairytale


As a long time supporter of the mod and now the alpha build, Myself and many others (on these forums) have been addressing our concerns to the mod for the last two years and never has a single user-created concern ever been adressed in a patch or new build. In fact it would be the exact opposite, there would be new patches that would fly directly in the face of the fans doing the exact opposite of what we wanted.. Dean hall is the kind of guy that gets defensive when people bring up bugs and issues and just turns his back on anyone who tries and give him advice.


So the "They are working on it" quote wares over time.. Two years in development and we have a motorcycle helmet to show for it


I remember everyone always saying "It will be fixed in standalone" "It will be sorted in standalone" and after TWO years standalone finally came out not a single thing was changed.

Edited by Spinnyd223

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they have a  basic zombie respawn system in place while they work on a better one.  The loot i agree with though.  I think there should at least be a basic one in place like the basic respawn system for zombies now.  The system thats used right now(manual restart) isn't the system they're going to keep, they just need to figure out how they want it to work.  It is pretty annoying having to wait for restarts though.  Even when you try to take someones gear, half the time it all gets ruined, so its not like the items just hop from player to player as they die because no one can use ruined items

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Respawning loot should indeed be a priority.


However, I really couldn't care less if zombies respawn currently.  As I see it now, zombies exist solely to keep people from complaining that there aren't any zombies in a zombie game.  Their place-holder code is so broken that the game honestly wouldn't be any worse if they were left out all together(jk, it'd be better).  Now that's not to say that BIS shouldn't be working out a way to make zombies spawn in an immersive fashion, but I don't see what the appeal is to having completely broken zombies everywhere.

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We need re spawning loot asap! Also, zombies should be fixed tired of them walking through walls or getting hit under stairs.

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I really don't know where this 2 years number keeps coming from, the alpha was release late last year unless you count the mod as being part of the standalone, which it isn't. 
Respawning Zombies have been on experimental since .37 and the loot respawning system is planned but need to be properly balanced, I can see particular issues with that happening due to issues of some spawn points being out of place.  I don't understand why there is such demand for respawning loot. there is a butt ton on the servers now (experimental which has less then current stable imo) and I sincerely hope it get reduced when the respawn system is put in place.


On a side note, claiming that "many others" feel the same way really points out the lack of support for your point of view imo, for if there was "many others" then there would be "many more" responses to this thread, this is the internet and people have never had an issue with speaking up around here.


Edit: the main reason I don't mind the current loot situation is because I take care and think about where to go instead of mindlessly running about, on several occasion's I've found building's that are "worthless" or "don't spawn" loot which are in fact rather good stashes of assorted items, best thing is no matter how looted out a server is people just run by and starve to death while I'm loaded with food.


If your primary concern is actually gun's then I think your going to be in for a shock when having a mosin + lrs will be as rare as an M4 and half the server is using bows and crossbows as weapons.

Edited by Window Licker

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Wow dude everything I see in your posts is just you shitting on people. Your social life must be incredible.

Loot respawn will be in the game and Im pretty sure you knew that so dont create this stupid threads. This is not a forum where you complain that things do not develop fast enough for your needs.

If you are not happy with DayZ right now GTFO.

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@ op,  this game is in alpha. what you find unaceptable is not important. every time you play the game, you click to accept the message at the start

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Wow dude everything I see in your posts is just you shitting on people. Your social life must be incredible.

Loot respawn will be in the game and Im pretty sure you knew that so dont create this stupid threads. This is not a forum where you complain that things do not develop fast enough for your needs.

If you are not happy with DayZ right now GTFO.


Edited by Spinnyd223

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so anyway I got this game 2 days ago and in that space of time I've found some good gear including a mosin, but when I lost connection to the server I quit, refreshed the server list and entered a different server and then found I was a fresh spawn on the coast near kamyrovo when i was last over at balota, so all my gear was gone and time was wasted, I hope this is a bug that will soon be fixed cause it's done this 6 times already after I find a gun, it seems that guns and food and water are scarce in this game at the moment cause I can walk for an hour and find absolutely nothing, if anyone has any info on the next update and when it's going to be released please do share

p.s. this is the standalone i'm talking about

Edited by Markour parkour

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It seems like dean hall and the dayz team is just apparition that doesn't even exist.. How does dean know our concerns? He sure as hell never adressed any of them in the mod.. and he sure as hell never responded to me.. I guess he fancies himself as better than us and we are not worth his time..


I wish Dean responded to me every time I needed something. :) He's kinda busy.


But to address the topic, we are of course aware that loot is not respawning. It is being worked on, but it's not a simple thing to implement without causing major stress on the servers - there is a lot of tweaking that needs doing.

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Personally i find this unacceptable.. And dean hall doesn't think this is a priority?? It makes the game unplayable.. Whats a survival zombie game without any zombies.. or food to survive?

what is realism with infinity? unreal. nothing is infinite.

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what is realism with infinity? unreal. nothing is infinite.

Ok einstein.. what are the alternatives?? Restarting server every hour? Wake up.. loot not respawning doesn't work no matter what you argue

Edited by Spinnyd223

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I dont care, spinny.
do whatever you want.

-leave it the way it is now.
-let loot respawn after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, after an hour.
-disbalance the loot even more than it is now.
-server hopping.
-restarting server every hour.

all the same for me, my goal in this game is not to be first in anything, fed up with beans, an 480 round box and two m4s on my body.
whatever will be done will change little the way I play, looking for loot is secondary for me.

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