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The truth about heroes, bandits, survivors, KOS, and friendlies.

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As much as I disagree with your own choice of playstyle, and the fact I almost quit reading after seeing "11k humanity in the mod", Im glad I didn't. Excellent list, and despite your interjecting a 'good guy' overtone to the opening I concur that this ought to be a sticky in the new players forum. Everything on this list is relevant and solid knowledge regardless of which path you choose to walk in the game.


Beans where beans are due.



First and foremost, I appreciate you giving my post a chance and I am glad you enjoyed it. To follow up a bit: 


No "good guy" overtone intended. Only posting my style/experience as a player. I played on a PVP Private Hive server in the Mod where I was a bandit with -350,000 humanity. I think whether you're a bandit or a hero or somewhere in between (as most people are), you should embrace the aspect of DayZ which makes it most unique: Player interaction. PVP in CS:Go or Battlefield takes nothing more than mechanical skills. Properly moving your mouse and keyboard in unison, and using your brain to outwit your opponent on the battlefield. Those are all valuable skills in any first person shooter, DayZ included... But DayZ has the added element of a single man/woman braving the elements and transversing the terrain to survive for as long as possible and make the most of his/her life. This takes a different kind of strategy, intelligence, and skill. If your only skill is putting bullets into bodies, then you're only experiencing a small fraction of what DayZ has to offer. 

You may be an Ace at firing your DMR from a hill... but is that really how you want to play this game? Just wracking up as high of a kill count as possible? (Not suggesting you do.. just posing some rhetorical food for thought.)


It's possible to be a bandit and still interact with people.. In fact, I have a lot of respect for bandits who actually take advantage of the RP elements inherent to the game. Of course, nobody HAS to play that way.. If people wanna run around death matching, that's fine. But I think they're doing themselves and others around them a disservice by not observing the finer points of DayZ. 


Just ask yourself this.. What would you rather watch in a YouTube video? A montage of a guy shooting 20 people with a Mosin.... Or a rag-tag group of bandits holding up various different players, taking their valuables, then executing them (or not)? Maybe they set up an ambush for a vehicle.. Maybe they run into a hero and take survivors hostage to get the hero to sacrifice himself. However they go about it, the dialogue and drama that ensues is certainly more entertaining to me, personally, than watching some guy shoot randoms.


Anyway, bottom line is, I am not suggesting that people play as a good guy or bad guy.. I'm saying, most of us are somewhere in between those two extremes. Hero and Bandit should be the bar(s) that we are attempting to live up to. Whichever way you want to go is up to you, but both are a far cry from "KOS spawn camper".


It takes a lot of knowledge of the game, confidence in yourself, charisma, and BALLS, to walk up to someone you do not know and demand they submit to you in a game where ego is as big of a factor as anything else. To ask someone to leave themselves vulnerable and let you have your way with them takes more skill than holding down the trigger on your virtual M4 and spraying 30 rounds at anything that moves in front of you.


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether you're a hero or a bandit or a KOS kiddie, as long as you're enjoying yourself and having fun. I've tried most different play styles and personally, playing as an Arch Angel of sorts, is what does it for me. I enjoy settling scores. I feel it's the duty of the strong to protect the weak. You don't have to agree or play this way.. I just encourage you (and anyone else) to play in a way that makes the most out of what the game has to offer.

Edited by Etherimp
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All of it is useful - in no way would I dispute that. The only reason I felt compelled to reply to this thread in the first place was that I consider the overall theme of these 20 rules of thumb to be promoting a particular sort of playstyle, and some people were touting it as a definitive list for all new players to follow - and I don't agree with that in principle. I just wanted to point out that there are other ways to play the game that don't require following these suggestions at all.



The current character I have on the 3PP public hive, has been alive for over a month and has taken the lives of well over 10 other players. To be honest, I've lost count. Most of them have been justified, and some have not. I have survived a gunshot wound where I went unconscious and my attacker wasn't wise enough to double tap me and finish me off... or remove all of my firearms/ammo and revive me. Either way.. I survived and still survive, on the same character, for OVER A MONTH... And I spend a lot of time at military bases, Elektro, Berezino, etc.. I've been all over the map and I do it generally on more populated servers. I've helped several people, and hurt a few as well. On the Experimental server, I haven't died once, and those servers are almost always heavily populated. I've also survived gunshot wounds there, and if it wasn't for a friend I made earlier that day in Berezino, I would have been dead.. He killed my attacker and saved my life. 


I am not espousing that anyone pick one play style over another. If people want to run to elektro as fresh spawns and PVP one another with baseball bats.. Or just run around the map all day looting stuff.. That's up to them. Personally I find those playstyles either boring or unrewarding and I believe DayZ has much more to offer as a game and form of entertainment. I'm suggesting people think outside of the box and stop blaming KOS or bandits for their deaths. I am suggesting that Bandits/KOSers stop labeling heroes as whining pussies and carebears. I am suggesting that people consider we're all somewhere in between and that while there's no "right" or "wrong" way to play the game as far as "morals" go.. There certainly are tactics that ANY player, hero or bandit, can employ which will help them make the most out of their time in the game. 


Human beings are not "good" or "evil".. Human beings have the capacity for both, equally. What you choose to show to others is your choice. 


The "rules of thumb" are just that.. Rules of thumb. If you want to completely disregard everything I said, feel free to do so. But next time you see that black "You are dead." screen, I want you to ask yourself if anything stated on my list could have been applied to that situation in order to avoid your death. I've learned these rules by seeing that "You are dead." screen many times. That's why I posted this.. To help others learn from my mistakes. Especially people who had no experience in the Mod.

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Then we are all agreed! What a happy place this is.


Now I'm just off to run around Berezino firing my Shotgun in the air and shouting rude things into direct chat.

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Then we are all agreed! What a happy place this is.


Now I'm just off to run around Berezino firing my Shotgun in the air and shouting rude things into direct chat.



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Dat OP  o.O


..it just keeps scrolling. So long, no way can read.

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meh, play for enjoyment and enjoyment only, how ever that comes about!

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This is good stuff.  Would like to see it pinned as well, but in two sections.  The first discussion should be a "DayZ Philosophy" post and the second section a "List of DayZ Rules To Live & Die By"


Well done OP.  

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Please do not report the post only to suggest it being pinned. 

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# 89: If they say "Friday", it actually means "Next Wednesday"



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Please do not report the post only to suggest it being pinned. 



How would people suggest it be pinned, then? 

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How would people suggest it be pinned, then? 

By commenting. It says during the report process not to use the report function as a method of communicating with Moderators. 

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By commenting. It says during the report process not to use the report function as a method of communicating with Moderators. 



Ah! My apologies. Maybe I have this forum confused with another, where people would report posts to be stickied. My bad.

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You could probably add another tip


- Always check that you have ammo in your guns.

I made a mistake one time :(


and possible, try to stick with camo'ed (usually green) clothing. Nothing's worse when your red sweater is clearly seen in the bushes.

Edited by Marxx

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Well, Ive played a good 30 hours of the game, each time I meet anyone with a gun they instantly kill me. Today, i was exploring an office buidling in Berezino and got instantly shot by some guy. People dont even talk, they just instantly kill you. And the thing is, I always am on low pop servers, I cant even imagine how many times this will happen on high pop servers

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guys who killing you are focus 100% on survive at all cost  :thumbsup:  :ph34r:


they are winner B)


you need to change approach STOP TO DIE EVERY TIME ;)

Edited by KoS

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Problem is there are not many things to do atm in game other than getting gear up and look for someone to kill. There are not enough survival, pve elements or RP elements , so fully basic pvp.

Biggest anti-social game ever atm as no purpose at all you have at its current stage rather than runing thousand kms and hundred times cherna tour all around in circles.


If you are over 18 , come along on our TS3 and servers so you can group up with us. We don't shoot on sight unless we see well armed groups.


TS3 adress: fr01.gameservers.com:9510 and our site www.1para.com

Edited by =1PARA=Prime=C.O=

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