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WTF are with the Books?

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my personal favorite is the call of cthullu I like to put the book on fallen foes. I wish we had some coins we could put on the eyes.

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Thanks for all the replies.  To those of you who feel the need to flame, I'm not against books at all.  I just didn't see the point of having the books in a video game.  It seems silly to me to log into a video game, and use my virtual character to read a book, when I could jsut read the book myself and leave the PC turned off.  Seems like many of you just ignore them, a few actually read them, and others are looking for other uses.  Just wanted to see what the general consensus was. 


PS - I agree that it would be useful if the books actually pertained to character development, such as in Fallout, etc. 

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I would like the idea of the implementation of a mental-health skill. This game is about survival, right? Ever read or seen "The road"? It's as important to keep your body in shape as your mind. For a person like me, growing up in a "civilized" world, books could help me keeping my mind healthy.


EDIT: It would be easy to implement to change the status of books to "consumables". It'd be like beans that you can read it in parts, like 5% each time. Each reading will bring your mental-health up towards stable. If you have read a certain book you can't use the same title again. Books could also replenish after a certain time by themselves. Everyone of those classics can be re-read after some time.

It would encourage the sharing of books, cause you can't carry them all, which would lead to more player interaction.

Edited by Kassander

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Until someone merges both threads, here my reply from the other thread:




Reason 1: Realism. Wherever (modern) humans live (or used to live) you'll find books. Is it necessary that you can read them in a game? Sure it's not. But is it a problem? No. If you do not want to read them, just don't do it and ignore them. The devs had to add books anyways, so why not use existing literature? Reason 2: Try to bring "classic" literature closer to the people. In my opinion it is a nice idea to implement them in a computer game.



From a psychological point of view, in an apocalyptic situation (being a lone survivor) you would propably carry many books with you and read them in a desperate try to satisfy your human need of communication and socialization. If you don't have anyone to talk to, you'll use storys and fantasy to create something like a "social life". Also, just keep in mind how many people carry for example a bible wherever they go. "Reading" and "Literature" is an important part of many peoples lives and has a significant impact on psyche. 


Apart from that, at a later point in time books will have practical use. For example use the paper to write on or make fire.



Yes! Being a student of economics, I tak great pleasure in reading Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations"...

Edited by DerDuderich

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 Is it really so your character has something to do when nothing else is going on?



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why are there two of these post....

Only 2? Books deserve 100 million trillion gazillion posts.

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doublepost - sorry -

Edited by Kassander

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I would like to see some informational books - cosmology would be nice, not that im a fan of standard cosmology but its more entertaining then moby dick

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The only issue I have with the books, is that there is way to many of them and take up spots that other items could spawn at.

There is no need for the amount of books that are in DayZ atm.

I would honestly like them to be somewhat rare, but thats just me.

I would change this to:

The only issue I have with the guns, is that there is way to many of them and take up spots that other items could spawn at.

There is no need for the amount of guns that are in DayZ atm.

I would honestly like them to be somewhat rare, but thats just me.

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I didn't actually realize that those were "real" books with actual content. 


Now I only need to wait till weather actually affects your character and fireplaces are in the game so that I can 

snuggle up on a nice fire with a book in my hand and wait for the rain to pass... Which brings me to an idea:


Hey devs! Could you please implement the ability to brew earl grey tea? That'd be great. Thanks!


Honestly though: While I wouldn't read them ingame, I very much like that there are books in DayZ as it makes

Chernarus feel more alive and the fact that you can read them adds to the immersion.


Maybe there will be that one player who wants to read a whole book in DayZ, then gets shot just before finishing and after

respawn spends his whole time desperately trying to find that one book again, scavaging every house on the server :D

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I would like to see some informational books - cosmology would be nice, not that im a fan of standard cosmology but its more entertaining then moby dick


Bite thy tongue ye wretched bilge rat!!


Though I agree, some science books would be cool.


It'd be especially cool if there were more practical books such as the 'Translation' book I've heard about.


I'd like to see an anarchist cookbook of sorts that has some different crafting recipes that you could then use in game. Perhaps in the future.

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Hello there


A mod has merged the posts. Dunno who, dunno when, but it should all be squished together here now.





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Make your own flak vest by stuffing your shirt with books!


Also, they must have been very quick to implement, free (they're all from Project Gutenberg), and only require a single 3D model with various, simple textures. They're a fun detail, that didn't require any resources to speak of to put in, so why the hell not?

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Might be cool to find "books", or other notes, diaries, etc. that explain or develop a back story to the apocalypse.  That would be neat.

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I would change this to:

The only issue I have with the guns, is that there is way to many of them and take up spots that other items could spawn at.

There is no need for the amount of guns that are in DayZ atm.

I would honestly like them to be somewhat rare, but thats just me.


Soon, be patient you will get you wish.

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There's already a Morgan Freeman, I'm sure there will be a Denzel Washington soon and people will be looking for his book.

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It's great to have books in the game, because if you're playing hardcore and on a server with a 1:1 time ratio (ie not server hopping, not playing on a fixed time of day server, not turning gamma up to see better in the dark) and you decide to wait for dawn, it's less boring if you have a book to read. Keeps you from going crazy with boredom.


Also if they can be used to light fires in the future that's neat too.


And if they introduce the need to take a dump and piss every now and then you can wipe your ass with the pages.


Yay for books!  :thumbsup:

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Books will have a use in the future.

Books have a use since they've been invented. Turn off you computer for once and find out!
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Putting books in ones game could be interpreted as "My game is so boring most of the time I'd better put in something actually entertaining..."

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2) in a post apocalyptic survival situation, should I really be tying my inventory slots up with BOOKS that I can't eat, bandage myself with, or use to kill an enemy?

I use a Bible as Armor in my Pullover =)

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Books are great armor against stupidity but not against bullets...at least before Twilight, 50 Shades or other girls masturbation fantasies. I tried once. 7.62x39 goes through unimpressed and .357 Magnum rips things apart. And I'm talking about 300 pages. I guess an AK round will deal with the whole Cullen "I'll sparkle in sunshine" lot saga easily like a silver bullet with a werewolf. Unless this book is made of kevlar it won't stop anything bigger than birdshot.

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Just in passing - this is a VERY GOOD SELECTION OF BOOKS - I'm impressed. I wonder who got this list of out-of-copyright books together?

Respect to that person.


For instance "After London" - I could have sworn I was the only person who had ever read that book in the last 70 years.

And the Mahabarata ? Too cool, too cool...


I could even suggest one or two additions, but this is an absolutely excellent selection. Made me laugh to see the titles, such GREAT choices.

Well done, Bohemia. Kudos. I'm surprised no one so far gave you a tip of the hat for it..

And its a free extra in Dayz..

Anything you read in there is worth reading.


Go sit in a bush.


xx pilgrim

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Books in your inventory = bullet proof.


Books = materials to start a fire.

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