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Banned for being a dud

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Northyy, you cant expect to come in here and let honesty wash away your sins like some kind of text baptism.

Take it bitch

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Idk how I'm an asshole for having an opinion. I guess were all assholes for having opinions according to sarahbram

( if you couldn't tell, this is a joke. Stop throwing insults around.)

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Edited by lrish
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Idk how I'm an asshole for having an opinion. I guess were all assholes for having opinions according to sarahbram

( if you couldn't tell, this is a joke. Stop throwing insults around.)

I actually don't agree fully with you but on some points i do, however the reason i called you an arsehole is because you came up with various assumptions about a person you haven't actually tried having a civil conversation with beforehand.


Oh wait, i just did the same, oh my, how awful, no wait, i actually was born this way, i don't care.

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Shhhh Wēland, go make some armor or something

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Lol. I guess its a pretty poor metaphor.

So the guy swinging the gun around like an idiot is the guy with the hacks (northyy)

The guy pointing the gun up is just a normal player.

The gun is the hacks.

The regular guy pointing the gun up can find and use the hacks, but doesn't, and plays it safe.

The guy swinging the gun around knows where the hacks are, so he could use them (shot you with the gun.

Sorry about my poor metaphors :P

Im done with the insults by the way. It was my way of entertainment there for a minute lol.

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ahah well may as well say i hacked

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Lol. I guess its a pretty poor metaphor.

So the guy swinging the gun around like an idiot is the guy with the hacks (northyy)

The guy pointing the gun up is just a normal player.

The gun is the hacks.

The regular guy pointing the gun up can find and use the hacks, but doesn't, and plays it safe.

The guy swinging the gun around knows where the hacks are, so he could use them (shot you with the gun.

Sorry about my poor metaphors :P

Im done with the insults by the way. It was my way of entertainment there for a minute lol.


Alright.. see it took me a minute, but I got it. But now, your clarification has just severely effed my head again. :D


I mean I was fine with thinking you were just stating that a guy swinging a gun wildly around is less trustworthy than a guy who is controlled and holding it at a resting position with the barrel pointed safely towards the sky. 


But now you tell me the gun was the hacks? ...Ill never figure this one out. Ever. 


You win. I tap out.. :P


Edited by lrish

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Seems to be alot of misinformation here, let the man learn from his lesson.  He says a year ago which means a ban on Arma 2 OA from BE not SA.  Just make another steam account and you will be fine to play the game again, if you go back to your original account to play games on it, the steam key may revert to your banned key in which case you just reload back.  If you are saying you were banned in A2 OA and are now buying an official copy of Dayz SA you should be fine unless you have rec'd a BE ban on Arma 3 aswell for mistakes like you posted.  Glad you have learned your lesson, may it server you well in the future.  The man made a mistake and learned, I post to help anyone sue me.







There you go, OP. Thanks Steakums.



Perhaps I need to write a guide on how to be constructive when posting on the forums. A lot of you are terrible.

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