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The Ruger MKII Is Coming, But Whats It Like?

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It should be a knockout shot to the head. Then you bleed so much that by the time you wake up and bandage you're practically dead. 2 shots to the head should be required for the kill.

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Oh goodie, another .22 "weapon" for us.


I guess it makes sense since they added a .22 rifle, they may as well throw in a pistol, but where the heck is the AK47?

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the ruger 22, has a ten round magazine attachment that i beleive goes up to 30  IRL


would love a magazine for this weapon


very accurate up to 200m+

we need a sight better than the PU for this though...




and people saying this has no damage potential in game lol

have you fired one? it's epic!

close range you will be destroyed by dat sweet semi auto rate of fire...

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Compared to an M4 or AK?  Essentially useless.


IT was a bizarre addition from both a game perspective and a real one.  How many 10/22 are laying around Russia?

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Compared to an M4 or AK?  Essentially useless.


IT was a bizarre addition from both a game perspective and a real one.  How many 10/22 are laying around Russia?

true true


this will be my default hunting/zombie killing rifle, not my primary defense weapon


ruger collapses into parts for storage and quick readying

it's case is smaller than my laptop practically


if the shotty can fit in my vest/backpack then the ruger better!


1-2 close range should be enough to take out a leg, 2-4 should kill in CQB

headshots obvs one hit kill but kevlar and ballistic armor will STOP a .22 round


in reality the M4 and especially AKS should be one hitters within 300m


on hardcore i survived a full clip spray from m4 and DIDNT EVEN BLEED

ruined gear and inventory took 90% of the damage

Edited by pacific_coast

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I'm not sure about the M4 being a one hitter, but the Ruger could be a cool side gun.  I have shot the charger quite a bit, but really can't say I have fired a 10/22!

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I'm not sure about the M4 being a one hitter, but the Ruger could be a cool side gun.  I have shot the charger quite a bit, but really can't say I have fired a 10/22!

it has more kick to it than you'd think for a squirrel gun

very smooth trigger when you get used to it, i was used to .22 pistol kick but the rifle is something else

the great thing about buying a ruger 10 22 was i already have the p229 and .22 rounds are the cheapest to buy and make

in a ZA i could stock up on .22 cal and trade ammo between the pistol and the rifle


have yet to try out a 10 round mag, have the stock 5 round and at semi auto rof, it's all gone in a flash!

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holy sh*t, just read wikipedia on the .556 nato round, WEAK!




sigh. sigh sigh sigh.

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But will the 10/22 be moddable? There are hundreds of attachments and variants for this weapon. I'm imagining a blued barrel with a wooden stock. But if they incorporate a mil-sim version it could drop parts like the M4 does currently.

Will be an interesting addition to the game either way (whether it makes sense being in that country or not)

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.22LR is a fine round for survival.  Its not a tactical round, and despite the supersonic muzzle velocity, it would be very difficult to drop a player with a single round.  This goes without saying, but tactical gear like helmets and ballistic vests would have a substantially higher survival-rate against .22LR, than a military or hunting round. Perfect for small game, and very personal 1-on-1 situations.



  • low recoil means accurate follow up
  • small physical size of the round should mean you can carry 50-60 rounds per inventory slot
  • very low noise + accurate shots will make it a good round for clearing zombies without giving away your position from hundreds of meters around


  • small round will likely amount to nothing but a nuisance to would-be targets beyond 25 meters
  • relatively small clip makes it a poor secondary in lieu of the FNX or Python
  • unlikely to allow attachments such as RDS or flashlight.


The Ruger MK II has a 10 round magazine; more than the Python and only 5 rnds less than the FNX-45.



And, FYI:

US Military does not use the Ruger MK II, they use the High-Standard HDM.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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It makes sense to have a .22lr, idk if rugers make sense but the .22lr is considered to be a go to survival round.  It can and has been used to hunt animals up to and including whitetail deer (not positive if bigger, but I know deer for sure) with maintaining a 1 shot to kill.  It can easily be used for defense, being that it is so accurate and fast to fire and reacquire or change target, it's small and light so space/rounds is highly,  it can be incredibly quiet, and it's cheap so it's easy to stockpile.


Personally I'd like to see a .22 lever action, because it can fire .22long, .22short, and .22longrifle (lr).  This way there could be more ammo, and selectivity to what weapons it will work with less tactical weapons having a bonus.

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Thats the long barrel version but there is this version with the gemtech supressor . I think on the Mk3 they have a version with the supressor integrated


Just like the FN 45 I hope there is attachments for it



Edited by Duenan

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I think when the weight system is introduced we'll see the real value of the .22 since you'll be able to carry up to 1000rnds of .22 and still have room for other junk where as good luck trying that with 7.62 or 5.56

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What's it like?


-very weak (16% of FNX damage, 40% of blood and shock damage)

-low recoil (1/3 of FNX)

-more accurate than FNX or Magnum (18 vs 27 inches at 25 yards)

-every single one belonged to the best sniper in the American military (?)

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 It can and has been used to hunt animals up to and including whitetail deer (not positive if bigger, but I know deer for sure) with maintaining a 1 shot to kill. 



There's a whole ethical argument with shooting things around deer sized with a .22lr, you won't necessarily kill it, or necessarily kill it immediately. Not gonna go too much into it, but when you shoot something you want it to drop immediately, not run 50 meters and then have it's heart give out, or indeed live for a couple of days and then die of an infection, it's just cruel. 


my experience of shooting has been with kangaroos but I'd say they're comparable in mass to deer, and the smallest round I'd use to ethically shoot a roo sized animal is a .22 hornet, as the extra velocity is more likely to put the poor animal down before it goes through too much pain. 


I'm not against hunting, but all steps should be taken to do it as painlessly as possible. 

Edited by Capo
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It was in the mod, and passed up by anyone who had any other choice of pistol as its damage was like 5.. total. 


No but really, it was very weak damage wise and will only be good if its actually suppressed and no other pistol can be. 

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Shooting a deer or a man with a .22 would be pretty much unethical bleedout/lead poisoning torture, unless you got em in the head from a fairly close to medium range. That being said, its no joke. It will shatter your bones and mess up your internal organs pretty good, especially if you have some vermin popper hollow points. Its a nice easy slow slug that is about the same size as a standard 5.56 NATO round. Here's a pretty good video on the lethality of the .22LR round.


With the way the weapons work currently, it'll probably be a close range, no head protection headshot kill; and a torture or hunting device the rest of the time. ^^

Edited by Hells High

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I'm glad they added in this gun along with the 10/22 even if it is an ex soviet republic.


We need more non-military weapons.

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So, is everyone ready for the ruger 10/22 rifle to be more accurate than the m4 in game?


Yes, I'm poking fun.

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Is it just me or does it actually fire a little to the left when using iron sights. Especially noticeable at shots past 1-2 meters.

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Is it just me or does it actually fire a little to the left when using iron sights. Especially noticeable at shots past 1-2 meters.


Mine fires approximately 2 feet high at 20 m.

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