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GriefSlicer (DayZ)

Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

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Yes, not shooting someone is such a hard playstyle. I mean, you have to use your voice and speak to another person... oooh, the skills involved.

A KoSer is doing half the job a "friendly" does.



In order to be killed on sight you have to be in sight. ;)

That's BS. No matter how you play, as long as we can't hunt and live forever in the woods, you'll have to expose yourself many many times.

Edited by Sooke

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Count me among the converted KoS bastards. I've never played a proper "hero" as most people would classify it, because I'm too driven by self-interest. I suppose my best analogy (for any other PnP nerds) is being Chaotic Neutral on the classic alignment table. I don't even remotely dispute the claim that player interaction is what builds 90% of a memorable experience in DayZ, nor that player interaction in its ideal form should be more in-depth than just slinging lead at each other when popping into view. But, even with that in mind, my earliest habits of acting in self-interest still belied too much trust on fellow players. There was one point where I was still in the early stages of a character, having found some basic clothing and a Mosin (thanks, long barn!) but not a whole lot of survival oriented gear. I did, however, have some extra foodstuffs lying around and ran across a seemingly-friendly player that had plenty of water. It was in our mutual interest to trade a canteen for a bit of nutrition, though I think he took a liking to my Mosin, because even after extensive conversation that led me to believe he was well-intentioned, the last thing that went through my head was an axe-blade...


I don't fault him for it, his survival strategy was clearly better-equipped than mine for that particular situation. I let my guard down, and as far as I'm concerned, he earned whatever gear he got from me by playing a smart social game. But each time something like that happens, it starts to paint an indication within the larger picture that it's a damn-near flawless model for success in survival. There's a cost-benefit relationship at work still, because strange though it may sound coming from a KoS player... The most rewarding KoS experiences/firefights will never be as awesome as the experience of player interactions and everything they can entail.


Nuts, right? A KoS player admitting it's not the ideal way to play? Well, it's the truth. The sad reality, however, is that when I'm running around with half a mind to put a lead slug through someone's forebrain, the only thing that decides the outcome of the interaction is the gunplay skill of the players involved. (Or, y'know, whoever made the most recent blood sacrifice to the RV-Engine-Ballistics Gods. Same diff to the RNG.)


I'll leave you with another interesting analogy I've been chewing over; I don't know just how applicable it is, but remember way back to Biology 101 when ya learned about simple Mendelian genetics, with them funny little Punnet Squares? Think of Player Interaction as a recessive trait-- in order for there to be any interaction, *both* players must be actively seeking a non-KoS engagement. Now, this isn't to also say 'hero' vs. 'bandit,' because there are definitely bandits that don't KoS as well. Holdups and robberies are still interactions, after all, so that's factoring into our little example. Assuming there are two types of players (KoS / Non-KoS) that are classified, that means that even if there were equal numbers of each, only one in four meetings would have a chance at anything other than a straightaway firefight. Miserable odds, yeah? Of that 25%, you still have a pretty good chance that the interaction is going to suck for at least one side, if bandits are involved... and it's even less of a guarantee that those 1-in-4 chances are going to end without a firefight-- it simply means it won't begin with gunfire. A shootout is *always* a possible next step at absolutely any point during an interaction.


So tell me again why you have faith in your fellow man?...

:: puts on his spraypainted tinfoil hat and grabs his M4 ::

I'll be waiting. Over here. With my finger on the trigger. :|

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A KoSer is doing half the job a "friendly" does.



That's BS. No matter how you play, as long as we can't hunt and live forever in the woods, you'll have to expose yourself many many times.

How is that BS? It's true. Always take the long route if it has more cover. If you've exposed yourself "many many times" then there's your issue! You certainly don't have to expose yourself. If you need food or water, visit smaller cities and lone water pumps. It certainly will get better once hunting is in, but it's not impossible at the moment.

I haven't been KOS'd in a LONG time. Why? I stopped looting military bases, stay out cities to the east, and stick to the woods. I recommend playing Hardcore if you don't wanna get KOS'd so much either. Moving tactically, especially when in cities, is much more rewarding when no one can spot you over fences and around corners.

(edited for your edit)

Edited by solodude23

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If you shoot on sight why do you do it?


can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight?


What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight?


Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience?


Should they be ashamed of themselves?



1. Yes, I do SOS or KOS. I do so because Ive played this game since it came out, as well as Arma and that is my roots for this game. When it first started people were very friendly and really gunfights were rare. Then it quickly became a focus for players who grew bored of the survival aspect. I still KOS because quite simply its fun. Playing without PVP is boring, and I would not play Dayz at all if killing others was not present in the game. 


2. My play style has no bearing on my skill in the game. I hope you realize this is true of every player out there. How you play, really is not a barometer for how skilled you are. Ever. It really is a flawed theory if you have considered it for even a moment.. skill does not come from playstyle. It comes from experience and natural abilities. 


3. I do not judge how others play unless it involves cheating or metagaming that gives them a gross advantage. 


4. With each question its becoming more and more apparent that you are not actually asking questions but simply stating your own personal opinion and perhaps you are seeking approval from others? You will not get it from me. I see no point in senseless judgement of others. 


5. Again... your shit is really laughable at this point. Get over yourself and your need to judge others because I presume you got killed once or something.. its in the game, deal with it or move on to another game. Period. 

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People whom KOS, either are paranoid, and don't trust anyone, which is understandable, or lack the creativity to do something... This doesn't mean they suck, more likely, they are better at combat tactics then us Heroes...

Edited by Tumbleweed707

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Anyone who hates KOS or SOS is simply upset.


Why? Well, its part of the game. Its like saying I love playing poker but I really hate cards a lot. 


Also, they often times appear to lack the skills themselves to defend against being KOS by others, so their only recourse is to hit the forums.




It would be nice if people would just sort of man the fuck up and learn from their mistakes or realize that Dayz just must not be for them. It is a survival game based entirely around pvp and pve. Deal with it. 

Edited by lrish
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 It is a survival game based entirely around pvp and pve. Deal with it. 

Exactly, just missing a lot of the pve.  Soon tho, very sooon mwahahahahahahahahaha cough hack wheeze 

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Exactly, just missing a lot of the pve.  Soon tho, very sooon mwahahahahahahahahaha cough hack wheeze 


It is missing a lot of pve... but that is mostly due to the new player base that is learning. You cant get creative in dayz if you do not even know how to drink water or craft items. 


And really the problem is when people get angry about being killed... If not for their anger it would be simple to just, suck it up.. respawn and start playing again. No matter how much content they add in, KOS will still be at the same pace it is now and has been in the mod for a long time.


The only way people can diminish KOS is by not resorting to it themselves if its not their natural play style. 

Edited by lrish

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It is missing a lot of pve... but that is mostly due to the new player base that is learning. You cant get creative in dayz if you do not even know how to drink water or craft items. 


And really the problem is when people get angry about being killed... If not for their anger it would be simple to just, suck it up.. respawn and start playing again. No matter how much content they add in, KOS will still be at the same pace it is now and has been in the mod for a long time. The only way people can diminish KOS is by not resorting to it themselves if its not their natural play style. 

Ya, I knew what I was getting into when I bought the SA.  I played the mod back in it's good days.  The problem, outside of the KoS'ing, is that a lot of players played the easy mode version of the mod that handed out loot like candy and turned it into a strictly pvp match with no survival aspects so that's what they expect here.  Anyway, DayZ is still a pvp game, christ, it'd be like bitching on the BF forums about getting KoS'd.

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People whom KOS, either are paranoid, and don't trust anyone, which is understandable, or lack the creativity to do something... This doesn't mean they suck, more likely, they are better at combat tactics then us Heroes...


what you talking about??? :huh:


koS guys always using imagination creativity for making some kills


example last day I see guy moving in berezino


I don't make instant run to street attack because is stupid and make me target also :huh:


I watch and observe from top floor apartment window ;)


this guy was clever using good system for looting using only back door always closing behind him the door going slow and careful


but I see pattern after 5 minute :)


he going block to block and I realise after he must cross road to start again opposite side so I use imagination to guess best route for him and make ambush plan :thumbsup:  :D


when he inside last house his side of road I moving fast using cover to reach alley next to house opposite him


I going prone inside the bush check the magazine and aim on the alley and waiting :ph34r:


maybe 3 minute after BINGO he coming through :P


I shoot single round into guys head for the win


nice loot he getting for me include LRS and 3 pack of the rice and pristine can opener


guys who don't use brain and doing LAZY A to B running without use cover and make EASY TARGET they are no creative loser who deserve death >:(


I am not paranoiac :)


I trust my friends and all guys who earning I DONT GIVE TRUST OR NOTHING FOR FREE BECAUSE I AM NOT FOOL

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How is that BS? It's true. Always take the long route if it has more cover. If you've exposed yourself "many many times" then there's your issue! You certainly don't have to expose yourself. If you need food or water, visit smaller cities and lone water pumps. It certainly will get better once hunting is in, but it's not impossible at the moment.

I haven't been KOS'd in a LONG time. Why? I stopped looting military bases, stay out cities to the east, and stick to the woods. I recommend playing Hardcore if you don't wanna get KOS'd so much either. Moving tactically, especially when in cities, is much more rewarding when no one can spot you over fences and around corners.

(edited for your edit)

Who said I was getting KoS "so much"? It didn't happened to me over the last 40 hours

I already said it earlier, I'm glad people KoS, it makes my experience thrilling even on low pop server.


For me going into small towns or anywhere near human installations IS exposing yourself.

Let's say you're looting the piano house, how don't you expose yourself when leaving ? That house has no windows on the ground floor, once you're in there's no way to know when it's safe to get out.


You can't have full control of the situation, everywhere, everytime.

Everybody, even the most caution among us, take a lot of risk because there's no other way to survive right now.


I admit it's a lot safer to loot a small town inland but still, you are exposing yourself.

And I do play on harcore servers, that's where I have my "real" character.

I use regular servers to have fun on the coast

Edited by Sooke
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Also, they often times appear to lack the skills themselves to defend against being KOS by others, so their only recourse is to hit the forums.



I somewhat agree with you, players should'nt complain here when they get killed as this ain't carebear online....on the other hand: things look different though if you don't even have a weapon, no backpack and just try to get from the coast to the inland and get ganked by a group of 4 in full mil gear, playing with you like a cat is playing with mice, trying to act tough and call you names... there is nothing you can do except hoping they kill you fast so you can respawn on a (hopefully) better location and actually play the game...and this happened more than once to me in the approx 40hrs I play this game.


I most times tab out when this kind of shit happens, checking back every now and then to see if they are done yet.


I'm pretty sure things will look different once more content will be implemented and I truely hope they will fix the server hopping problem as that might be the main source of the problem.

Once people can't go easy mode anymore to get weapons/ gear/ ammo, things might look a bit different.

Edited by daisho

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I somewhat agree with you, players should'nt complain here when they get killed as this ain't carebear online....on the other hand: things look different though if you don't even have a weapon, no backpack and just try to get from the coast to the inland and get ganked by a group of 4 in full mil gear, playing with you like a cat is playing with mice, trying to act tough and call you names... there is nothing you can do except hoping they kill you fast so you can respawn on a (hopefully) better location and actually play the game...and this happened more than once to me in the approx 40hrs I play this game.


I most times tab out when this kind of shit happens, checking back every now and then to see if they are done yet.


I'm pretty sure things will look different once more content will be implemented and I truely hope they will fix the server hopping problem as that might be the main source of the problem.

Once people can't go easy mode anymore to get weapons/ gear/ ammo, things might look a bit different.

Source of the "problem"?  That's where you go wrong. There is no problem. You may not like being killed right away by some ppl but that is YOUR problem and not THE problem.

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Source of the "problem"?  That's where you go wrong. There is no problem. You may not like being killed right away by some ppl but that is YOUR problem and not THE problem.

Uh, read his post again.  He explained the the problem is not being KoS'd but server hoppers  getting easy gear.  So yes, there is a problem and it's not KoS

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Uh, read his post again.  He explained the the problem is not being KoS'd but server hoppers  getting easy gear.  So yes, there is a problem and it's not KoS

It defines hopping as the source of the perceived problem being KoS. If anything the anti server hopping measures have made it easier to get guns, not harder since not every military spawn you get to is robbed blind yet. Not that curbing guns would matter. I'd still axe people to death just for the lolz.

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2 things:


The argument a lot of KoS'ing players bring up is: this is a sandbox game, everyone should play the game like he wants to play it. Totally legit opinion and I support that wholeheartedly, but on the other hand, with almost everyone running around KoS'Ing, I for example who actually wants to (at least) interact with people before shooting/ getting shot or doing something else, am more or less forced to play the KoS-game as well or stay away from any other human player atm in order to survive (more often/ better). And to play a gamestyle like that I as well could play CoD or some single player game.

2) If you go for the challenge, looking for the thrill and confront equally armed players I support that too wholeheartedly as it's a totally legit way to play the game as said multiple times already, I'm fairly new to the SA, never played the mod before, and in my like 40 hrs into the game, I got shot dead on sight everytime I met another player and soemtimes even got sniped while I most times didn't even have a weapon of any kind and was running around with civilian clothing and a small backpack looking for food.

So these people don't seem to be willing to face a challenge or realism, neither plan to communicate with players in any way.

I assume this is coming from lack of content and the most fun thing for people might be to get some kills under their belt before they lose their gear to another bug/ glitch again, so I still have my hopes up this kind of behaviour will change once more content is implemented.

Maybe I was just unlucky with the people I've met so far on the servers I've played on but in 40 hours of gaming time I. EVERY. TIME. I met another player got killed right away, without any communication upfront...sometimes just 10-20 minutes into the game with no gear/ weapon whatsoever...and 90% of the times I got killed it was by endgame geared solo players or groups of 3-4 engame geared players who then proceeded with making me unconsious/ handcuffing and mocking me.

In around 40 hrs of playing time I've come - so far - across 2 people who did not shoot me on sight.

One was a fresh spawn and new player who asked for help to stop his bleeding and the other one was well a equipped player yesterday I met in Elektro who gave me a helmet and a pistol (as I was fresh spawn and had like nothing). Thank you kind stranger.

As has been stated, once you explore everything and have seen the scenes, the game gets a bit boring because it's lacking content. Once they put in more, this will change.... I hope.

The real challenge is making dynamic events occur that are spontaneous and must be solved on your feet, such as a horde spawing, or a disease breaking out, or massive temperature plummet, or a valuable loot-spawning helicopter crashes where everyone needs to race to get there etc. etc.

The human element of danger makes things unique. Every gun fight is different because you don't know the tactics and skills that will be used against you. AI zombies can only offer so much of a challenge before you fall into a rhythm or tactic to always come out on top.

If they ever add in giant events that could set everyone back unless a lot of cooperation was used, you might encourage more people to help out. Notice I said "more", not "all".

Edit: I've had a lot of instances where people caught me unaware in a high loot area and simply said "put your gun away and leave and we'll be cool". They didn't make me drop it, just unequip it and then I went on my way, without doubling back and trying my luck. Or they allowed me to loot or we traded.

I'm sorry you haven't had that experience, as it is sort of luck.

Edited by Demoth

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Who said I was getting KoS "so much"? It didn't happened to me over the last 40 hours

I already said it earlier, I'm glad people KoS, it makes my experience thrilling even on low pop server.


For me going into small towns or anywhere near human installations IS exposing yourself.

Let's say you're looting the piano house, how don't you expose yourself when leaving ? That house has no windows on the ground floor, once you're in there's no way to know when it's safe to get out.


You can't have full control of the situation, everywhere, everytime.

Everybody, even the most caution among us, take a lot of risk because there's no other way to survive right now.


I admit it's a lot safer to loot a small town inland but still, you are exposing yourself.

And I do play on harcore servers, that's where I have my "real" character.

I use regular servers to have fun on the coast

I wasn't meaning to infer that you get KoS'd a lot, but rather that it's less likely to happen on hardcore in my experience. Gotcha, I hadn't read through the entire thread after seeing it was mostly semi-disguised insults being thrown back and fourth. I agree, if it wasn't for KoS I probably wouldn't find the game thrilling enough at this point to continue playing.


But my point was that if you move slowly, using proper cover, it's much less likely you'll get KoS. Your own experience has apparently backed my point, as you have successfully lived over ~40 hours. My main point still stands: If you get killed on sight, you were in sight. All in all, minimizing the amount of time you are in sight has a direct effect on the likelihood of getting killed on sight.


I never stated that you can play the game without ever exposing yourself or that you have full control of the situation all of the time. That'd be silly. However, from my own experience I know damn well that not everyone plays this carefully, and as a result, they get KoS and post threads about it.  :P

Edited by solodude23
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Really sick of the obsession with discussing KoS. It leads nowhere.



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Really sick of the obsession with discussing KoS. It leads nowhere.




I wish we could have a reasonable discussion about this topic, but it always keeps going around in circles...

Always the same opinions, the same arguments...

Gee, I think people even use the same adjectives to insult each other when their attempts at a calm discussion fails (as it usually does)...

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I wasn't meaning to infer that you get KoS'd a lot, but rather that it's less likely to happen on hardcore in my experience. Gotcha, I hadn't read through the entire thread after seeing it was mostly semi-disguised insults being thrown back and fourth. I agree, if it wasn't for KoS I probably wouldn't find the game thrilling enough at this point to continue playing.


But my point was that if you move slowly, using proper cover, it's much less likely you'll get KoS. Your own experience has apparently backed my point, as you have successfully lived over ~40 hours. My main point still stands: If you get killed on sight, you were in sight. All in all, minimizing the amount of time you are in sight has a direct effect on the likelihood of getting killed on sight.


I never stated that you can play the game without ever exposing yourself or that you have full control of the situation all of the time. That'd be silly. However, from my own experience I know damn well that not everyone plays this carefully, and as a result, they get KoS and post threads about it.  :P

Yeah, I've also noticed a lot less KoS on hardcore servers. When I said I didn't got KoSed for 40 hours that was about my hardcore character.

The regular one is getting fragged all the time.



I think we agree to...agree :)

Edited by Sooke

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Its all about survival. Chances are 10 times bigger you will get KoS by some bastard than he will actually let you be. I allways try to evade encounters but if you have your weapon drawn i will asume you have bad intents and i will shoot.

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Its all about survival. Chances are 10 times bigger you will get KoS by some bastard than he will actually let you be. I allways try to evade encounters but if you have your weapon drawn i will asume you have bad intents and i will shoot.



this is good strategy for survive :beans:


dead guys don't kill  :thumbsup:   ;)

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I have no problem with campers, I enjoy sneaking up on them.  I myself enjoy a good camp site and a beer.


I have a problem with the chumps that server hop into an apartment building in B-Town only to lose the upper hand after failing to finish a target off.  Then ghosting my friend who admittedly was in the same spot too long, but I was glitched under the building and couldn't get inside to clear :(  You can tell this is what happened last night :) and we know hopped and ghosted because we were there for over 30mins sneaking up on another camper we came across in the other appt building.  After I had been sitting still for about 5mins I was shot.. and didn't die (pretty lame aim imo, he hit my pants).  My friend had eyes on the tango and front door of appt complex.


Yeah campers, no problem. Hoppers/Ghosters, Chumps.

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