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Bounty on Brad

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^ True.

 But guys, its a vidoe about a man olaying a video game.


Yes, it's about a nice guy playing a game and sharing it with people who can't buy the game. But the thread's about somebody who actually started an online account and is offering a reward to see the guy offed. I've been playing computer games since Zork and have never seen something like that done. I was amazed when I heard that during Brad's last upload last night. It's a real milestone, love it or hate it.

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He's a really cool guy and all that, but every time he plays DayZ I just cringe. He just leaves a CAN OPENER, FNX MAG, LONG RANGE SCOPE! When most people waste their entire DayZ lifetime searching for one of these things, he just leaves it there like its nothing! Oh my axe takes too much space! Well maybe put it on your back?! Oh but I don't want to drop this book! Fucking drop that goddamn book Brad or imma smack you.

I also do agree with some people that he still hasn't experienced the true DayZ experience. He hasn't reached the deadly open areas of the NWAF airfield or the skyscrapers of Chernogorsk and it's surrounding "suburbs" (it's what I call Dubky and Chapeavesk). He just stays in the NE coast. He also needs to die (as cold as it may sound it is true) well because it's part of the DayZ experience. To lose all the gear that you worked so hard on. To grief about it, maybe even cry about it (I actually cried when I lost my first 3 week old character in SA). It's all part of the DayZ experience. So Brad get the fuck out of those fucking empty ass servers and start playing like a fucking man! Love you <3


I gave you beans until you said you actually cried. Frustrated, sure. A little pissed, understandable. However, there's no crying in an apocalypse game. No beans for you, but I do agree with the rest of your post.

Edited by Gekkonidae

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I gave you beans until you said you actually cried. Frustrated, sure. A little pissed, understandable. However, there's no crying in an apocalypse game. No beans for you, but I do agree with the rest of your post.

Hey bro I have feelings too

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The OP is a real douche. What gives you the right to call him out, even worse, call for an open bounty on him? He's playing the game and making a dialogue about it without chastising, insulting, or berating others. His play style is HIS businesses and you have no right to judge or ridicule it. What we should do is take a bounty out on your nosey ass and hunt you over and over, mercilessly just to laugh at you.


What your in game name...We should put one on you...

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How would you know who killed you?


Bounty page would be nice if kill messages came back.


You kill everyone on the server...

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Who cares? He's a scrub, I watched his videos, he doesn't want to engage anyone. He just wants to eat/drink and walk around in worthless low action areas.

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I for one will join the Save TheRadBrad movement!


He's such a nice guy




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First of all, your thread title insinuates a bounty. You are making a statement, not an inquiry. Second of all, I'm calling out your douche bag behavior to such an asinine post. You come here and essentially trash talk the guy and belittle his playstyle and go as far as asking....insinuating, excuse me, he get hijacked and tortured. Thats not cool at all. It's fucking childish.

I'm not against bounties at all. I encourage them. But c'mon man, have a little sense. Bounties should be placed on, oh idk....bandits, KOS' ers, and server hoppers. Not some guy streaming his game experience for the benefit of others.

The level of nerd rage coming out of you makes me cringe. It's almost like I can picture you pushing your classes up and almost bringing yourself to a wheeze as you typed that out.

I know that stereotype is about as old as dirt, but of all the things to get so worked up over?

..... unless you're actually Brad.

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Really? Thanks for your invaluable insight. :P

Oh god, I hated his Halo 4 walkthrough. "Oh, I'm a big fan of the Halo franchise!" *Stops playing the campaign and goes to multi-player* Well, the game WAS bad (IMO, game turned out to be the new CoD and now a sequel is coming right about now this year). I pretty tell myself that the sequels made by 343I are non cannon.



Maybe on Reddit there should be a hit list? Although I do not know how they would work. 

Edited by AntonioAJC

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..... unless you're actually Brad.


 That's funny. I actually had the same thought. Except Brad's not as articulate (even if the poster is angry, he does know how to put his thoughts into words), he's a nice guy who probably wouldn't call me names, and he hasn't asked us to mash that Like button. :lol:


How would you know who killed you?


Bounty page would be nice if kill messages came back.


 I never played the Mod but have watched plenty so I know about the "kill messages" in that version. I'd like to see that implemented in the SA though that might lead to a lot of revenge quests.

 The first time I played, I was stalked and summarily shot by a player who's name I know (I'd checked "P" just before I died) and saw him just as I "alted" around. I won't be looking for him 'cuz revenge just isn't how I want to run my toon(s). Actually, the guy did me a favor because it taught me a valuable lesson to play cautiously; I was a typical noob doofus just running from house to house on the coast. Now when I spawn I make a beeline for the construction site or the ship and then head north inland.


 So, short of opening a PayPal or Bitcoin account, how might a bounty system be workable in-game? Leave notes offering loot? Randomly or in a known location where folks can check? Through clan networks word of mouth?


 Which reminds me... Has anyone seen the Dolce & Battlefield 4 uploads where the guys find what seem to be Easter egg notes with a storyline? Those are pretty cool uploads--the guys edit the clips to seem like episodes of Walking Dead. Brilliant stuff.


Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBwkWclVU-8

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DayZ is breaking alot of ground. From the game itself to the first paid video game bounty. I think we should look at this as not a debate, but a sign of whats to come. Get ready for codkiddies who want money, nubs and the clueless bambie

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Theradbrad is an idiot. The fact that he probably makes a bit of money from his moronic fumblings on Youtube is a testament to gamers ever increasing stupidity.


Come at me bitches, I play on the regular uk servers.

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Theradbrad is an idiot. The fact that he probably makes a bit of money from his moronic fumblings on Youtube is a testament to gamers ever increasing stupidity.


Come at me bitches, I play on the regular uk servers.

I watched some of his walkthroughs on his channel and the way he plays is just awful. Makes me want to go to his house and teach him how to play properly.

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He's terrible lol. Always crying for likes.


''Feed me the money I mean likes guys''


In my opinion it's the opposite of what gaming should be about!

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He's terrible lol. Always crying for likes.


''Feed me the money I mean likes guys''


In my opinion it's the opposite of what gaming should be about!


Its just like that one little girl... whats her name?



..Ellen? No.. damn, whats her name? 

Edited by lrish
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 So I watched Brad's latest DayZ upload today and it seems he's actually going to do something in the game besides let his bodyguards babysit him. I mean this in a good way, not as a Brad dis. The gang has decided to announce their server and names and are set to take on all comers. Good for them. He still tends to let the two brothers tackle problems but I see this latest clip as an improvement... If there has to be a bounty out on him, at least he's taking it in a sporting manner. We'll see what develops.

 I might even start rooting for him now that he's beginning to take his DayZ fate into his own hands.

*Gives beans to Brad*

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Funny enough.. this reminds me slightly of a real life freind of mine that is a non thinking dayz idiot.. actually gaming online in general he lacks some serious thinking skills... a few weeks back this freind shot me in a forest at night when we were both together.. i mean literally 10-15 meters apart and he thought i was someone else even though there was only 3 other people on the server.. I said " dont shoot, dont shoot, thats me ! DONT IT " and he shot anyway.. the thing is this isnt the first time he has done this in dayz and other games also..


Anyway, after this incident happened which is most likely the most pissed off I've ever been in my 20+ years of gaming history, I plan to meet him again and pretend everything is cool... then


I will handcuff him and break his leg(s) and throw the keys in a pond to get this idiot back and make him aware of how frustrating his logic and interpretation of his own surroundings can be in Dayz..(I thought maybe force feed some rottern things but thats to easy and to quick) trigger happy dickhead in other words... but the thing is its unintentional.. and thats why he needs to learn his lesson also, this has happened more than once


his name is Oldsalty, nice kid.. that doesnt think


revenge will be sweet...

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OP did theradbrad a favor and gave him some free publicity, yes it was attached to a future 7.62, but I don't think it was malicious. 

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The OP is a real douche. What gives you the right to call him out, even worse, call for an open bounty on him? He's playing the game and making a dialogue about it without chastising, insulting, or berating others. His play style is HIS businesses and you have no right to judge or ridicule it. What we should do is take a bounty out on your nosey ass and hunt you over and over, mercilessly just to laugh at you.

if you wanna argue playstyles, OP's playstyle is kill players he views as "doing it wrong."


this argument can be used both ways, and thus is not valid either way.

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Theradbrad calls himself "The King of Youtube." Or maybe somebody else called him that.

I've watched plenty of his vids. He's entertaining either in a good or bad way. Always entertaining.

I don't know that he's a "nice guy." When he goes multiplayer you can't really count on him, so he's selfish in that regard.

But he's got vids to make. That's what he does for a living. He makes Frankie look like a piker.

He doesn't fit with DayZ. He relies on editing when he gets killed in games.

He can't get killed and keep the vids coming in DayZ. Well he could, but he won't.

It would badly effect his Youtube business.

Forget the bounty. He doesn't stream, and is using different names.

He can probably count on the Noble boys to keep their lips sealed. They are fans.

Last vid I saw they were the only ones on the server. Boring as hell.

But that's what happens with DayZ when you make a business of it.

He's a decent shooter and sneaker. But in DayZ you get killed and put back to the beach.

He doesn't have time for that.

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^Stop feeding his ego bro!



I'm not trying to feed his ego. If he sees this thread and it happens to do that, it's a side effect of my main point about the bizarre crossover between the virtual and real world. :)



OP did theradbrad a favor and gave him some free publicity, yes it was attached to a future 7.62, but I don't think it was malicious. 


Ditto. Not really about Brad. OP is raising the question of bounties in the abstract as a MMO concept. And, yes, I wasn't being malicious. Thank you for pointing that out.



if you wanna argue playstyles, OP's playstyle is kill players he views as "doing it wrong."



 Excuse me, do you know something about my play style that I don't? LOL. I haven't killed anyone yet in-game in the almost three weeks I've played. I'm about surviving and maybe finding a friend or two. I will KOS if I think I need to do that. But if you feel the need to flame me and persist in missing my point, go right ahead. *ducks*

 As to Brad's doing it wrong... it's not about a right way or a wrong way--it's about Brad's being sort of cheated by his bodyquards (who mean well, I'm sure) because he's not getting the chance to experience the game in the same way as most of us are. Like the poster's quote below mentions. Here's an example of what I mean: the gear he has wasn't looted under fire or in dangerous areas. He was either given it or got it off the poor guy who was on his way to fix his broken legs and died right before Brad's eyes. Brad's a decent player in the other non-MMO games he uploads but his DayZ play seems very handicapped by his buddy's fussing over him. Do you need some food Brad? Stay here Brad and I'll take the hits for you. It's nice to share stuff with pals or offer yourself as a sacrifice, but--in the long term--that's not doing him any favors. It also seems he doesn't play unless the brothers are online. How does that help him learn to survive?

 Anyhow, I don't want to make this about judging his play style. And he is getting hip to what the game is all about. Slowly. I really just used Brad as the example about bringing the idea of bounties into a MMO like DayZ.

 I'd like this thread to focus on that.




He's a decent shooter and sneaker. But in DayZ you get killed and put back to the beach.



Edited by tarascon

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