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Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

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People are generally shot at less on hardcore due to smaller populations. Smaller populations not only mean people will shoot less, but they are not as protective and paranoid about their gear. Not to mention that maybe they don't see you in first person or want to engage in first person fire fights.

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Seriously, firefights in hardcore are MUCH much better. In regular it's basically free wallhack for everyone. Especially in urban areas, if you are behind cover you automatically win as you can spot enemies but cannot be seen. This is really unfair, discuss?


What are you talking about? Of course you can be seen if you are behind cover. You can be seen by that guy sneaking up on you from behind, which you won't notice, because you aren't able to 3PP 360 degrees radar him. '


Discuss that, troll.

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People are generally shot at less on hardcore due to smaller populations. Smaller populations not only mean people will shoot less, but they are not as protective and paranoid about their gear. Not to mention that maybe they don't see you in first person or want to engage in first person fire fights.

True, on the low pop ones. What usually happens with Hardcore servers is that you have a bunch of really low pop ones, and a couple with higher pop. I generally only log into my Hardcore character when I see those aforementioned populations have drifted to the top. I don't play on low-pop servers. It's boring. Which is not to say that you don't get shot at, just less.

And just to be clear, I'm not advocating either server type. Just reporting personal experience.


Edited by Rudette

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anyone who thinks its because 3rd person lets you look over/around corners I would like to point out you can look through walls in first person.

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True, on the low pop ones. What usually happens with Hardcore servers is that you have a bunch of really low pop ones, and a couple with higher pop. I generally only log into my Hardcore character when I see those aforementioned populations have drifted to the top. I don't play on low-pop servers. It's boring. Which is not to say that you don't get shot at, just less.

And just to be clear, I'm not advocating either server type. Just reporting personal experience.


I personally enjoy hardcore servers for their first-person firefights. This isn't to say I am not shot at. In my experience, I have come under much more fire while playing hardcore. It's just simple; on a populated server, you will come under fire. It doesn't matter if it's hardcore or normal.

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Even in 1st person you can still "wallhack". Just tilt into the wall and that should work and if it doesn't then Make your point of view wider. I don't use this because i don't play hardcore at all but you can do it. Don't try to advertise the hardcore mode with false facts.

Edited by xAtrocity
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Another one of these lol....


Simply put....most players don't need a safety blanket to keep the peekers at bay....so they are happy to play with 3pp on :P


PS Even if you play 3rd on for whatever reason....I strongly advise using 1st for your combat encounters. Its soooo much more accurate than that 3rd crosshair....especially up close :)

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I'm comparing hardcore/normal experience on equally populated servers, I still got shot at less with my hardcore characters.
Populated Hardcore servers do exist, but it may depend on your region as to rather or not they show up based on >ping.

This would suggest there is a difference in mindset between the two player bases, though I dare not speculate as to what, or my situation is just a fluke.

Logically though, the mindset should be about the same if there are much people juggling two characters as one would think. Then again, most people don't have the time on their hands that I do.


Edited by Rudette

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I'm comparing hardcore/normal experience on equally populated servers, I still got shot at less with my hardcore characters.

Populated Hardcore servers do exist, but it may depend on your region as to rather or not they show up based on >ping.

Personally, I believe it's due to the fact that zombies in hardcore are harder. It gives players a reason to PvE.

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Because the player base is appalling. They'll take any advantage and act like complete scumbags. The amount of people glitching, 3pp looking and 3pp servers existing, duping and server hopping prove this point.


If the player base was decent, none of these things would exist and everyone who has ever engaged in any one of those activities is responsible for making this game worse.

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I'm an incredibly paranoid sufferer of anxiety...Even so, the stress is astounding.


I too would describe myself in this way but this is precisely why I generally enjoy hardcore servers more than regular. In the same way people enjoy being scared by a horror film or a roller coaster, I enjoy feeling that sense of stress and anxiety in a controlled manner. It's a nice outlet that beats the real thing any day of the week.

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Are you on experimental branch or stable?  Experimental servers are all busy and they are all hardcore.  


I was looking at them last night and they were hardly anyone on them.


Facts are, HC community is very small.


I used to hate HC, played some recently and its very good. I've changed my view on it. I do enjoy. But the fact remains that there are many many slots open on many HC servers.

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I too would describe myself in this way but this is precisely why I generally enjoy hardcore servers more than regular. In the same way people enjoy being scared by a horror film or a roller coaster, I enjoy feeling that sense of stress and anxiety in a controlled manner. It's a nice outlet that beats the real thing any day of the week.

Precisely. It's like having a release valve.

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Short answer OP, hardcore servers are more work and require playing more carefully when choosing to act violently toward others.

In 3rd person, once you are geared with some kind of rifle, all you need to do to nearly guarantee a few kills is find a window with a wide vantage or a roof with a small lip. Hide yourself, and watch your killzone.

In hardcore servers, anything that you can see can see you. This makes camping and killing more work. This community isn't very mature anymore. And like the lady said, most of the player base falls down the path of least resistance.

When surviving the environment becomes a challenge, much of the population will switch to other games and leave the real game to us.

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Are you on experimental branch or stable?  Experimental servers are all busy and they are all hardcore.  


Both the regular and hardcore servers are generally full on the experimental servers. If you play in the morning/late at night, you'll notice that the regular experimental servers are generally more populated than their hardcore counterparts.

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regular = call of duty kids who run around shooting everything they see

hardcore = real players, less server hoppers, less hackers and more immersful gameplay and other players seem to be more friendly and true banidts

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regular = call of duty kids who run around shooting everything they see

hardcore = real players, less server hoppers, less hackers and more immersful gameplay and other players seem to be more friendly and true banidts



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Meh. I find in 3pp enabled servers 80% of the population is in elektro or cherno laying on a roof in third person. In hardcore those cities are less populated because it isnt nearly as easy to camp. 3pp enabled servers encourage camping inside buildings. While first person only servers encourage treeline sniping. I prefer the latter because its easy to sneak up on those people while those who camp inside buildings with 3pp are nearly impossible to get.

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I think most of the HC players are on experimental branch.  

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the fact that skyrim sold a bajillion copies and dark souls didnt sell as many shows us that the majority of people like to play easier games


Those two games are almost completely different.


Dark Souls is an arcade RPG with very little real roleplaying elements.  Skyrim is an Elder Scrolls game which is a FPS style traditional RPG.  It has the Elder Scrolls name versus a Japanese RPG.  It has little to do with ease.  I finished both.

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Those two games are almost completely different.


Dark Souls is an arcade RPG with very little real roleplaying elements.  Skyrim is an Elder Scrolls game which is a FPS style traditional RPG.  It has the Elder Scrolls name versus a Japanese RPG.  It has little to do with ease.  I finished both.

i agree, but my point was that generally people tend to like to be babysat in games, i'm sure there's lots of people who wish that there weren't hunger mechanics or zombies in dayZ. look at the mod. it started off as a difficult survival game, then it ended up as this absolute mess with thousands of vehicles which players could find within 2 minutes and there were even extra barracks all over the coast. these servers were by a mile the most played servers in the mod. that was my point, i was just using dark souls and skyrim as examples because they're generally similar games.

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I was a strong proponent of first-person only. But now that 3PP is in the game, I just can't resist. I first started out with 3PP towards the end of my time playing WarZ. In WarZ you could actually shift your camera to the left or right of your character. There was no middle camera perspective. This gave you such a drastic advantage, that to not use it was to commit suicide. WarZ had nothing like hard core servers. I jumped into SA playing 3PP out of habit, and I never stopped. Maybe tonight I'll give it a shot. Things have gotten pretty boring recently. 

Edited by Solopopo

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I use 3PP so I can see my sexy character. :D

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