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About xAtrocity

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Was this at NWAF in the southern barracks?
  2. xAtrocity

    game crashing every third game

    Every time you leave a server restart DayZ and choose a server and stay on it. If you dont restart a server and you go on another server after leaving one than you will crash.
  3. xAtrocity

    The COMPLETE PvP Map of Chernarus

    How come i always find people at NWAF, Military Bases, Balota, Elektro, and several others? Your beliefs are wrong, this is not accurate.
  4. xAtrocity

    What has the standalone become ?

    Over 600 hours on SA and i have not encountered a single hacker yet. The only thing Standalone has become is an Alpha. Don't expect much from an alpha.
  5. I got killed with 1 hit to the head by a zombie while i was fully geared. GG Alpha.
  6. xAtrocity

    Bits from 0.42.116181

    The anti-stab vest has been in the game for a while now.
  7. xAtrocity

    Help with finding current location?

    You're northeast of lopatino. Its west of nwaf.
  8. xAtrocity

    Im really worried about the game now.

    Its normal for a game that's an alpha. Get over it.
  9. The Patch will be released on Friday at Noon EST.
  10. xAtrocity

    Giving us a point ?

    You have a "point". Your purpose is to report bugs so that when the game is finished you can have your fun and your "point". Your purpose is not to have fun and kill and do whatever you want. If you are playing the game just to do that and you're complaining well than i see this as completely pointless.
  11. Adrenaline Gaming DayZ Standalone Public Hive Our website is Adrenaline-Gaming.net. Server restarts every 4 hours. 3PP: On (3rd Person) If you are interested in joining our server, connect using this address and port Address: Port: 2902 We have a TS3 server with a DayZ section for any public players if you are interested: ts.adrenaline-gaming.net
  12. xAtrocity

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    Even in 1st person you can still "wallhack". Just tilt into the wall and that should work and if it doesn't then Make your point of view wider. I don't use this because i don't play hardcore at all but you can do it. Don't try to advertise the hardcore mode with false facts.
  13. xAtrocity

    Where am i? Dayz Standalone

    You are at elektro.
  14. xAtrocity

    Unconscious/dead bug STILL!?

    Unfortunately yes. Almost 9 times out of 10 when you try to respawn on my server you will have that bug. My servers rank has dropped from 30 to 200. Hopefully it is solved soon. I hope.