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I just hope there are never zombie dogs. *Has another Resi flashback and prepares for another sleepless night.*

Oh god so true! And they always moved right as you pulled the damn trigger!


But I think that dogs and horses could work well. Need a meat shield whilst you fight something/someone off? Hide or send in the dog or horse! Need emergency food? Time for an Old Yeller moment!

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I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help thinking how interesting it might be to be able to play the game from a dog's perspective, too... <_<

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If dogs are in a hope they can spread rabies.

If horses are in, this will become fucking Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. Not that it is a bad thing.

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I like the companion Dog's idea.


Let's say they follow you within a certain distance and if a real player enters that zone the dog barks to inform you.


Then if he get's killed you can eat him. lol.

Edited by Strongtent

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Hello there


There was (before dayz) a zombie Arma2 mission that also had packs of infected dogs. It was rather scary indeed.





A2 wasn't released until after DayZ you silly horse.

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A2 wasn't released until after DayZ you silly horse.

abe froman?


THE sausage king of chicago?



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Dog's and Horses, Seems I'm gonna stick with bikes and fleshlights,


I appreciate leaving the dogs and horses alone, but what the fuck are you going to do with the bike? Just take your fleshlight and go where the sun don't shine.


For you people who didn't get that (NSFW)


Edited by JoostVoordeel

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