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With Rocket starting his new studio

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and jumping ship from his 'baby' and potentially taking the most talented members currently working on SA with him, how can he possibly expect to be trusted again after so many fans of the mod invested and participated in the development of the game to have Rocket give up and express how SA isn't going to be what was promised.


The situation reminds me of game developer Peter Molyneux who always managed to hype the innovation of his latest developments (Fable series, Black and White, and that xbox kinect boy thingy that never went anywhere). Only difference between Peter and Dean is Peter only asks for your interest during development and not your cash.


How many of you will be reserved about any of his future projects?

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No reservations at all. Dayz is amazing right now and will only get better by the end of the year. Ill be one of first looking at whatever he moves onto, and if Dean's history is anything to go by, ill be buying and loving whatever else he makes as well.

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No reservations at all. Dayz is amazing right now and will only get better by the end of the year. Ill be one of first looking at whatever he moves onto, and if Dean's history is anything to go by, ill be buying and loving whatever else he makes as well he'll be making new games and stealing ppl's moneyz just like DayZ mod and SA.


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You clearly haven't actually bothered to do any research whatsoever before posting this. Once Dean's job at the company (Which is steering the direction of the project through alpha.) is over, he'll be leaving Prague and going home. He won't be leaving the game high and dry, or taking the most talented developers. This isn't a new revelation, Dean has been mentioning his plans for a long time. 

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Yes, the mod stole SO much money from people. You know, because it was free and all.

Edited by x3z8
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.... and potentially taking the most talented members currently working on SA with him, ...

 where do you have that info from ? i never heard something about that!

plz link it

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I'm not worried as long as SA and the mods are left in good hands and by the time Dean leaves that it is at or near completion with routine fixes and random items. I expect by end of 2014 it will be declared Beta. And then full release as soon as any major bugs get pounded out. I am sure the team without rocket will continue to give us support once he is gone. While he is the mastermind it seems, his team still is a major contributor to ideas and development. I am content with him leaving by years end. Besides maybe he will begin a great new project that we can all jump on the bandwagon for!  :D

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inb4 lock, graveyard and trolls and flamewar:


1) Rocket will not "jumping ship from his 'baby' and potentially taking the most talented members currently working on SA with him" - that is, in fact, total BS, excuse my wording.

2) "to have Rocket give up and express how SA isn't going to be what was promised." the next BS.


With these 2 sentences in mind, I have to conclude: You are either an illiterate or a moron (or a troll. but I don't add this option, because people always choose it)  :)


Because either you were not able to read anything that was said on this topic ~163 times in that 43-page-monster of a thread or the other 20 threads regarding it or on reddit or on twitter

OR you did read it, but were not able to understand it.


Either way, you made a useless thread, with a question that has nothing to do with the other sentences in it.



Edit: oh, c'mon people. Let me be the first for once when it comes to rant -.-

Edited by LaughingJack
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He gave us 10 month's warning, and said he will stay longer if the project still need's him, this isn't like he went to get some smoke's late last night.


I also don't see why I'd be biased either way as far as his studio is concerned, being that he hasn't announced a single title or idea that he's thinking about working on I don't know if anything he's going to make will interest me.  I'm not one to rabidly follow a particular studio, that sort of thing just leads to disappointment which leads to fear, which lead's to anger, which lead's to suffering, next thing I'm chopping off my kid's hand with a light saber.

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Yes because the mod stole SO much money. You know, cause it was free and all I willingly feed trolls all day, son. Also, Dean is a thief and I can't stand anything he stands for. I want to be banned from these forums. ADMINS PLZ BAN ME



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It's odd how every time I see one of these threads, the part where he says that he's not going to leave DayZ's production until it's finished is omitted.



From the Eurogamer article on the subject;


But he won't leave DayZ in the lurch - won't leave at a crucial time. "I would extend my involvement here as long as Bohemia wanted - needed - me," he stressed. In other words, there's flexibility.  



 Essentially, he's not going to just go "Well I'd love to fix loot spawns but I'm off".

Edited by Rage VG
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and jumping ship from his 'baby' and potentially taking the most talented members currently working on SA with him, how can he possibly expect to be trusted again after so many fans of the mod invested and participated in the development of the game to have Rocket give up and express how SA isn't going to be what was promised.


The situation reminds me of game developer Peter Molyneux who always managed to hype the innovation of his latest developments (Fable series, Black and White, and that xbox kinect boy thingy that never went anywhere). Only difference between Peter and Dean is Peter only asks for your interest during development and not your cash.


How many of you will be reserved about any of his future projects?


Rocket said from the get-go that at some point his continued participation in the project would become a hinderance.

He's going to finish the game and then leave it's maintenance to BI.


So what's the issue? Why is this even news?

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Rage VG...you know that people will only read "Well I'd love to fix loot spawns but I'm off". from  your post and take it for granted now and quote you everywhere and that maybe eurogamer will make an article with that headline? ;)

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I understand your frustration as a fanboy, but please try to keep it objective without flaming.


1, How is that bullshit? It's common sense the first place he is going to look for new members of his team are people he has previously worked with. Please don't allow your love of DayZ blind you from probability

2. Rocket did say SA isn't what he had hoped. You can find it on reddit if you so wish. 


Please refrain for flaming and keep to the topic as it does your argument absolutely nothing but show you are emotional about what I have posted.

inb4 lock, graveyard and trolls and flamewar:


1) Rocket will not "jumping ship from his 'baby' and potentially taking the most talented members currently working on SA with him" - that is, in fact, total BS, excuse my wording.

2) "to have Rocket give up and express how SA isn't going to be what was promised." the next BS.


With these 2 sentences in mind, I have to conclude: You are either an illiterate or a moron (or a troll. but I don't add this option, because people always choose it)  :)


Because either you were not able to read anything that was said on this topic ~163 times in that 43-page-monster of a thread or the other 20 threads regarding it or on reddit or on twitter

OR you did read it, but were not able to understand it.


Either way, you made a useless thread, with a question that has nothing to do with the other sentences in it.



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I think we all know that Dean isn't just bailing on the game. He's got at least ten months in him. This is known. However, for me, making fun of the fact that the guy is eventually leaving his own game leaves massive opportunity to make the majority of people on here flee to their bedrooms in tears.


Edited by Grimey Rick
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It's odd how every time I see one of these threads, the part where he says that he's not going to leave DayZ's production until it's finished is omitted.



From the Eurogamer article on the subject;



 Essentially, he's not going to just go "Well I'd love to fix loot spawns but I'm off".


Finished is a term he used loosely - more focused on a date which is more likely to be around the time it transitions into beta. Though that's not the MAIN concern. The main concern is it would appear he really has lost the fire he once had for this project, especially seeing as it was his 'baby' he'd been wanted to make for a long long time. This inevitably takes away a significant amount of credibility from his future endeavors, at least in my view. I'm wondering, out of interest, how many people will be more reserved in purchasing future games with his name attached, and how many will just be like OMFG DAYZ YES BUY!

Edited by kragz

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"Well I'd love to fix loot spawns but I'm off".

oh WTF Dean!!

Edited by Window Licker

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I understand your frustration as a fanboy, but please try to keep it objective without flaming.


1, How is that bullshit? It's common sense the first place he is going to look for new members of his team are people he has previously worked with. Please don't allow your love of DayZ blind you from probability

2. Rocket did say SA isn't what he had hoped. You can find it on reddit if you so wish. 


Please refrain for flaming and keep to the topic as it does your argument absolutely nothing but show you are emotional about what I have posted.

1. Cause every member of BI don't dream of living in NZ. As for the same reasons Rocket want to go home.

And if some leave it's not like BI can't hire new people. That happens all the time.

2. No he didn't. Your reading comprehension is obviously lacking.

So yeah it's bull... Just like every other crybaby attention whore that makes these new pointless threads every 10mins.

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Please remove Carl Weathers as  your profile pic.  Apollo Creed would never sanction this kind of useless thread.

Edited by iBane
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This inevitably takes away a significant amount of credibility from his future endeavors, at least in my view.

You're saying the fact that he's eventually going to stop working on something damages his credibility? What, you want him to work on it into his senior years or something?

He is going to take the game to completion as he is obliged to do and what he does beyond that point is literally 100% irrelevant to DayZ. He's not shutting down the project; he's not going to leave things unfinished. What he owes us is a finished game and absolutely nothing more. And he still has a year to do it, and he's already said he'll stay longer if he needs to.

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1. Cause every member of BI don't dream of living in NZ. As for the same reasons Rocket want to go home.

And if some leave it's not like BI can't hire new people. That happens all the time.

2. No he didn't. Your reading comprehension is obviously lacking.

So yeah it's bull... Just like every other crybaby attention whore that makes these new pointless threads every 10mins.

1. I didn't say every member, yet you accuse me of having a poor reading comprehension. At least you concede the probability of it happening - in which case, do you think replacing team members familiar with dayz and the arma engine with new talents is more likely a positive, or a negative thing?

2. Please stop flaming. I understand ANY critique of DayZ and/or rocket rustles your jimmies, but no need to get emotional. Before you respond with a hot-headed reactionary reply perhaps you should do a little reading yourself first:


"I feel like DayZ is a fundamentally flawed concept," he said, "and I've always recognised that. It's not the perfect game; it's not the multiplayer experience, and it never can be, [with] the absolute spark that I want in it."


We never heard words like these before the project started, particularly around the time Alpha was released, did we? Promises and excitement was what we got. How useful this would have been before so many people purchased it at almost a full retail price!

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I demand you remove Carl Weathers as  your profile pic.  Apollo Creed would never sanction this kind of useless thread!

Firstly, it's not Creed, it's Dillon. Secondly your comment is entirely useless and not participating in this thread. At least provide feedback WHY it's a useless thread. I'm growing tired of people reacting emotionally to any criticism of anything DayZ or Rocket related. It's like objectivity does not exist in this forum.

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You're saying the fact that he's eventually going to stop working on something damages his credibility? What, you want him to work on it into his senior years or something?

He is going to take the game to completion as he is obliged to do and what he does beyond that point is literally 100% irrelevant to DayZ. He's not shutting down the project; he's not going to leave things unfinished. What he owes us is a finished game and absolutely nothing more. And he still has a year to do it, and he's already said he'll stay longer if he needs to.

You're focusing on the wrong part of my point. Many high-hopes, promises and excitement were attached with the alpha release of this game, causing many people to invest and support the development of the game. Dean after months of buys at $30 goes on record to saying he always knew Dayz was a flawed concept and would never live up to his hopes and expectations, and would leave his BABY when he felt no longer OBLIGED. I'm sorry, but if this is the kind of attention and love he gives a beloved project then I brings all sorts of questions in his future development endeavors. 


But thank you Rage VG for contributing constructively and giving your thoughts. Much appreciated and a breath of fresh air from all these reactionary emotional responses and abuses!

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and jumping ship from his 'baby' and potentially taking the most talented members currently working on SA with him, how can he possibly expect to be trusted again after so many fans of the mod invested and participated in the development of the game to have Rocket give up and express how SA isn't going to be what was promised.


The situation reminds me of game developer Peter Molyneux who always managed to hype the innovation of his latest developments (Fable series, Black and White, and that xbox kinect boy thingy that never went anywhere). Only difference between Peter and Dean is Peter only asks for your interest during development and not your cash.


How many of you will be reserved about any of his future projects?


When people say global warming, do you go into your bunker?

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