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Plimax (DayZ)

(All other Console discussion)DayZ Standalone Might See an Xbox One Version in Future

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If Anyone has any information on when Dayz will be coming to Ps4, please post them here


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They'd have to dumb it down for controller use or use silly menu systems that'd detract from the gameplay (more than the current ones).


I don't think it's going to happen tbh.


Dumbed down? How.. like they remove features and dont do a direct port which they would do since its, you know on the same format? Like Outlast, or well.. you get it. 


And if you really think the average 12 year old would not like this game, I guess you do not realize how many average 12 year olds already play it on PC. 


Console is just a medium.. like PC. Its like saying a screwdriver is not worth using ever, only a powered hand driver. They both do the same thing, just one is more convenient. If they bring Dayz to consoles the only difference will be the graphics will be set lower. Thats it. And they might have microtransactions or something stupid like DLC. But its not going to be lacking content or dumbed down just because its being put on what is essentially a low level PC disguised as a console. 


I get it. WE ARE THE MASTER RACE. But do we really have to be so ignorant as to believe we are actually better? I can still remember when I was poor and only had a console. It was rough, third world living man. Now I feel like a refugee who made it to America.. humble and thankful. Not justified and judgemental. 

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I used to use an xpadder mapped xbox 360 controller with DayZ...lets just say I didnt win nearly as much pvp battles as i do now.


It is quite comfortable to sit back on the couch and play on a 50" lcd, however its just not "right". Something about it...i dont know.


10x prefer keyboard and mouse and a 144hz 22" monitor in my face


As for performance...i dont even think ps4 and xbox 1 have enough juice to play SA.


Arent the ps4 and xbox1 like 2ghz 8core?


I mean, im running quad core 4.25 ghz and only get 60 fps if the stars are aligned lol.

my quad core 2.5 ghz struggles to maintain a reasonable fps on high pop.


Easy fix, grab a wireless mouse and keyboard, its how I play all my games now. Just have PC hooked up to lounge TV as a complete entertainment system. Found a mini mouse mat on Amazon that fits nicely on the arm of the couch :)

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Easy fix, grab a wireless mouse and keyboard, its how I play all my games now. Just have PC hooked up to lounge TV as a complete entertainment system. Found a mini mouse mat on Amazon that fits nicely on the arm of the couch :)


That is exactly what I do.. I have my PC monitor off to the right side of my couch and our large flat screen tv off to the left for the tele.. I can watch TV and play dayz at the same time. The wireless setup works great with no issues, and I get to relax while I play rather than be hunched over

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If they did cross platform multiplayer on this one...well more newbies=more killing=more fun

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People whining about FPS on their Cray super computers need only realize that the game isn't optimized yet. When they get stuff functioning properly then I'm sure they'll tweak it so you get the 259 FPS you require to be a gaming god.

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The network coding is what's going to kill it for the consoles.  People think this forum is putrid and vile, I can't wait to troll the console section of DayZ  :D

Edited by Caboose187
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Seeing as xbone bf4 was 720p and ps4 was 960p I don't have much faith in DayZ seeing consoles before at least two years from today. IF it even happens.. Even if they do port it, it won't be cross platformed. (Thank god)

Built my PC a week after they announced new consoles, really disappointing.. Still Loling at "next-gen"

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Are you trolling?


I'm not.  Part of the argument against the port seems to be the idea that it can't run on consoles, which isn't accurate.  Someone popped in saying that consoles are netbook level, which is ridiculous.  If it can run BF4 at 1080p and 40 fps, it can run Dayz.


My rig throws 120 FPS at Ultra (4xAA) on 1080p and can barely hold 40 FPS in Cherno.

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People whining about FPS on their Cray super computers need only realize that the game isn't optimized yet. When they get stuff functioning properly then I'm sure they'll tweak it so you get the 259 FPS you require to be a gaming god.





Edited by AntonioAJC

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=more trash talking because for some reason console gamers have mouths full of dirt. I play Xbox frequently and I won't use my Mic unless I'm in a party. Just too annoying.

What did you expect from plebs and peasants?

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My rig throws 120 FPS at Ultra (4xAA) on 1080p and can barely hold 40 FPS in Cherno.



Right, and if a room full of guys sat down for a four months and changed the game to run just for you, they could produce accetable results.


And by the way, 40 FPS is perfectly acceptable if that is the basement.

Edited by PhillyT

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Actually i would like to counter that most pc players seem to be less of men and more of children at the moment it seems. At least so that seems to be the case with 80% of Dayz players. So telling some one to shut up because they enjoy consoles as much as PC or more is a bit immature if you ask me. Joking or not its fucking rude as hell.

Good sir you have just made my day. Thank you.

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Right, and if a room full of guys sat down for a four months and changed the game to run just for you, they could produce accetable results.


And by the way, 40 FPS is perfectly acceptable if that is the basement.

Where did I say that 40 FPS in cities isn't acceptable?

My post was to rebut your ridiculous claim that a console which can only manage 40 FPS in BF4 is going to produce a playable framerate running DayZ.

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BF4 looks about 10 times better than DayZ.


DayZ runs like garbage on systems similar to the equipment in a PS4 or XBox1 because the people at BI can't optimize a game to save their lives.  If they actually wanted to invest the money in a console version, they easily could.  If you know exactly what you are working with, the performance these people can get is remarkable given the hardware limitations.

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BF4 looks about 10 times better than DayZ.


DayZ runs like garbage on systems similar to the equipment in a PS4 or XBox1 because the people at BI can't optimize a game to save their lives.  If they actually wanted to invest the money in a console version, they easily could.  If you know exactly what you are working with, the performance these people can get is remarkable given the hardware limitations.

You don't optimize in Alpha... And BF4 has zero draw distance compared to DayZ. Fail on both points....

Xbox One would not be able to handle this game when optimized in all likelihood. A fairly weak PC is just not good for mil sim games.(And I own an Xbox One)

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If my 3570k and gtx680 can barely pull 25fps in some towns, the xbone and ps4 are gonna crawl without significantly reducing draw distance/graphical fidelity. If they can somehow get these things to pull 30fps peak with similar settings to what Im running I would be impressed. Judging by the 360s history....it MIGHT be possible, but not for a few more years after game devs have had enough time to seriously dig into the hardware and optimise for the operating system and custom hardware configurations. If a 750ti($150) can pull 58fps in Titanfall at 1080p, while on the xbone, they wont even tell you what fps theyre capable of(at 792p) because "these things get way overblown", the future seems pretty dismal for console; not hopeless, but I wouldnt bet on it coming to console at any kind of respectable frame rate.

Edited by gr8mghtyp00

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I stand by the fact that, when optimized, the current generation of consoles could easily run this game.  The idea that BF4 isn't a much more intensive game than Dayz is laughable.  Dayz features visuals at least 5 years out of date.  Other engines have succeeded in producing longer draw distances with better frame rates.


Dayz is in alpha and uses a bad engine with no optimization.  You could cut the visuals on Battlefied 4 in half and triple the draw distances without trouble.  Dayz has so much superfluous, unnecessary garbage floating around behind the UI that trimming down the processes alone would relieve stress on the CPU and GPU.


But lets all just bash on the consoles that pull 2x the effectiveness from the hardwar through specific programming and optimization.  BI probably would struggle to capitalize on anything though, given their terrible track record for producing efficient and effective games on PC.

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DayZ for consoles eh? I don't see it working out. The developers gave a MAYBE to the consoles when the game is finished. That, and I think the inventory management would be a pain in the ass with a controller.

Well with the console controller you can use the controls similar to GTA V controls as far as the inventory.

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Well with the console controller you can use the controls similar to GTA V controls as far as the inventory.


I don't think your realize how many buttons are required for dayz and arma.




I stand by the fact that, when optimized, the current generation of consoles could easily run this game.  The idea that BF4 isn't a much more intensive game than Dayz is laughable.  Dayz features visuals at least 5 years out of date.  Other engines have succeeded in producing longer draw distances with better frame rates.


Dayz is in alpha and uses a bad engine with no optimization.  You could cut the visuals on Battlefied 4 in half and triple the draw distances without trouble.  Dayz has so much superfluous, unnecessary garbage floating around behind the UI that trimming down the processes alone would relieve stress on the CPU and GPU.


But lets all just bash on the consoles that pull 2x the effectiveness from the hardwar through specific programming and optimization.  BI probably would struggle to capitalize on anything though, given their terrible track record for producing efficient and effective games on PC.


You must be crazy, the reason why the frame rate is low on Dayz and arma games is because it is a very cpu intensive game you think the netbook cpu on the crappy apus will handle that ?


As to your BF4 reference think about this.


The ps4 was able to handle BF4 at 900p and at high settings meanwhile the xbox one did so at 720p and high settings meanwhile old ass pc gpus were maxing out bf4 at 1080p + with older gpus such as a gtx 580 or 570.


Don't buy into the 8 gig gddr5 kool aid . The new consoles are weak as fuck and they fucked up by making them so weak. At this moment now there is a console to pc power disparity of up to 11x and the consoles have not even been out a year. 


ps4, xbox one, wii u are all the same weak ass underpowered budget consoles wish they would have been stronger.

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As I've said before DayZ will obviously come out on the next-gen consoles. They'd be fools not too and it's only a matter of time.

I'll stick with the PC version though until it comes out on Xbox One.

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As I've said before DayZ will obviously come out on the next-gen consoles. They'd be fools not too and it's only a matter of time.

I'll stick with the PC version though until it comes out on Xbox One.


At this point they are fools to port it.


By the time they even get around to porting it, h1z1 would have wrapped its hands all over that marketplace on the ps4 and im sure microsofts zombie mmo would have been out by then too.

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At this point they are fools to port it.


By the time they even get around to porting it, h1z1 would have wrapped its hands all over that marketplace on the ps4 and im sure microsofts zombie mmo would have been out by then too.


If h1z1 is coming to the consoles, then I see very little possibility for DayZ to get much sales in a console version.

Really, I don't think trying to port DayZ would even nearly be worth all the work involved. If DayZ is going to get competition from h1z1 then that will just become even more true.

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