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GrumpyGat (DayZ)

Riot shields and improv shields

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I would like to discuss a suggestion that I have been pondering a while now. Some may see it as cheap, but I think with the correct level or rarity, and a fair amount of restrictive properties, I think a riot shield would be a fantastic idea. Imagine getting yourself pinned down on an airfield, or in a building, and using the shield to protect yourself. movement would be greatly reduced, and the shield would take the slot of your backpack. You would need to crouch walk to keep your whole body behind it, although your feet would not be fully protected. You would not be able to shoot from behind the shield with anything other than a small caliber pistol like the FNX.


Rough proof of concept:




These could be found in police station, as that would be a realistically accurate place for this kind of gear.


I welcome all input so please tell me what you think. 


(edited to remove anything anyone didn't like.)

Edited by GrumpyGat
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I stopped at riot shield...


Besides what COD would like to tell you, those are not meant for serious, armed engagements, those are meant to hold back (What else?) riots of people.

Edited by Geckofrog7
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Meh, I'm indifferent to this. I can't see it hurting to be in there, but I also can't see very many situations where it would be even remotely useful.

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You are going to get docked for your miss-leading title...

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Hello there


We dislike "comedy" misleading titles. They are not "hilarious". Please do not do it.


Edited Title.





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A 5.56/7.62 round would go straight through one of those things. They are only meant to stop things like rocks/stones hitting police officers and only really work when there is a big line of them stuck together. With that in mind they are pretty pointless unless against an unarmed attacker, but then if you can't use one with a weapon it's still pointless!

Edited by Timmymachine109
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Ok, Now that I have all of your attention, 


You lost my attention at that. >.>

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I stopped at riot shield...


Besides what COD would like to tell you, those are not meant for serious, armed engagements, those are meant to hold back (What else?) riots of people.


I have never play COD so I wouldn't know, all i know is if this is my only tool to avoiding being sniped while I try to make it to the balota hangers, then I would much rather have it than not.

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Seems like a good concept, but the riot shield isn't bullet proof. For melee situations, sure I can see this helping. But if someone shoots your shield... Yeah you're boned.

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i like it.


wouldn´t withstand bullets (obviously) but axes and arrows.

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A 5.56/7.62 round would go straight through one of those things. They are only meant to stop things like rocks/stones hitting police officers and only really work when there is a big line of them stuck together. With that in mind they are pretty pointless unless against an unarmed attacker, but then if you can't use one with a weapon it's still pointless!


Yeah, thinking about it and the example you used, I'd be tremendously surprised if one of those stopped anything more than a 9mm round. A sniper round would blast straight through this, then straight through you, and probably anyone unfortunate enough to be behind you as well.

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i like it.


wouldn´t withstand bullets (obviously) but axes and arrows.

Not even arrows. If you've ever shot a bow, they are much like the speed of a gun. Especially if you use copper or steel.

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According to wiki:"Some riot shields are designed to bebullet resistant against low velocity handgun and shotgun ammunition." 

I agree that most are not and they wouldn't stop a high velocity round at close range, but they do prevent the shooter from seeing your body, thus creating the possibility of them hitting a non vital organ.


Also, they could be ballistic shields, which do stop some type of ammunition, and also protect against shrapnel from explosives.

Edited by GrumpyGat

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I think also no one would pick one of these over a back pack as the extra space is a higher priority. Not saying that it would hurt having it in game I just don't think it would be used often and if it did it would only be able to protect you against unarmed players really

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I have never play COD so I wouldn't know, 


shield would take the slot of your backpack. You would need to crouch walk to keep your whole body behind it



(Not harping on anyone for playing COD, just that it's by no means gonna prevent you from being sniped, like you might think it will.)

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Not even arrows. If you've ever shot a bow, they are much like the speed of a gun. Especially if you use copper or steel.


Apparently there are indeed "bulletproof" shields out there which can withstand small calibre rounds.

You can´t sprint with these things tho..

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Oh yeah, I don't think anyone's disputing that they'd be useful against handguns etc, but the example given was a sniper rifle. I'm willing to be proved wrong, but I'd be pretty surprised if they're developing Riot Shields that are resistant to 7.62 rounds. :D

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I don't know if someone would really run around in with a riot shield ( ~ 3kg ) or in your case a ballistic shield ( 5-10kg ) in a zombie apocalypse where that thing would just slow you down and use a lot of space you could use for more important gear. It's not like you are constantly in danger of beeing shot at like the people who have to use them, it makes you a slow and easy to hit target although they won't get through that easily you can't just sprint to the next cover and they are not that big to cover your entire body ( see below ). You watch too many hollywood movies or play too many reality warping video games...those are not things you haul around 24/7 anyway, you roll them ( second pic ). Not that they shouldn't exist but i would be the last one to carry such a thing around because i'd rather have a backpack of supplies than armor in front of me because i'm not playing the game as if it was a war simulator.




Oh yeah, I don't think anyone's disputing that they'd be useful against handguns etc, but the example given was a sniper rifle. I'm willing to be proved wrong, but I'd be pretty surprised if they're developing Riot Shields that are resistant to 7.62 rounds. :D


In fact there are variants that stop armor piercing rifle rounds ( i'm pretty sure not .50 ) but as i stated above with around 10kg or more it's not something you just strap around your arm to defend yourself.

Edited by Enforcer
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I would like it in-game, but it shouldn't be bulletproof. It should be able to help you against melee attacks and thrown items (Implement this).

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I would like it in-game, but it shouldn't be bulletproof. It should be able to help you against melee attacks and thrown items (Implement this).

Thrown items are being worked on, with physics. :D

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Riot shields are made for riots (Big surprise right?).


They are designed to protect police from people throwing things at them like cans, rocks, bottles.  Yes a well made riot shield can stop small caliber rounds like pistols but that is it.  


Another problem is riot shields are not designed to be carried long distance.  They are not built for mobility, it would be tiring to be carrying run around all day and be running a marathon with it like your character would have to do in dayz.


There are military riot shields that are bullet proof but they are extremely heavy and not meant to be carried at all.  They are built to be deployed in place either with a tripod or spikes that dig into the ground.  


As for homemade shields...I doubt you can make anything that would protect you from more then a hatchet to the face.

Edited by harley001

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All we need now is smoke grenades, tear gas and moltov cocktails and we can all pretend to be Ukrainian rioters

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All we need now is smoke grenades, tear gas and moltov cocktails and we can all pretend to be Ukrainian rioters


BREAKING NEWS: Activists clad in motorcycle helmets protest in the streets of Chernarus!

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good suggestion, i'm all for specific police station loot. I agree it should be useless against bullets (except rubber bullets if they are ever added). This would be really useful against zombies and blunt melee weapons assaults. You could have a pipe wrench or knife in your right hand and the shield in your left. Would also be useful against thrown objects and arrows. I think they should copy the design of the Ukrainian riot shield, it looks very functional and apocalyptic.  


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Ballistic shields are in use by SWAT teams, aren't they? I imagine they could stop small calibre fire, and maybe even a Mosin shot from the other side of NWAF. At close range I imagine they'd be considerably less effective, however.

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