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Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

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I checked the experimental build, dean must be kidding.





Oh, and trees absorb the whole sun.






What about keeping the sun Yellow how its intended to be?

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I checked the experimental build, dean must be kidding.





Oh, and trees absorb the whole sun.






What about keeping the sun Yellow how its intended to be?

It's not blue, it's white. And that's not how it looks irl, it looks like a fog ingame.

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Hello there


He's done it deliberately to spite the playerbase from his new underground mansion filled with Lambo's and Pipsi.


TBH sun colouration is such a tiny wee issue. If it really gets to you then make a report in the bugtracker.


I think the sun is blue because you've all been so mean to Dean and as we all know he is the centre of our universe and the sun shines out of his bottom.





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It's blue because GDI SCUM!

Edited by Geckofrog7
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New HDR coming so probably they didn't notice this or are working on it.

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Blue? doesn't that mean a star is about to go nova or something?


The colour is relational to their heat.


When stars are due to go nova they will burn colder as they run out of material to burn.


Our sun cannot go nova, it's too small.

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The colour is relational to their heat.


When stars are due to go nova they will burn colder as they run out of material to burn.


Our sun cannot go nova, it's too small.

Stars are fascinating.

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The colour is relational to their heat.


When stars are due to go nova they will burn colder as they run out of material to burn.


Our sun cannot go nova, it's too small.


Well, it would turn into a blue dwarf after having killed all life on Earth... Soo.....

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I checked the experimental build, dean must be kidding.





Oh, and trees absorb the whole sun.






What about keeping the sun Yellow how its intended to be?


Um...Do you even know how light works in the real world? It's pretty absorbent from things it goes through and bounces off of.  In your first image it's a cloudy day.  As a photographer this is the perfect kind of day for photography because of the dispersion of light and dulling of the colour. When light bounces off objects in your house depending on the serface it will absorb it's colour, it's why you can see red hues around a coke can under a lamp, or the wall near a reddish wooden table will pick up some of that colour.  This Image is showing that it's working according to physics as much as the computer can handle.


As for the tree image, oh wow look it's casting a shadow and blocking the sun just like IRL. I'd say that's a very decent example of volumetric lighting in game and being rendered on the fly.  Granted yes in real life you could see some sun but our technology isn't at the level of rendering hundreds of thousands of pines on a tree yet.  Guess we'll have to wait for affordable quantum computing to game on.


oh P.S  the sun itself isn't even yellow in real life.  It's white hot as it expels and burns it's hydrogen at really high levels of heat.  We've just gotten used to as humans colouring it orange or yellow or in space documentaries showing a ball of flame because that's the best interpretation for something that's visually exciting.


You sir Fail



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Reminds me of BF3, just hurts the eyes. Also the sun is more south than it was in the mod. If it was up higher it wouldn't matter all that much.


I wonder if there will be Always cloudy servers just like there is 24/7 daytime servers. Might just play on servers that are on night time

Edited by WooTs

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My complaints about the sun:

1.) Way too bright and god-rays, they burn.

2.) Lens Flare... Please god no lens flare.


The color seems fine to me. Just please, no lens flare. And tone it back just a bit for most of the day. Right now, if the sun is anywhere on my screen, I am blind.

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Is there an option or a command in the cfg to maybe turn down the sun?

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I checked the experimental build, dean must be kidding.

I checked the experimental build.

the experimental build



Are you trying to tell us something?



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I checked the experimental build, dean must be kidding.

I checked the experimental build.

the experimental build



Was this on stable branch? 

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never run to elektro from behrizino down that road youll be blind :lol:


Doesn't everyone else use this as a tactic when looting towns? If there is sunshine I make sure it's behind me (which generally means coming from the South) so that if anyone is tracking me, or looking to shoot at me, will have to deal with the glare. Not so useful during the rain of course.. ;)

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My complaints about the sun:

1.) Way too bright and god-rays, they burn.

2.) Lens Flare... Please god no lens flare.


The color seems fine to me. Just please, no lens flare. And tone it back just a bit for most of the day. Right now, if the sun is anywhere on my screen, I am blind.


You sir are my hero! I totally agree that it's way too bright.  That's why I keep my server at 8am, it's not over the hills, you get that cool morning orange hue (To OP yes this is also like real life) and it's not in your face.

An actual great example of a beautiful sun that isn't in your face annoying is GTA V's


Have some beans.

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Random but sort of on topic:

If our star suddenly turned into a black hole, we'd still continue in orbit around it as it'd have exactly the same mass- it'd just be a lot darker lol... No light and all that.

Estimates says that if it did "black hole up" then it'd have a diameter of about 5 kms.

Of course, as it sucked in debris and matter then its mass would increase and eventually we'd be getting pulled in ourselves way in the future.

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