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Power Plant (map suggestion)

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as the title says, i suggest a nuclear power plant, chernobyl style, somewhere radiated with higher value loot / more zombies

the whole place just has a creepy vibe, and the building styles would fit perfectly

chernobyl /pripyat an-aerial-view-of-the-chernobyl-nuclear-

again i feel basing a town off of this area would be a superb addition to the map

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I think we should have something more actual, not so fucked up...

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I actually quite like this idea, it could suit Cherno very well. nice choice of pictures to. I would like to see the developers remove or reposition some of the very tall apartment buildings over looking Cherno as all of the cities once glorious sniping spots are now totally useless in terms of having no defense against those apartments. I haven't been to central Cherno once since i seen the view from those apartments rooftops, as a naughty little sniper in Cherno now has no good position to camp from and have even a small amount of cover as defense. Im not sure if anyone goes there now tbh in the same vein they would have in the mod.

Edited by Chiefo69
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Edited by Guest

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If they did add a nuclear power plant and it did go through a meltdown, the radiation would probably cover most of the map, or even the entire map. I also don't think you would find very valuable loot there, considering it's just an abandoned power plant


Zombies wouldn't be able to survive around that area either, considering they are like normal humans (minus the infection part)

Edited by Death Dealer
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If they did add a meltdown nuke plant, there would probably be no zombies as they would/should die from radiation poisoning if it happened AFTER Z Day, or there would be no humans to infect if it happened BEFORE Z Day.  I also don't see why it should have 'better' or more loot, as Chernobyl was pretty much just a civilian town, not a military base, they dropped what they were doing and GTFO.  Plus, most of the loot there would be irradiated, so screw eating any food or wearing any clothes you found there.


Now that said, lets say they do add a nuke plant, but that before everything went tits up they managed to do a proper shut down so it wouldn't  melt down.  I could still see there still being a few irradiated areas (namely waste storage, perhaps an easier way to get to the loot but with high risk of radiation) as well as a bit of zombies (guarding the non radioactive spots).  The loot would probably be somewhere between Police and Military type loot for the plant itself, as well as industrial stuff for crafting/repairs when that gets implemented.

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Now that i think about it...Chernogorsk is abbreviated Cherno...Chernobyl?

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Honestly he's right alot of the buildings look like that of electro or chernogorsk , look at the black and white picture of a construction site , recognize the Santa themed chimney ?

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