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Got hit by Bullet - wow, and now?

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Sup guys, i was on the airfield and got hit by a bullet from a mosin. Its ok, my mate and he killed each together.

So i was there, bleeding, my legs was brooken (rly)?, couldnt use bandage cause of the shoot (ruined), couldnt make rags cause ruind shirt. My wooden sticks for brooken bones couldnt be used cause of 4 stacks of bandages ruined. Serious rocket? Playing since the first day now, but this shit with the ruined items, i dont know !

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Keeps supplies spread out in your inventory. If you keep all your medical supplies in areas that get damaged easily like a vest shirt or pants then this scenario happens. I find it best to keeps bandages in every cloth item for this reason.

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Put your bandages inside a medkit , inside a protector case , inside your backpack (leave them hotkeyed) rarely will a 1/2 bullets penetrate all three layers. However m4 spray will. 

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its buggy, my m8 died from a single headshot, everything was ruined...


tacvest, pants, backpack and his acog get badly dmg from a headshot too... wtf


but hey its alpha i know... :)

Edited by quantum2k6
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It makes sense?



Not really, how could a shot in your lower leg ruin what's in the pockets at your waist? unless of course you piss yourself...that would ruin the contents...  Not really well thought out but on the other hand makes people who want loot think twice about KoSing but won#t stop general KoSing without looting.

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Rocket has said that item damage is a mess and that he wants to re-do it, all I can suggest is trying not to get shot.

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Put your medical supplies in a backpack and hide it someplace near before you go looting.

Edited by Renu

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Sup guys, i was on the airfield and got hit by a bullet from a mosin. Its ok, my mate and he killed each together.

So i was there, bleeding, my legs was brooken (rly)?, couldnt use bandage cause of the shoot (ruined), couldnt make rags cause ruind shirt. My wooden sticks for brooken bones couldnt be used cause of 4 stacks of bandages ruined. Serious rocket? Playing since the first day now, but this shit with the ruined items, i dont know !


1, Don't get shot.

2. If you can't apply number 1, always carry important stuff in your backpack.

3. Protector cases are your friend.

Edited by weedmasta

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1. Find protector case.

2. Find medkit.
3. Put medkit inside protector case.
4. ????
5. Profit

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I always keep some rags or bandages in my shirt, pants and backpack for that reason.


I was running across an open field yesterday and all of the sudden my legs were broken for no reason.
And everything in my pants was ruined.
Don't keep anything important in your pants.

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I make sure to spread my bandages and morphine across all 10 of my first aid kits.  Granted, I don't make a habit of getting shot or jumping off ladders (even climbing them in general) but if something did happen I can help myself and others.


Not all your eggs in one basket and such.

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Ive been shot once by a mosin which somehow ruined my pants, vest, shirt and backpack. It's 1 bullet, if it hits the bottom of your backpack, only the bottom row should be ruined.


Not to mention a bullet will make a hole in a shirt, not completely ruin the thing rendering any other part of the shirt unusable. That's how it should work in-game.

Edited by LigerRider

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Put your medical supplies in a backpack and hide it someplace near before you go looting.



Won't it despawn?

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Playing since the first day now, but this shit with the ruined items, i dont know !


Just think how many times you must have read that Alpha warning...  :rolleyes:



Seriously though, we all know that the damage is rooked just now and needs serious work to get it close to being realistic. 

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tacvest, pants, backpack and his acog get badly dmg from a headshot too... wtf


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Not really, how could a shot in your lower leg ruin what's in the pockets at your waist? unless of course you piss yourself...that would ruin the contents...  Not really well thought out but on the other hand makes people who want loot think twice about KoSing but won#t stop general KoSing without looting.

When it works the way it's supposed to it does make sense.

But it's buggy and ruins everything sometimes.

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